	Dimension by HTML5 UP
	html5up.net | @ajlkn
	Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)

(function($) {

	var	$window = $(window),
		$body = $('body'),
		$wrapper = $('#wrapper'),
		$header = $('#header'),
		$footer = $('#footer'),
		$main = $('#main'),
		$main_articles = $main.children('article');

	// Breakpoints.
			xlarge:   [ '1281px',  '1680px' ],
			large:    [ '981px',   '1280px' ],
			medium:   [ '737px',   '980px'  ],
			small:    [ '481px',   '736px'  ],
			xsmall:   [ '361px',   '480px'  ],
			xxsmall:  [ null,      '360px'  ]

	// Play initial animations on page load.
		$window.on('load', function() {
			window.setTimeout(function() {
			}, 100);

	// Fix: Flexbox min-height bug on IE.
		if (browser.name == 'ie') {

			var flexboxFixTimeoutId;

			$window.on('resize.flexbox-fix', function() {


				flexboxFixTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {

					if ($wrapper.prop('scrollHeight') > $window.height())
						$wrapper.css('height', 'auto');
						$wrapper.css('height', '100vh');

				}, 250);



	// Nav.
		var $nav = $header.children('nav'),
			$nav_li = $nav.find('li');

		// Add "middle" alignment classes if we're dealing with an even number of items.
			if ($nav_li.length % 2 == 0) {

				$nav_li.eq( ($nav_li.length / 2) ).addClass('is-middle');


	// Main.
		var	delay = 325,
			locked = false,
			nohash = false;

		// Set nohash.
			if (location.hash == '' || location.hash == '#')
				nohash = true;

		// Methods.
			$main._show = function(id, initial) {

				var $article = $main_articles.filter('#' + id);

				// No such article? Bail.
					if ($article.length == 0)

				// Handle lock.

					// Already locked? Speed through "show" steps w/o delays.
						if (locked || (typeof initial != 'undefined' && initial === true)) {

							// Mark as switching.

							// Mark as visible.

							// Deactivate all articles (just in case one's already active).

							// Hide header, footer.

							// Show main, article.

							// Activate article.

							// Unlock.
								locked = false;

							// Unmark as switching.
								setTimeout(function() {
								}, (initial ? 1000 : 0));



					// Lock.
						locked = true;

				// Article already visible? Just swap articles.
					if ($body.hasClass('is-article-visible')) {

						// Deactivate current article.
							var $currentArticle = $main_articles.filter('.active');


						// Show article.
							setTimeout(function() {

								// Hide current article.

								// Show article.

								// Activate article.
									setTimeout(function() {


										// Window stuff.

										// Unlock.
											setTimeout(function() {
												locked = false;
											}, delay);

									}, 25);

							}, delay);


				// Otherwise, handle as normal.
					else {

						// Mark as visible.

						// Show article.
							setTimeout(function() {

								// Hide header, footer.

								// Show main, article.

								// Activate article.
									setTimeout(function() {


										// Window stuff.

										// Unlock.
											setTimeout(function() {
												locked = false;
											}, delay);

									}, 25);

							}, delay);



			$main._hide = function(addState) {

				var $article = $main_articles.filter('.active');

				// Article not visible? Bail.
					if (!$body.hasClass('is-article-visible'))

				// Add state?
					if (typeof addState != 'undefined'
					&&	addState === true)
						history.replaceState(null, null, '/');

				// Handle lock.

					// Already locked? Speed through "hide" steps w/o delays.
						if (locked) {

							// Mark as switching.

							// Deactivate article.

							// Hide article, main.

							// Show footer, header.

							// Unmark as visible.

							// Unlock.
								locked = false;

							// Unmark as switching.

							// Window stuff.



					// Lock.
						locked = true;

				// Deactivate article.

				// Hide article.
					setTimeout(function() {

						// Hide article, main.

						// Show footer, header.

						// Unmark as visible.
							setTimeout(function() {


								// Window stuff.

								// Unlock.
									setTimeout(function() {
										locked = false;
									}, delay);

							}, 25);

					}, delay);


		// Articles.
			$main_articles.each(function() {

				var $this = $(this);

				// Close.
					$('<div class="close">Close</div>')
						.on('click', function() {
							if (nohash) {
							} else {
								nohash = true;

				// Prevent clicks from inside article from bubbling.
					$this.on('click', function(event) {


		// Events.
			$body.on('click', function(event) {

				// Article visible? Go back. Hide when article is accessed first.
					if ($body.hasClass('is-article-visible')) {
						if (nohash) {
						} else {
							nohash = true;


			$window.on('keyup', function(event) {

				switch (event.keyCode) {

					case 27:

						// Article visible? Hide.
							if ($body.hasClass('is-article-visible'))





			$window.on('hashchange', function(event) {

				// Empty hash?
					if (location.hash == ''
					||	location.hash == '#') {

						// Prevent default.

						// Hide.


				// Otherwise, check for a matching article.
					else if ($main_articles.filter(location.hash).length > 0) {

						// Prevent default.

						// Show article.



		// Scroll restoration.
		// This prevents the page from scrolling back to the top on a hashchange.
			if ('scrollRestoration' in history)
				history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
			else {

				var	oldScrollPos = 0,
					scrollPos = 0,
					$htmlbody = $('html,body');

					.on('scroll', function() {

						oldScrollPos = scrollPos;
						scrollPos = $htmlbody.scrollTop();

					.on('hashchange', function() {


		// Initialize.

			// Hide main, articles.

			// Initial article.
				if (location.hash != ''
				&&	location.hash != '#')
					$window.on('load', function() {
						$main._show(location.hash.substr(1), true);
