import dbconnection import joins import main import sqlbuilder __all__ = ['SelectResults'] class SelectResults(object): IterationClass = dbconnection.Iteration def __init__(self, sourceClass, clause, clauseTables=None, **ops): self.sourceClass = sourceClass if clause is None or isinstance(clause, str) and clause == 'all': clause = sqlbuilder.SQLTrueClause if not isinstance(clause, sqlbuilder.SQLExpression): clause = sqlbuilder.SQLConstant(clause) self.clause = clause self.ops = ops if ops.get('orderBy', sqlbuilder.NoDefault) is sqlbuilder.NoDefault: ops['orderBy'] = sourceClass.sqlmeta.defaultOrder orderBy = ops['orderBy'] if isinstance(orderBy, (tuple, list)): orderBy = map(self._mungeOrderBy, orderBy) else: orderBy = self._mungeOrderBy(orderBy) ops['dbOrderBy'] = orderBy if 'connection' in ops and ops['connection'] is None: del ops['connection'] if ops.get('limit', None): assert not ops.get('start', None) and not ops.get('end', None), \ "'limit' cannot be used with 'start' or 'end'" ops["start"] = 0 ops["end"] = ops.pop("limit") tablesSet = sqlbuilder.tablesUsedSet(self.clause, self._getConnection().dbName) if clauseTables: for table in clauseTables: tablesSet.add(table) self.clauseTables = clauseTables # Explicitly post-adding-in sqlmeta.table, sqlbuilder.Select will handle sqlrepr'ing and dupes self.tables = list(tablesSet) + [sourceClass.sqlmeta.table] def queryForSelect(self): columns = [] + [getattr(self.sourceClass.q, for x in self.sourceClass.sqlmeta.columnList] query = sqlbuilder.Select(columns, where=self.clause, join=self.ops.get('join', sqlbuilder.NoDefault), distinct=self.ops.get('distinct',False), lazyColumns=self.ops.get('lazyColumns', False), start=self.ops.get('start', 0), end=self.ops.get('end', None), orderBy=self.ops.get('dbOrderBy',sqlbuilder.NoDefault), reversed=self.ops.get('reversed', False), staticTables=self.tables, forUpdate=self.ops.get('forUpdate', False)) return query def __repr__(self): return "<%s at %x>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self)) def _getConnection(self): return self.ops.get('connection') or self.sourceClass._connection def __str__(self): conn = self._getConnection() return conn.queryForSelect(self) def _mungeOrderBy(self, orderBy): if isinstance(orderBy, str) and orderBy.startswith('-'): orderBy = orderBy[1:] desc = True else: desc = False if isinstance(orderBy, basestring): if orderBy in self.sourceClass.sqlmeta.columns: val = getattr(self.sourceClass.q, self.sourceClass.sqlmeta.columns[orderBy].name) if desc: return sqlbuilder.DESC(val) else: return val else: orderBy = sqlbuilder.SQLConstant(orderBy) if desc: return sqlbuilder.DESC(orderBy) else: return orderBy else: return orderBy def clone(self, **newOps): ops = self.ops.copy() ops.update(newOps) return self.__class__(self.sourceClass, self.clause, self.clauseTables, **ops) def orderBy(self, orderBy): return self.clone(orderBy=orderBy) def connection(self, conn): return self.clone(connection=conn) def limit(self, limit): return self[:limit] def lazyColumns(self, value): return self.clone(lazyColumns=value) def reversed(self): return self.clone(reversed=not self.ops.get('reversed', False)) def distinct(self): return self.clone(distinct=True) def newClause(self, new_clause): return self.__class__(self.sourceClass, new_clause, self.clauseTables, **self.ops) def filter(self, filter_clause): if filter_clause is None: # None doesn't filter anything, it's just a no-op: return self clause = self.clause if isinstance(clause, basestring): clause = sqlbuilder.SQLConstant('(%s)' % self.clause) return self.newClause(sqlbuilder.AND(clause, filter_clause)) def __getitem__(self, value): if isinstance(value, slice): assert not value.step, "Slices do not support steps" if not value.start and not value.stop: # No need to copy, I'm immutable return self # Negative indexes aren't handled (and everything we # don't handle ourselves we just create a list to # handle) if (value.start and value.start < 0) \ or (value.stop and value.stop < 0): if value.start: if value.stop: return list(self)[value.start:value.stop] return list(self)[value.start:] return list(self)[:value.stop] if value.start: assert value.start >= 0 start = self.ops.get('start', 0) + value.start if value.stop is not None: assert value.stop >= 0 if value.stop < value.start: # an empty result: end = start else: end = value.stop + self.ops.get('start', 0) if self.ops.get('end', None) is not None and \ self.ops['end'] < end: # truncated by previous slice: end = self.ops['end'] else: end = self.ops.get('end', None) else: start = self.ops.get('start', 0) end = value.stop + start if self.ops.get('end', None) is not None \ and self.ops['end'] < end: end = self.ops['end'] return self.clone(start=start, end=end) else: if value < 0: return list(iter(self))[value] else: start = self.ops.get('start', 0) + value return list(self.clone(start=start, end=start+1))[0] def __iter__(self): # @@: This could be optimized, using a simpler algorithm # since we don't have to worry about garbage collection, # etc., like we do with .lazyIter() return iter(list(self.lazyIter())) def lazyIter(self): """ Returns an iterator that will lazily pull rows out of the database and return SQLObject instances """ conn = self._getConnection() return