""" sqlobject.sqlbuilder -------------------- :author: Ian Bicking <ianb@colorstudy.com> Builds SQL expressions from normal Python expressions. Disclaimer ---------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Instructions ------------ To begin a SQL expression, you must use some sort of SQL object -- a field, table, or SQL statement (``SELECT``, ``INSERT``, etc.) You can then use normal operators, with the exception of: `and`, `or`, `not`, and `in`. You can use the `AND`, `OR`, `NOT`, and `IN` functions instead, or you can also use `&`, `|`, and `~` for `and`, `or`, and `not` respectively (however -- the precidence for these operators doesn't work as you would want, so you must use many parenthesis). To create a sql field, table, or constant/function, use the namespaces `table`, `const`, and `func`. For instance, ``table.address`` refers to the ``address`` table, and ``table.address.state`` refers to the ``state`` field in the address table. ``const.NULL`` is the ``NULL`` SQL constant, and ``func.NOW()`` is the ``NOW()`` function call (`const` and `func` are actually identicle, but the two names are provided for clarity). Once you create this object, expressions formed with it will produce SQL statements. The ``sqlrepr(obj)`` function gets the SQL representation of these objects, as well as the proper SQL representation of basic Python types (None==NULL). There are a number of DB-specific SQL features that this does not implement. There are a bunch of normal ANSI features also not present. See the bottom of this module for some examples, and run it (i.e. ``python sql.py``) to see the results of those examples. """ ######################################## ## Constants ######################################## import fnmatch import operator import re import threading import types import weakref import classregistry from converters import sqlrepr, registerConverter class VersionError(Exception): pass class NoDefault: pass class SQLObjectState(object): def __init__(self, soObject, connection=None): self.soObject = weakref.proxy(soObject) self.connection = connection safeSQLRE = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*$') def sqlIdentifier(obj): # some db drivers return unicode column names return isinstance(obj, basestring) and bool(safeSQLRE.search(obj.strip())) def execute(expr, executor): if hasattr(expr, 'execute'): return expr.execute(executor) else: return expr ######################################## ## Expression generation ######################################## class SQLExpression: def __add__(self, other): return SQLOp("+", self, other) def __radd__(self, other): return SQLOp("+", other, self) def __sub__(self, other): return SQLOp("-", self, other) def __rsub__(self, other): return SQLOp("-", other, self) def __mul__(self, other): return SQLOp("*", self, other) def __rmul__(self, other): return SQLOp("*", other, self) def __div__(self, other): return SQLOp("/", self, other) def __rdiv__(self, other): return SQLOp("/", other, self) def __pos__(self): return SQLPrefix("+", self) def __neg__(self): return SQLPrefix("-", self) def __pow__(self, other): return SQLConstant("POW")(self, other) def __rpow__(self, other): return SQLConstant("POW")(other, self) def __abs__(self): return SQLConstant("ABS")(self) def __mod__(self, other): return SQLConstant("MOD")(self, other) def __rmod__(self, other): return SQLConstant("MOD")(other, self) def __lt__(self, other): return SQLOp("<", self, other) def __le__(self, other): return SQLOp("<=", self, other) def __gt__(self, other): return SQLOp(">", self, other) def __ge__(self, other): return SQLOp(">=", self, other) def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return ISNULL(self) else: return SQLOp("=", self, other) def __ne__(self, other): if other is None: return ISNOTNULL(self) else: return SQLOp("<>", self, other) def __and__(self, other): return SQLOp("AND", self, other) def __rand__(self, other): return SQLOp("AND", other, self) def __or__(self, other): return SQLOp("OR", self, other) def __ror__(self, other): return SQLOp("OR", other, self) def __invert__(self): return SQLPrefix("NOT", self) def __call__(self, *args): return SQLCall(self, args) def __repr__(self): try: return self.