mirror of https://github.com/strongdm/comply synced 2024-10-02 15:43:00 +00:00
2018-05-23 14:18:28 -07:00

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Comply is a SOC2-focused compliance automation tool:
- **Policy Generator**: markdown-powered **document pipeline** for publishing auditor-friendly **policy documents**
- **Ticketing Integration**: automate compliance throughout the year via your existing **ticketing system**
- **SOC2 Templates**: open source policy and procedure **templates** suitable for satisfying a SOC2 audit
# Installation
`brew tap strongdm/comply; brew install comply`
[Download latest release](https://github.com/strongdm/comply/releases)
Go users:
`go get github.com/strongdm/comply`
# Get Started
Start with `comply init`:
$ mkdir my-company
$ cd my-company
$ comply init
Once `comply init` is complete, just `git init` and `git push` your project to a new repository. You're ready to begin editing the included policy boilerplate text.
# Discussion
Join us in [Comply Users](https://join.slack.com/t/comply-users/shared_invite/enQtMzU3MTk5MDkxNDU4LTMwYzZkMjA4YjQ2YTM5Zjc0NTAyYWY5MDBlOGMwMzRmZTk5YzBlOTRiMTVlNGRlZjY1MTY1NDE0MjY5ZjYwNWU)
# Screenshots
[Demo video](https://vimeo.com/270257486)
## Start a Project
![screencast 1](sc-1.gif)
## Build PDFs
![screencast 4](sc-4.gif)
![pdf example](pdf-example.png)
## Track Policy Coverage
![screencast 3](sc-2.gif)
## Dashboard
![screencast 2](sc-3.gif)
## Dependencies
Comply relies on [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/), which can be installed directly as an OS package or invoked via Docker.
## CLI
comply - policy compliance toolkit
comply [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
init initialize a new compliance repository (interactive)
build, b generate a static website summarizing the compliance program
procedure, proc create ticket by procedure ID
scheduler create tickets based on procedure schedule
serve live updating version of the build command
sync sync ticket status to local cache
todo list declared vs satisfied compliance controls
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command