conn.iterSelect(self) def accumulate(self, *expressions): """ Use accumulate expression(s) to select result using another SQL select through current connection. Return the accumulate result """ conn = self._getConnection() exprs = [] for expr in expressions: if not isinstance(expr, sqlbuilder.SQLExpression): expr = sqlbuilder.SQLConstant(expr) exprs.append(expr) return conn.accumulateSelect(self, *exprs) def count(self): """ Counting elements of current select results """ assert not self.ops.get('start') and not self.ops.get('end'), \ "start/end/limit have no meaning with 'count'" assert not (self.ops.get('distinct') and (self.ops.get('start') or self.ops.get('end'))), \ "distinct-counting of sliced objects is not supported" if self.ops.get('distinct'): # Column must be specified, so we are using unique ID column. # COUNT(DISTINCT column) is supported by MySQL and PostgreSQL, # but not by SQLite. Perhaps more portable would be subquery: # SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM table) count = self.accumulate('COUNT(DISTINCT %s)' % self._getConnection().sqlrepr( else: count = self.accumulate('COUNT(*)') if self.ops.get('start'): count -= self.ops['start'] if self.ops.get('end'): count = min(self.ops['end'] - self.ops.get('start', 0), count) return count def accumulateMany(self, *attributes): """ Making the expressions for count/sum/min/max/avg of a given select result attributes. `attributes` must be a list/tuple of pairs (func_name, attribute); `attribute` can be a column name (like 'a_column') or a dot-q attribute (like Table.q.aColumn) """ expressions = [] conn = self._getConnection() if self.ops.get('distinct'): distinct = 'DISTINCT ' else: distinct = '' for func_name, attribute in attributes: if not isinstance(attribute, str): attribute = conn.sqlrepr(attribute) expression = '%s(%s%s)' % (func_name, distinct, attribute) expressions.append(expression) return self.accumulate(*expressions) def accumulateOne(self, func_name, attribute): """ Making the sum/min/max/avg of a given select result attribute. `attribute` can be a column name (like 'a_column') or a dot-q attribute (like Table.q.aColumn) """ return self.accumulateMany((func_name, attribute)) def sum(self, attribute): return self.accumulateOne("SUM", attribute) def min(self, attribute): return self.accumulateOne("MIN", attribute) def avg(self, attribute): return self.accumulateOne("AVG", attribute) def max(self, attribute): return self.accumulateOne("MAX", attribute) def getOne(self, default=sqlbuilder.NoDefault): """ If a query is expected to only return a single value, using ``.getOne()`` will return just that value. If not results are found, ``SQLObjectNotFound`` will be raised, unless you pass in a default value (like ``.getOne(None)``). If more than one result is returned, ``SQLObjectIntegrityError`` will be raised. """ results = list(self) if not results: if default is sqlbuilder.NoDefault: raise main.SQLObjectNotFound( "No results matched the query for %s" % self.sourceClass.__name__) return default if len(results) > 1: raise main.SQLObjectIntegrityError( "More than one result returned from query: %s" % results) return results[0] def throughTo(self): class _throughTo_getter(object): def __init__(self, inst): self.sresult = inst def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.sresult._throughTo(attr) return _throughTo_getter(self) throughTo = property(throughTo) def _throughTo(self, attr): otherClass = None orderBy = sqlbuilder.NoDefault ref = self.sourceClass.sqlmeta.columns.get(attr.endswith('ID') and attr or attr+'ID', None) if ref and ref.foreignKey: otherClass, clause = self._throughToFK(ref) else: join = [x for x in self.sourceClass.sqlmeta.joins if x.joinMethodName==attr] if join: join = join[0] orderBy = join.orderBy if hasattr(join, 'otherColumn'): otherClass, clause = self._throughToRelatedJoin(join) else: otherClass, clause = self._throughToMultipleJoin(join) if not otherClass: raise AttributeError("throughTo argument (got %s) should be name of foreignKey or SQL*Join in %s" % (attr, self.sourceClass)) return, orderBy=orderBy, connection=self._getConnection()) def _throughToFK(self, col): otherClass = getattr(self.sourceClass, "_SO_class_"+col.foreignKey) colName = query = self.queryForSelect().newItems([sqlbuilder.ColumnAS(getattr(self.sourceClass.q, colName), colName)]).orderBy(None).distinct() query = sqlbuilder.Alias(query, "%s_%s" % (self.sourceClass.__name__, return otherClass,, colName) def _throughToMultipleJoin(self, join): otherClass = join.otherClass colName = query = self.queryForSelect().newItems([sqlbuilder.ColumnAS(, 'id')]).orderBy(None).distinct() query = sqlbuilder.Alias(query, "%s_%s" % (self.sourceClass.__name__, join.joinMethodName)) joinColumn = getattr(otherClass.q, colName) return otherClass, def _throughToRelatedJoin(self, join): otherClass = join.otherClass intTable = sqlbuilder.Table(join.intermediateTable) colName = join.joinColumn query = self.queryForSelect().newItems([sqlbuilder.ColumnAS(, 'id')]).orderBy(None).distinct() query = sqlbuilder.Alias(query, "%s_%s" % (self.sourceClass.__name__, join.joinMethodName)) clause = sqlbuilder.AND( == getattr(intTable, join.otherColumn), getattr(intTable, colName) == return otherClass, clause