__sqlrepr__(None) except AssertionError: return '<%s %s>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self))[2:]) def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __cmp__(self, other): raise VersionError, "Python 2.1+ required" def __rcmp__(self, other): raise VersionError, "Python 2.1+ required" def startswith(self, s): return STARTSWITH(self, s) def endswith(self, s): return ENDSWITH(self, s) def contains(self, s): return CONTAINSSTRING(self, s) def components(self): return [] def tablesUsed(self, db): return self.tablesUsedSet(db) def tablesUsedSet(self, db): tables = set() for table in self.tablesUsedImmediate(): if hasattr(table, '__sqlrepr__'): table = sqlrepr(table, db) tables.add(table) for component in self.components(): tables.update(tablesUsedSet(component, db)) return tables def tablesUsedImmediate(self): return [] ####################################### # Converter for SQLExpression instances ####################################### def SQLExprConverter(value, db): return value.__sqlrepr__() registerConverter(SQLExpression, SQLExprConverter) def tablesUsedSet(obj, db): if hasattr(obj, "tablesUsedSet"): return obj.tablesUsedSet(db) else: return {} operatorMap = { "+": operator.add, "/": operator.div, "-": operator.sub, "*": operator.mul, "<": operator.lt, "<=": operator.le, "=": operator.eq, "!=": operator.ne, ">=": operator.ge, ">": operator.gt, "IN": operator.contains, "IS": operator.eq, } class SQLOp(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, op, expr1, expr2): self.op = op.upper() self.expr1 = expr1 self.expr2 = expr2 def __sqlrepr__(self, db): s1 = sqlrepr(self.expr1, db) s2 = sqlrepr(self.expr2, db) if s1[0] != '(' and s1 != 'NULL': s1 = '(' + s1 + ')' if s2[0] != '(' and s2 != 'NULL': s2 = '(' + s2 + ')' return "(%s %s %s)" % (s1, self.op, s2) def components(self): return [self.expr1, self.expr2] def execute(self, executor): if self.op == "AND": return execute(self.expr1, executor) \ and execute(self.expr2, executor) elif self.op == "OR": return execute(self.expr1, executor) \ or execute(self.expr2, executor) else: return operatorMap[self.op.upper()](execute(self.expr1, executor), execute(self.expr2, executor)) registerConverter(SQLOp, SQLExprConverter) class SQLCall(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, expr, args): self.expr = expr self.args = args def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return "%s%s" % (sqlrepr(self.expr, db), sqlrepr(self.args, db)) def components(self): return [self.expr] + list(self.args) def execute(self, executor): raise ValueError, "I don't yet know how to locally execute functions" registerConverter(SQLCall, SQLExprConverter) class SQLPrefix(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, prefix, expr): self.prefix = prefix self.expr = expr def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return "%s %s" % (self.prefix, sqlrepr(self.expr, db)) def components(self): return [self.expr] def execute(self, executor): expr = execute(self.expr, executor) if prefix == "+": return expr elif prefix == "-": return -expr elif prefix.upper() == "NOT": return not expr registerConverter(SQLPrefix, SQLExprConverter) class SQLConstant(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, const): self.const = const def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return self.const def execute(self, executor): raise ValueError, "I don't yet know how to execute SQL constants" registerConverter(SQLConstant, SQLExprConverter) class SQLTrueClauseClass(SQLExpression): def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return "1 = 1" def execute(self, executor): return 1 SQLTrueClause = SQLTrueClauseClass() registerConverter(SQLTrueClauseClass, SQLExprConverter) ######################################## ## Namespaces ######################################## class Field(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, tableName, fieldName): self.tableName = tableName self.fieldName = fieldName def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return self.tableName + "." + self.fieldName def tablesUsedImmediate(self): return [self.tableName] def execute(self, executor): return executor.field(self.tableName, self.fieldName) class SQLObjectField(Field): def __init__(self, tableName, fieldName, original, soClass, column): Field.__init__(self, tableName, fieldName) self.original = original self.soClass = soClass self.column = column def _from_python(self, value): column = self.column if not isinstance(value, SQLExpression) and column and column.from_python: value = column.from_python(value, SQLObjectState(self.soClass)) return value def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return ISNULL(self) other = self._from_python(other) return SQLOp('=', self, other) def __ne__(self, other): if other is None: return ISNOTNULL(self) other = self._from_python(other) return SQLOp('<>', self, other) def startswith(self, s): s = self._from_python(s) return STARTSWITH(self, s) def endswith(self, s): s = self._from_python(s) return ENDSWITH(self, s) def contains(self, s): s = self._from_python(s) return CONTAINSSTRING(self, s) registerConverter(SQLObjectField, SQLExprConverter) class Table(SQLExpression): FieldClass = Field def __init__(self, tableName): self.tableName = tableName def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError return self.FieldClass(self.tableName, attr) def __sqlrepr__(self, db): if isinstance(self.tableName, str): return self.tableName return sqlrepr(self.tableName, db) def execute(self, executor): raise ValueError, "Tables don't have values" class SQLObjectTable(Table): FieldClass = SQLObjectField def __init__(self, soClass): self.soClass = soClass assert soClass.sqlmeta.table, ( "Bad table name in class %r: %r" % (soClass, soClass.sqlmeta.table)) Table.