mirror of https://github.com/djohnlewis/stackdump synced 2025-03-12 05:36:36 +00:00

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Exports a SQLObject class (possibly annotated) to a CSV file.
import os
import csv
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
import sqlobject
__all__ = ['export_csv', 'export_csv_zip']
def export_csv(soClass, select=None, writer=None, connection=None,
Export the SQLObject class ``soClass`` to a CSV file.
``soClass`` can also be a SelectResult object, as returned by
``.select()``. If it is a class, all objects will be retrieved,
ordered by ``orderBy`` if given, or the ``.csvOrderBy`` attribute
if present (but csvOrderBy will only be applied when no select
result is given).
You can also pass in select results (or simply a list of
instances) in ``select`` -- if you have a list of objects (not a
SelectResult instance, as produced by ``.select()``) then you must
pass it in with ``select`` and pass the class in as the first
``writer`` is a ``csv.writer()`` object, or a file-like object.
If not given, the string of the file will be returned.
Uses ``connection`` as the data source, if given, otherwise the
default connection.
Columns can be annotated with ``.csvTitle`` attributes, which will
form the attributes of the columns, or 'title' (secondarily), or
if nothing then the column attribute name.
If a column has a ``.noCSV`` attribute which is true, then the
column will be suppressed.
Additionally a class can have an ``.extraCSVColumns`` attribute,
which should be a list of strings/tuples. If a tuple, it should
be like ``(attribute, title)``, otherwise it is the attribute,
which will also be the title. These will be appended to the end
of the CSV file; the attribute will be retrieved from instances.
Also a ``.csvColumnOrder`` attribute can be on the class, which is
the string names of attributes in the order they should be
return_fileobj = None
if not writer:
return_fileobj = StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(return_fileobj)
elif not hasattr(writer, 'writerow'):
writer = csv.writer(writer)
if isinstance(soClass, sqlobject.SQLObject.SelectResultsClass):
assert select is None, (
"You cannot pass in a select argument (%r) and a SelectResult argument (%r) for soClass"
% (select, soClass))
select = soClass
soClass = select.sourceClass
elif select is None:
select = soClass.select()
if getattr(soClass, 'csvOrderBy', None):
select = select.orderBy(soClass.csvOrderBy)
if orderBy:
select = select.orderBy(orderBy)
if connection:
select = select.connection(connection)
_actually_export_csv(soClass, select, writer)
if return_fileobj:
# They didn't pass any writer or file object in, so we return
# the string result:
return return_fileobj.getvalue()
def _actually_export_csv(soClass, select, writer):
attributes, titles = _find_columns(soClass)
for soInstance in select:
row = [getattr(soInstance, attr)
for attr in attributes]
def _find_columns(soClass):
order = []
attrs = {}
for col in soClass.sqlmeta.columnList:
if getattr(col, 'noCSV', False):
title = col.name
if hasattr(col, 'csvTitle'):
title = col.csvTitle
elif getattr(col, 'title', None) is not None:
title = col.title
attrs[col.name] = title
for attrDesc in getattr(soClass, 'extraCSVColumns', []):
if isinstance(attrDesc, (list, tuple)):
attr, title = attrDesc
attr = title = attrDesc
attrs[attr] = title
if hasattr(soClass, 'csvColumnOrder'):
oldOrder = order
order = soClass.csvColumnOrder
for attr in order:
if attr not in oldOrder:
raise KeyError(
"Attribute %r in csvColumnOrder (on class %r) does not exist as a column or in .extraCSVColumns (I have: %r)"
% (attr, soClass, oldOrder))
titles = [attrs[attr] for attr in order]
return order, titles
def export_csv_zip(soClasses, file=None, zip=None, filename_prefix='',
Export several SQLObject classes into a .zip file. Each
item in the ``soClasses`` list may be a SQLObject class,
select result, or ``(soClass, select)`` tuple.
Each file in the zip will be named after the class name (with
``.csv`` appended), or using the filename in the ``.csvFilename``
If ``file`` is given, the zip will be written to that. ``file``
may be a string (a filename) or a file-like object. If not given,
a string will be returnd.
If ``zip`` is given, then the files will be written to that zip
All filenames will be prefixed with ``filename_prefix`` (which may
be a directory name, for instance).
import zipfile
close_file_when_finished = False
close_zip_when_finished = True
return_when_finished = False
if file:
if isinstance(file, basestring):
close_when_finished = True
file = open(file, 'wb')
elif zip:
close_zip_when_finished = False
return_when_finished = True
file = StringIO()
if not zip:
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file, mode='w')
_actually_export_classes(soClasses, zip, filename_prefix,
if close_zip_when_finished:
if close_file_when_finished:
if return_when_finished:
return file.getvalue()
def _actually_export_classes(soClasses, zip, filename_prefix,
for classDesc in soClasses:
if isinstance(classDesc, (tuple, list)):
soClass, select = classDesc
elif isinstance(classDesc, sqlobject.SQLObject.SelectResultsClass):
select = classDesc
soClass = select.sourceClass
soClass = classDesc
select = None
filename = getattr(soClass, 'csvFilename', soClass.__name__)
if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]:
filename += '.csv'
filename = filename_prefix + filename
export_csv(soClass, select, connection=connection))