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from sqlobject.dbconnection import DBAPI
from sqlobject import col
class SybaseConnection(DBAPI):
supportTransactions = False
dbName = 'sybase'
schemes = [dbName]
NumericType = None
def __init__(self, db, user, password='', host='localhost', port=None,
locking=1, **kw):
db = db.strip('/')
import Sybase
Sybase._ctx.debug = 0
if SybaseConnection.NumericType is None:
from Sybase import NumericType
SybaseConnection.NumericType = NumericType
from sqlobject.converters import registerConverter, IntConverter
registerConverter(NumericType, IntConverter)
self.module = Sybase
self.locking = int(locking)
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.db = db
self.user = user
self.password = password
autoCommit = kw.get('autoCommit')
if autoCommit:
autoCommmit = int(autoCommit)
autoCommit = None
kw['autoCommit'] = autoCommit
DBAPI.__init__(self, **kw)
def _connectionFromParams(cls, user, password, host, port, path, args):
return cls(user=user, password=password,
host=host or 'localhost', port=port, db=path, **args)
def insert_id(self, conn):
Sybase adapter/cursor does not support the
insert_id method.
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT @@IDENTITY')
return c.fetchone()[0]
def makeConnection(self):
return self.module.connect(self.host, self.user, self.password,
database=self.db, auto_commit=self.autoCommit,
SELECT col.name, col.status, obj.name
FROM syscolumns col
JOIN sysobjects obj
ON obj.id = col.id
WHERE obj.name = '%s'
AND (col.status & 0x80) = 0x80
def _hasIdentity(self, conn, table):
query = self.HAS_IDENTITY % table
c = conn.cursor()
r = c.fetchone()
return r is not None
def _queryInsertID(self, conn, soInstance, id, names, values):
table = soInstance.sqlmeta.table
idName = soInstance.sqlmeta.idName
c = conn.cursor()
if id is not None:
names = [idName] + names
values = [id] + values
has_identity = self._hasIdentity(conn, table)
identity_insert_on = False
if has_identity and (id is not None):
identity_insert_on = True
c.execute('SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s ON' % table)
q = self._insertSQL(table, names, values)
if self.debug:
print 'QueryIns: %s' % q
if has_identity and identity_insert_on:
c.execute('SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s OFF' % table)
if id is None:
id = self.insert_id(conn)
if self.debugOutput:
self.printDebug(conn, id, 'QueryIns', 'result')
return id
def _queryAddLimitOffset(cls, query, start, end):
# XXX Sybase doesn't support OFFSET
if end:
return "SET ROWCOUNT %i %s SET ROWCOUNT 0" % (end, query)
return query
def createReferenceConstraint(self, soClass, col):
return None
def createColumn(self, soClass, col):
return col.sybaseCreateSQL()
def createIDColumn(self, soClass):
key_type = {int: "NUMERIC(18,0)", str: "TEXT"}[soClass.sqlmeta.idType]
return '%s %s IDENTITY UNIQUE' % (soClass.sqlmeta.idName, key_type)
def createIndexSQL(self, soClass, index):
return index.sybaseCreateIndexSQL(soClass)
def joinSQLType(self, join):
return 'NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL'
SHOW_TABLES="SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type='U'"
def tableExists(self, tableName):
for (table,) in self.queryAll(self.SHOW_TABLES):
if table.lower() == tableName.lower():
return True
return False
def addColumn(self, tableName, column):
self.query('ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s' %
def delColumn(self, sqlmeta, column):
self.query('ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s' % (sqlmeta.table, column.dbName))
'WHERE TABLE_NAME = \'%s\'')
def columnsFromSchema(self, tableName, soClass):
colData = self.queryAll(self.SHOW_COLUMNS
% tableName)
results = []
for field, t, nullAllowed, default in colData:
if field == soClass.sqlmeta.idName:
colClass, kw = self.guessClass(t)
kw['name'] = soClass.sqlmeta.style.dbColumnToPythonAttr(field)
kw['dbName'] = field
kw['notNone'] = not nullAllowed
kw['default'] = default
# @@ skip key...
# @@ skip extra...
kw['forceDBName'] = True
return results
def _setAutoCommit(self, conn, auto):
conn.auto_commit = auto
def guessClass(self, t):
if t.startswith('int'):
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t.startswith('varchar'):
return col.StringCol, {'length': int(t[8:-1])}
elif t.startswith('char'):
return col.StringCol, {'length': int(t[5:-1]),
'varchar': False}
elif t.startswith('datetime'):
return col.DateTimeCol, {}
return col.Col, {}