__init__(self, soClass.sqlmeta.table) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError if attr == 'id': return self._getattrFromID(attr) elif attr in self.soClass.sqlmeta.columns: column = self.soClass.sqlmeta.columns[attr] return self._getattrFromColumn(column, attr) elif attr+'ID' in [k for (k, v) in self.soClass.sqlmeta.columns.items() if v.foreignKey]: attr += 'ID' column = self.soClass.sqlmeta.columns[attr] return self._getattrFromColumn(column, attr) else: raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" % (self.soClass.__name__, attr)) def _getattrFromID(self, attr): return self.FieldClass(self.tableName, self.soClass.sqlmeta.idName, attr, self.soClass, None) def _getattrFromColumn(self, column, attr): return self.FieldClass(self.tableName, column.dbName, attr, self.soClass, column) class SQLObjectTableWithJoins(SQLObjectTable): def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr+'ID' in [k for (k, v) in self.soClass.sqlmeta.columns.items() if v.foreignKey]: column = self.soClass.sqlmeta.columns[attr+'ID'] return self._getattrFromForeignKey(column, attr) elif attr in [x.joinMethodName for x in self.soClass.sqlmeta.joins]: join = [x for x in self.soClass.sqlmeta.joins if x.joinMethodName == attr][0] return self._getattrFromJoin(join, attr) else: return SQLObjectTable.__getattr__(self, attr) def _getattrFromForeignKey(self, column, attr): ret = getattr(self, column.name) == \ getattr(self.soClass, '_SO_class_'+column.foreignKey).q.id return ret def _getattrFromJoin(self, join, attr): if hasattr(join, 'otherColumn'): return AND(join.otherClass.q.id == Field(join.intermediateTable, join.otherColumn), Field(join.intermediateTable, join.joinColumn) == self.soClass.q.id) else: return getattr(join.otherClass.q, join.joinColumn)==self.soClass.q.id class TableSpace: TableClass = Table def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError return self.TableClass(attr) class ConstantSpace: def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError return SQLConstant(attr) ######################################## ## Table aliases ######################################## class AliasField(Field): def __init__(self, tableName, fieldName, alias, aliasTable): Field.__init__(self, tableName, fieldName) self.alias = alias self.aliasTable = aliasTable def __sqlrepr__(self, db): fieldName = self.fieldName if isinstance(fieldName, SQLExpression): fieldName = sqlrepr(fieldName, db) return self.alias + "." + fieldName def tablesUsedImmediate(self): return [self.aliasTable] class AliasTable(Table): as_string = '' # set it to "AS" if your database requires it FieldClass = AliasField _alias_lock = threading.Lock() _alias_counter = 0 def __init__(self, table, alias=None): if hasattr(table, "sqlmeta"): tableName = SQLConstant(table.sqlmeta.table) elif isinstance(table, (Select, Union)): assert alias is not None, "Alias name cannot be constructed from Select instances, please provide 'alias' kw." tableName = Subquery('', table) table = None else: tableName = SQLConstant(table) table = None Table.__init__(self, tableName) self.table = table if alias is None: self._alias_lock.acquire() try: AliasTable._alias_counter += 1 alias = "%s_alias%d" % (tableName, AliasTable._alias_counter) finally: self._alias_lock.release() self.alias = alias def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError if self.table: attr = getattr(self.table.q, attr).fieldName return self.FieldClass(self.tableName, attr, self.alias, self) def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return "%s %s %s" % (sqlrepr(self.tableName, db), self.as_string, self.alias) class Alias(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, table, alias=None): self.q = AliasTable(table, alias) def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return sqlrepr(self.q, db) def components(self): return [self.q] class Union(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, *tables): tabs = [] for t in tables: if not isinstance(t, SQLExpression) and hasattr(t, 'sqlmeta'): t = t.sqlmeta.table if isinstance(t, Alias): t = t.q