__all__ = ['HashCol']

import sqlobject.col

class DbHash:
    """ Presents a comparison object for hashes, allowing plain text to be
    automagically compared with the base content. """

    def __init__( self, hash, hashMethod ):
        self.hash = hash
        self.hashMethod = hashMethod

    def __cmp__( self, other ):
        if other is None:
            if self.hash is None:
                return 0
            return True
        if not isinstance( other, basestring ):
            raise TypeError( "A hash may only be compared with a string, or None." )
        return cmp( self.hashMethod( other ), self.hash )

    def __repr__( self ):
        return "<DbHash>"

class HashValidator( sqlobject.col.StringValidator ):
    """ Provides formal SQLObject validation services for the HashCol. """

    def to_python( self, value, state ):
        """ Passes out a hash object. """
        if value is None:
            return None
        return DbHash( hash = value, hashMethod = self.hashMethod )

    def from_python( self, value, state ):
        """ Store the given value as a MD5 hash, or None if specified. """
        if value is None:
            return None
        return self.hashMethod( value )

class SOHashCol( sqlobject.col.SOStringCol ):
    """ The internal HashCol definition. By default, enforces a md5 digest. """

    def __init__( self, **kw ):
        if 'hashMethod' not in kw:
            from md5 import md5
            self.hashMethod = lambda v: md5( v ).hexdigest()
            if 'length' not in kw:
                kw['length'] = 32
            self.hashMethod = kw['hashMethod']
            del kw['hashMethod']
        super( sqlobject.col.SOStringCol, self ).__init__( **kw )

    def createValidators( self ):
        return [HashValidator( name=self.name, hashMethod=self.hashMethod )] + \
            super( SOHashCol, self ).createValidators()

class HashCol( sqlobject.col.StringCol ):
    """ End-user HashCol class. May be instantiated with 'hashMethod', a function
    which returns the string hash of any other string (i.e. basestring). """

    baseClass = SOHashCol