if isinstance(t, Table): t = t.tableName if not isinstance(t, SQLExpression): t = SQLConstant(t) tabs.append(t) self.tables = tabs def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return " UNION ".join([str(sqlrepr(t, db)) for t in self.tables]) ######################################## ## SQL Statements ######################################## class Select(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, items=NoDefault, where=NoDefault, groupBy=NoDefault, having=NoDefault, orderBy=NoDefault, limit=NoDefault, join=NoDefault, lazyColumns=False, distinct=False, start=0, end=None, reversed=False, forUpdate=False, clause=NoDefault, staticTables=NoDefault, distinctOn=NoDefault): self.ops = {} if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple, types.GeneratorType)): items = [items] if clause is NoDefault and where is not NoDefault: clause = where if staticTables is NoDefault: staticTables = [] self.ops['items'] = items self.ops['clause'] = clause self.ops['groupBy'] = groupBy self.ops['having'] = having self.ops['orderBy'] = orderBy self.ops['limit'] = limit self.ops['join'] = join self.ops['lazyColumns'] = lazyColumns self.ops['distinct'] = distinct self.ops['distinctOn'] = distinctOn self.ops['start'] = start self.ops['end'] = end self.ops['reversed'] = reversed self.ops['forUpdate'] = forUpdate self.ops['staticTables'] = staticTables def clone(self, **newOps): ops = self.ops.copy() ops.update(newOps) return self.__class__(**ops) def newItems(self, items): return self.clone(items=items) def newClause(self, new_clause): return self.clone(clause=new_clause) def orderBy(self, orderBy): return self.clone(orderBy=orderBy) def unlimited(self): return self.clone(limit=NoDefault, start=0, end=None) def limit(self, limit): self.clone(limit=limit) def lazyColumns(self, value): return self.clone(lazyColumns=value) def reversed(self): return self.clone(reversed=not self.ops.get('reversed', False)) def distinct(self): return self.clone(distinct=True) def filter(self, filter_clause): if filter_clause is None: # None doesn't filter anything, it's just a no-op: return self clause = self.ops['clause'] if isinstance(clause, basestring): clause = SQLConstant('(%s)' % clause) if clause == SQLTrueClause: newClause = filter_clause else: newClause = AND(clause, filter_clause) return self.newClause(newClause) def __sqlrepr__(self, db): select = "SELECT" if self.ops['distinct']: select += " DISTINCT" if self.ops['distinctOn'] is not NoDefault: select += " ON(%s)" % sqlrepr(self.ops['distinctOn'], db) if not self.ops['lazyColumns']: select += " %s" % ", ".join([str(sqlrepr(v, db)) for v in self.ops['items']]) else: select += " %s" % sqlrepr(self.ops['items'][0], db) join = [] join_str = '' if self.ops['join'] is not NoDefault and self.ops['join'] is not None: _join = self.ops['join'] if isinstance(_join, str): join_str = " " + _join elif isinstance(_join, SQLJoin): join.append(_join) else: join.extend(_join) tables = set() for x in self.ops['staticTables']: if isinstance(x, SQLExpression): x = sqlrepr(x, db) tables.add(x) things = list(self.ops['items']) + join if self.ops['clause'] is not NoDefault: things.append(self.ops['clause']) for thing in things: if isinstance(thing, SQLExpression): tables.update(tablesUsedSet(thing, db)) for j in join: t1, t2 = sqlrepr(j.table1, db), sqlrepr(j.table2, db) if t1 in tables: tables.remove(t1) if t2 in tables: tables.remove(t2) if tables: select += " FROM %s" % ", ".join(tables) elif join: select += " FROM" tablesYet = tables for j in join: if tablesYet and j.table1: sep = ", " else: sep = " " select += sep + sqlrepr(j, db) tablesYet = True if join_str: select += join_str if self.ops['clause'] is not NoDefault: select += " WHERE %s" % sqlrepr(self.ops['clause'], db) if self.ops['groupBy'] is not NoDefault: groupBy = sqlrepr(self.ops['groupBy'], db) if isinstance(self.ops['groupBy'], (list, tuple)): groupBy = groupBy[1:-1] # Remove parens select += " GROUP BY %s" % groupBy if self.ops['having'] is not NoDefault: select += " HAVING %s" % sqlrepr(self.ops['having'], db) if self.ops['orderBy'] is not NoDefault and self.ops['orderBy'] is not None: orderBy = self.ops['orderBy'] if self.ops['reversed']: reverser = DESC else: reverser = lambda x: x if isinstance(orderBy, (list, tuple)): select += " ORDER BY %s" % ", ".join([sqlrepr(reverser(x), db) for x in orderBy]) else: select += " ORDER BY %s" % sqlrepr(reverser(orderBy), db) start, end = self.ops['start'], self.ops['end'] if self.ops['limit'] is not NoDefault: end = start + self.ops['limit'] if start or end: from dbconnection import dbConnectionForScheme select = dbConnectionForScheme(db)._queryAddLimitOffset(select, start, end) if self.ops['forUpdate']: select += " FOR UPDATE" return select registerConverter(Select, SQLExprConverter) class Insert(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, table, valueList=None, values=None, template=NoDefault): self.template = template self.table = table if valueList: if values: raise TypeError, "You may only give valueList *or* values" self.valueList = valueList else: self.valueList = [values] def __sqlrepr__(self, db): if not self.valueList: return '' insert = "INSERT INTO %s" % self.table allowNonDict = True template = self.template if (template is NoDefault) and isinstance(self.valueList[0], dict): template = self.valueList[0].keys() allowNonDict = False if template is not NoDefault: insert += " (%s)" % ", ".join(template) insert += " VALUES " listToJoin = [] listToJoin_app = listToJoin.append for value in self.valueList: if isinstance(value, dict): if template is NoDefault: raise TypeError, "You can't mix non-dictionaries with dictionaries in an INSERT if you don't provide a template (%s)" % repr(value) value = dictToList(template, value) elif not allowNonDict: raise TypeError, "You can't mix non-dictionaries with dictionaries in an INSERT if you don't provide a template (%s)" % repr(value) listToJoin_app("(%s)" % ", ".join([sqlrepr(v, db) for v in value])) insert = "%s%s" % (insert, ", ".join(listToJoin)) return insert registerConverter(Insert, SQLExprConverter) def dictToList(template, dict): list = [] for key in template: list.append(dict[key]) if len(dict.keys()) > len(template): raise TypeError, "Extra entries in dictionary that aren't asked for in template (template=%s, dict=%s)" % (repr(template), repr(dict)) return list class Update(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, table, values, template=NoDefault, where=NoDefault): self.table = table self.values = values self.template = template self.whereClause = where def __sqlrepr__(self, db): update = "%s %s" % (self.sqlName(), self.table) update += " SET" first = True if self.template is not NoDefault: for i in range(len(self.template)): if first: first = False else: update += "," update += " %s=%s" % (self.template[i], sqlrepr(self.values[i], db)) else: for key, value in self.values.items(): if first: first = False else: update += "," update += " %s=%s" % (key, sqlrepr(value, db)) if self.whereClause is not NoDefault: update += " WHERE %s" % sqlrepr(self.whereClause, db) return update def sqlName(self): return "UPDATE" registerConverter(Update, SQLExprConverter) class Delete(SQLExpression): """To be safe, this will signal an error if there is no where clause, unless you pass in where=None to the constructor.""" def __init__(self, table, where=NoDefault): self.table = table if where is NoDefault: raise TypeError, "You must give a where clause or pass in None to indicate no where clause" self.whereClause = where def __sqlrepr__(self, db): whereClause = self.whereClause if whereClause is None: return "DELETE FROM %s" % self.table if isinstance(whereClause, SQLExpression): whereClause = sqlrepr(whereClause, db) return "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s" % (self.table, whereClause) registerConverter(Delete, SQLExprConverter) class Replace(Update): def sqlName(self): return "REPLACE" registerConverter(Replace, SQLExprConverter) ######################################## ## SQL Builtins ######################################## class DESC(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr def __sqlrepr__(self, db): if isinstance(self.expr, DESC): return sqlrepr(self.expr.expr, db) return '%s DESC' % sqlrepr(self.expr, db) def AND(*ops): if not ops: return None op1 = ops[0] ops = ops[1:] if ops: return SQLOp("AND", op1, AND(*ops)) else: return op1 def OR(*ops): if not ops: return None op1 = ops[0] ops = ops[1:] if ops: return SQLOp("OR", op1, OR(*ops)) else: return op1 def NOT(op): return SQLPrefix("NOT", op) def _IN(item, list): return SQLOp("IN", item, list) def IN(item, list): from sresults import SelectResults # Import here to avoid circular import if isinstance(list, SelectResults): query = list.queryForSelect() query.ops['items'] = [list.sourceClass.q.id] list = query if isinstance(list, Select): return INSubquery(item, list) else: return _IN(item, list) def NOTIN(item, list): if isinstance(list, Select): return NOTINSubquery(item, list) else: return NOT(_IN(item, list)) def STARTSWITH(expr, pattern): return LIKE(expr, _LikeQuoted(pattern) + '%', escape='\\') def ENDSWITH(expr, pattern): return LIKE(expr, '%' + _LikeQuoted(pattern), escape='\\') def CONTAINSSTRING(expr, pattern): return LIKE(expr, '%' + _LikeQuoted(pattern) + '%', escape='\\') def ISNULL(expr): return SQLOp("IS", expr, None) def ISNOTNULL(expr): return SQLOp("IS NOT", expr, None) class ColumnAS(SQLOp): ''' Just like SQLOp('AS', expr, name) except without the parentheses ''' def __init__(self, expr, name): if isinstance(name, basestring): name = SQLConstant(name) SQLOp.__init__(self, 'AS', expr, name) def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return "%s %s %s" % (sqlrepr(self.expr1, db), self.op, sqlrepr(self.expr2, db)) class _LikeQuoted: # It assumes prefix and postfix are strings; usually just a percent sign. # @@: I'm not sure what the quoting rules really are for all the # databases def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr self.prefix = '' self.postfix = '' def __radd__(self, s): self.prefix = s + self.prefix return self def __add__(self, s): self.postfix += s return self def __sqlrepr__(self, db): s = self.expr if isinstance(s, SQLExpression): values = [] if self.prefix: values.append("'%s'" % self.prefix) s = _quote_like_special(sqlrepr(s, db), db) values.append(s) if self.postfix: values.append("'%s'" % self.postfix) if db == "mysql": return "CONCAT(%s)" % ", ".join(values) else: return " || ".join(values) elif isinstance(s, basestring): s = _quote_like_special(sqlrepr(s, db)[1:-1], db) return "'%s%s%s'" % (self.prefix, s, self.postfix) else: raise TypeError, "expected str, unicode or SQLExpression, got %s" % type(s) def _quote_like_special(s, db): if db in ('postgres', 'rdbhost'): escape = r'\\' else: escape = '\\' s = s.replace('\\', r'\\').replace('%', escape+'%').replace('_', escape+'_') return s ######################################## ## SQL JOINs ######################################## class SQLJoin(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, table1, table2, op=','): if hasattr(table1, 'sqlmeta'): table1 = table1.sqlmeta.table if hasattr(table2, 'sqlmeta'): table2 = table2.sqlmeta.table if isinstance(table1, str): table1 = SQLConstant(table1) if isinstance(table2, str): table2 = SQLConstant(table2) self.table1 = table1 self.table2 = table2 self.op = op def __sqlrepr__(self, db): if self.table1: return "%s%s %s" % (sqlrepr(self.table1, db), self.op, sqlrepr(self.table2, db)) else: return "%s %s" % (self.op, sqlrepr(self.table2, db)) registerConverter(SQLJoin, SQLExprConverter) def JOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " JOIN") def INNERJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " INNER JOIN") def CROSSJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " CROSS JOIN") def STRAIGHTJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " STRAIGHT JOIN") def LEFTJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " LEFT JOIN") def LEFTOUTERJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " LEFT OUTER JOIN") def NATURALJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " NATURAL JOIN") def NATURALLEFTJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " NATURAL LEFT JOIN") def NATURALLEFTOUTERJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN") def RIGHTJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " RIGHT JOIN") def RIGHTOUTERJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " RIGHT OUTER JOIN") def NATURALRIGHTJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " NATURAL RIGHT JOIN") def NATURALRIGHTOUTERJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN") def FULLJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " FULL JOIN") def FULLOUTERJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " FULL OUTER JOIN") def NATURALFULLJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " NATURAL FULL JOIN") def NATURALFULLOUTERJOIN(table1, table2): return SQLJoin(table1, table2, " NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN") class SQLJoinConditional(SQLJoin): """Conditional JOIN""" def __init__(self, table1, table2, op, on_condition=None, using_columns=None): """For condition you must give on_condition or using_columns but not both on_condition can be a string or SQLExpression, for example Table1.q.col1 == Table2.q.col2 using_columns can be a string or a list of columns, e.g. (Table1.q.col1, Table2.q.col2) """ if not on_condition and not using_columns: raise TypeError, "You must give ON condition or USING columns" if on_condition and using_columns: raise TypeError, "You must give ON condition or USING columns but not both" SQLJoin.__init__(self, table1, table2, op) self.on_condition = on_condition self.using_columns = using_columns def __sqlrepr__(self, db): if self.on_condition: on_condition = self.on_condition if hasattr(on_condition, "__sqlrepr__"): on_condition = sqlrepr(on_condition, db) join = "%s %s ON %s" % (self.op, sqlrepr(self.table2, db), on_condition) if self.table1: join = "%s %s" % (sqlrepr(self.table1, db), join) return join elif self.using_columns: using_columns = [] for col in self.using_columns: if hasattr(col, "__sqlrepr__"): col = sqlrepr(col, db) using_columns.append(col) using_columns = ", ".join(using_columns) join = "%s %s USING (%s)" % (self.op, sqlrepr(self.table2, db), using_columns) if self.table1: join = "%s %s" % (sqlrepr(self.table1, db), join) return join else: RuntimeError, "Impossible error" registerConverter(SQLJoinConditional, SQLExprConverter) def INNERJOINConditional(table1, table2, on_condition=None, using_columns=None): return SQLJoinConditional(table1, table2, "INNER JOIN", on_condition, using_columns) def LEFTJOINConditional(table1, table2, on_condition=None, using_columns=None): return SQLJoinConditional(table1, table2, "LEFT JOIN", on_condition, using_columns) def LEFTOUTERJOINConditional(table1, table2, on_condition=None, using_columns=None): return SQLJoinConditional(table1, table2, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", on_condition, using_columns) def RIGHTJOINConditional(table1, table2, on_condition=None, using_columns=None): return SQLJoinConditional(table1, table2, "RIGHT JOIN", on_condition, using_columns) def RIGHTOUTERJOINConditional(table1, table2, on_condition=None, using_columns=None): return SQLJoinConditional(table1, table2, "RIGHT OUTER JOIN", on_condition, using_columns) def FULLJOINConditional(table1, table2, on_condition=None, using_columns=None): return SQLJoinConditional(table1, table2, "FULL JOIN", on_condition, using_columns) def FULLOUTERJOINConditional(table1, table2, on_condition=None, using_columns=None): return SQLJoinConditional(table1, table2, "FULL OUTER JOIN", on_condition, using_columns) class SQLJoinOn(SQLJoinConditional): """Conditional JOIN ON""" def __init__(self, table1, table2, op, on_condition): SQLJoinConditional.__init__(self, table1, table2, op, on_condition) registerConverter(SQLJoinOn, SQLExprConverter) class SQLJoinUsing(SQLJoinConditional): """Conditional JOIN USING""" def __init__(self, table1, table2, op, using_columns): SQLJoinConditional.__init__(self, table1, table2, op, None, using_columns) registerConverter(SQLJoinUsing, SQLExprConverter) def INNERJOINOn(table1, table2, on_condition): return SQLJoinOn(table1, table2, "INNER JOIN", on_condition) def LEFTJOINOn(table1, table2, on_condition): return SQLJoinOn(table1, table2, "LEFT JOIN", on_condition) def LEFTOUTERJOINOn(table1, table2, on_condition): return SQLJoinOn(table1, table2, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", on_condition) def RIGHTJOINOn(table1, table2, on_condition): return SQLJoinOn(table1, table2, "RIGHT JOIN", on_condition) def RIGHTOUTERJOINOn(table1, table2, on_condition): return SQLJoinOn(table1, table2, "RIGHT OUTER JOIN", on_condition) def FULLJOINOn(table1, table2, on_condition): return SQLJoinOn(table1, table2, "FULL JOIN", on_condition) def FULLOUTERJOINOn(table1, table2, on_condition): return SQLJoinOn(table1, table2, "FULL OUTER JOIN", on_condition) def INNERJOINUsing(table1, table2, using_columns): return SQLJoinUsing(table1, table2, "INNER JOIN", using_columns) def LEFTJOINUsing(table1, table2, using_columns): return SQLJoinUsing(table1, table2, "LEFT JOIN", using_columns) def LEFTOUTERJOINUsing(table1, table2, using_columns): return SQLJoinUsing(table1, table2, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", using_columns) def RIGHTJOINUsing(table1, table2, using_columns): return SQLJoinUsing(table1, table2, "RIGHT JOIN", using_columns) def RIGHTOUTERJOINUsing(table1, table2, using_columns): return SQLJoinUsing(table1, table2, "RIGHT OUTER JOIN", using_columns) def FULLJOINUsing(table1, table2, using_columns): return SQLJoinUsing(table1, table2, "FULL JOIN", using_columns) def FULLOUTERJOINUsing(table1, table2, using_columns): return SQLJoinUsing(table1, table2, "FULL OUTER JOIN", using_columns) ######################################## ## Subqueries (subselects) ######################################## class OuterField(Field): def tablesUsedImmediate(self): return [] class OuterTable(Table): FieldClass = OuterField def __init__(self, table): if hasattr(table, "sqlmeta"): tableName = table.sqlmeta.table else: tableName = table table = None Table.__init__(self, tableName) self.table = table class Outer: def __init__(self, table): self.q = OuterTable(table) class LIKE(SQLExpression): op = "LIKE" def __init__(self, expr, string, escape=None): self.expr = expr self.string = string self.escape = escape def __sqlrepr__(self, db): escape = self.escape like = "%s %s (%s)" % (sqlrepr(self.expr, db), self.op, sqlrepr(self.string, db)) if escape is None: return "(%s)" % like else: return "(%s ESCAPE %s)" % (like, sqlrepr(escape, db)) def components(self): return [self.expr, self.string] def execute(self, executor): if not hasattr(self, '_regex'): # @@: Crude, not entirely accurate dest = self.string dest = dest.replace("%%", "\001") dest = dest.replace("*", "\002") dest = dest.replace("%", "*") dest = dest.replace("\001", "%") dest = dest.replace("\002", "[*]") self._regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(dest), re.I) return self._regex.search(execute(self.expr, executor)) class RLIKE(LIKE): op = "RLIKE" op_db = { 'firebird': 'RLIKE', 'maxdb': 'RLIKE', 'mysql': 'RLIKE', 'postgres': '~', 'rdbhost': '~', 'sqlite': 'REGEXP' } def _get_op(self, db): return self.op_db.get(db, 'LIKE') def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return "(%s %s (%s))" % ( sqlrepr(self.expr, db), self._get_op(db), sqlrepr(self.string, db) ) def execute(self, executor): self.op = self._get_op(self.db) return LIKE.execute(self, executor) class INSubquery(SQLExpression): op = "IN" def __init__(self, item, subquery): self.item = item self.subquery = subquery def components(self): return [self.item] def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return "%s %s (%s)" % (sqlrepr(self.item, db), self.op, sqlrepr(self.subquery, db)) class NOTINSubquery(INSubquery): op = "NOT IN" class Subquery(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, op, subquery): self.op = op self.subquery = subquery def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return "%s (%s)" % (self.op, sqlrepr(self.subquery, db)) def EXISTS(subquery): return Subquery("EXISTS", subquery) def NOTEXISTS(subquery): return Subquery("NOT EXISTS", subquery) def SOME(subquery): return Subquery("SOME", subquery) def ANY(subquery): return Subquery("ANY", subquery) def ALL(subquery): return Subquery("ALL", subquery) #### class ImportProxyField(SQLObjectField): def tablesUsedImmediate(self): return [str(self.tableName)] class ImportProxy(SQLExpression): '''Class to be used in column definitions that rely on other tables that might not yet be in a classregistry. ''' FieldClass = ImportProxyField def __init__(self, clsName, registry=None): self.tableName = _DelayClass(self, clsName) self.sqlmeta = _Delay_proxy(table=_DelayClass(self, clsName)) self.q = self self.soClass = None classregistry.registry(registry).addClassCallback(clsName, lambda foreign, me: setattr(me, 'soClass', foreign), self) def __nonzero__(self): return True def __getattr__(self, attr): if self.soClass is None: return _Delay(self, attr) return getattr(self.soClass.q, attr) class _Delay(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, proxy, attr): self.attr = attr self.proxy = proxy def __sqlrepr__(self, db): if self.proxy.soClass is None: return '_DELAYED_' + self.attr val = self._resolve() if isinstance(val, SQLExpression): val = sqlrepr(val, db) return val def tablesUsedImmediate(self): return getattr(self._resolve(), 'tablesUsedImmediate', lambda: [])() def components(self): return getattr(self._resolve(), 'components', lambda: [])() def _resolve(self): return getattr(self.proxy, self.attr) # For AliasTable etc def fieldName(self): class _aliasFieldName(SQLExpression): def __init__(self, proxy): self.proxy = proxy def __sqlrepr__(self, db): return self.proxy._resolve().fieldName return _aliasFieldName(self) fieldName = property(fieldName) class _DelayClass(_Delay): def _resolve(self): return self.proxy.soClass.sqlmeta.table class _Delay_proxy(object): def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) ###### ######################################## ## Global initializations ######################################## table = TableSpace() const = ConstantSpace() func = const ######################################## ## Testing ######################################## if __name__ == "__main__": tests = """ >>> AND(table.address.name == "Ian Bicking", table.address.zip > 30000) >>> table.address.name >>> AND(LIKE(table.address.name, "this"), IN(table.address.zip, [100, 200, 300])) >>> Select([table.address.name, table.address.state], where=LIKE(table.address.name, "%ian%")) >>> Select([table.user.name], where=AND(table.user.state == table.states.abbrev)) >>> Insert(table.address, [{"name": "BOB", "address": "3049 N. 18th St."}, {"name": "TIM", "address": "409 S. 10th St."}]) >>> Insert(table.address, [("BOB", "3049 N. 18th St."), ("TIM", "409 S. 10th St.")], template=('name', 'address')) >>> Delete(table.address, where="BOB"==table.address.name) >>> Update(table.address, {"lastModified": const.NOW()}) >>> Replace(table.address, [("BOB", "3049 N. 18th St."), ("TIM", "409 S. 10th St.")], template=('name', 'address')) """ for expr in tests.split('\n'): if not expr.strip(): continue if expr.startswith('>>> '): expr = expr[4:]