import atexit from cgi import parse_qsl import inspect import new import os import sys import threading import types import urllib import warnings import weakref from cache import CacheSet import classregistry import col from converters import sqlrepr import main import sqlbuilder from util.threadinglocal import local as threading_local warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "DB-API extension cursor.lastrowid used") _connections = {} def _closeConnection(ref): conn = ref() if conn is not None: conn.close() class ConsoleWriter: def __init__(self, connection, loglevel): # loglevel: None or empty string for stdout; or 'stderr' self.loglevel = loglevel or "stdout" self.dbEncoding = getattr(connection, "dbEncoding", None) or "ascii" def write(self, text): logfile = getattr(sys, self.loglevel) if isinstance(text, unicode): try: text = text.encode(self.dbEncoding) except UnicodeEncodeError: text = repr(text)[2:-1] # Remove u'...' from the repr logfile.write(text + '\n') class LogWriter: def __init__(self, connection, logger, loglevel): self.logger = logger self.loglevel = loglevel self.logmethod = getattr(logger, loglevel) def write(self, text): self.logmethod(text) def makeDebugWriter(connection, loggerName, loglevel): if not loggerName: return ConsoleWriter(connection, loglevel) import logging logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName) return LogWriter(connection, logger, loglevel) class Boolean(object): """A bool class that also understands some special string keywords (yes/no, true/false, on/off, 1/0)""" _keywords = {'1': True, 'yes': True, 'true': True, 'on': True, '0': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, 'off': False} def __new__(cls, value): try: return Boolean._keywords[value.lower()] except (AttributeError, KeyError): return bool(value) class DBConnection: def __init__(self, name=None, debug=False, debugOutput=False, cache=True, style=None, autoCommit=True, debugThreading=False, registry=None, logger=None, loglevel=None): = name self.debug = Boolean(debug) self.debugOutput = Boolean(debugOutput) self.debugThreading = Boolean(debugThreading) self.debugWriter = makeDebugWriter(self, logger, loglevel) self.doCache = Boolean(cache) self.cache = CacheSet(cache=self.doCache) = style self._connectionNumbers = {} self._connectionCount = 1 self.autoCommit = Boolean(autoCommit) self.registry = registry or None classregistry.registry(self.registry).addCallback(self.soClassAdded) registerConnectionInstance(self) atexit.register(_closeConnection, weakref.ref(self)) def oldUri(self): auth = getattr(self, 'user', '') or '' if auth: if self.password: auth = auth + ':' + self.password auth = auth + '@' else: assert not getattr(self, 'password', None), ( 'URIs cannot express passwords without usernames') uri = '%s://%s' % (self.dbName, auth) if uri += if self.port: uri += ':%d' % self.port uri += '/' db = self.db if db.startswith('/'): db = db[1:] return uri + db def uri(self): auth = getattr(self, 'user', '') or '' if auth: auth = urllib.quote(auth) if self.password: auth = auth + ':' + urllib.quote(self.password) auth = auth + '@' else: assert not getattr(self, 'password', None), ( 'URIs cannot express passwords without usernames') uri = '%s://%s' % (self.dbName, auth) if uri += if self.port: uri += ':%d' % self.port uri += '/' db = self.db if db.startswith('/'): db = db[1:] return uri + urllib.quote(db) @classmethod def connectionFromOldURI(cls, uri): return cls._connectionFromParams(*cls._parseOldURI(uri)) @classmethod def connectionFromURI(cls, uri): return cls._connectionFromParams(*cls._parseURI(uri)) @staticmethod def _parseOldURI(uri): schema, rest = uri.split(':', 1) assert rest.startswith('/'), "URIs must start with scheme:/ -- you did not include a / (in %r)" % rest if rest.startswith('/') and not rest.startswith('//'): host = None rest = rest[1:] elif rest.startswith('///'): host = None rest = rest[3:] else: rest = rest[2:] if rest.find('/') == -1: host = rest rest = '' else: host, rest = rest.split('/', 1) if host and host.find('@') != -1: user, host = host.rsplit('@', 1) if user.find(':') != -1: user, password = user.split(':', 1) else: password = None else: user = password = None if host and host.find(':') != -1: _host, port = host.split(':') try: port = int(port) except ValueError: raise ValueError, "port must be integer, got '%s' instead" % port if not (1 <= port <= 65535): raise ValueError, "port must be integer in the range 1-65535, got '%d' instead" % port host = _host else: port = None path = '/' + rest if == 'nt': if (len(rest) > 1) and (rest[1] == '|'): path = "%s:%s" % (rest[0], rest[2:]) args = {} if path.find('?') != -1: path, arglist = path.split('?', 1) arglist = arglist.split('&') for single in arglist: argname, argvalue = single.split('=', 1) argvalue = urllib.unquote(argvalue) args[argname] = argvalue return user, password, host, port, path, args @staticmethod def _parseURI(uri): protocol, request = urllib.splittype(uri) user, password, port = None, None, None host, path = urllib.splithost(request) if host: # Python < 2.7 have a problem - splituser() calls unquote() too early #user, host = urllib.splituser(host) if '@' in host: user, host = host.split('@', 1) if user: user, password = [x and urllib.unquote(x) or None for x in urllib.splitpasswd(user)] host, port = urllib.splitport(host) if port: port = int(port) elif host == '': host = None # hash-tag is splitted but ignored path, tag = urllib.splittag(path) path, query = urllib.splitquery(path) path = urllib.unquote(path) if ( == 'nt') and (len(path) > 2): # Preserve backward compatibility with URIs like /C|/path; # replace '|' by ':' if path[2] == '|': path = "%s:%s" % (path[0:2], path[3:]) # Remove leading slash if (path[0] == '/') and (path[2] == ':'): path = path[1:] args = {} if query: for name, value in parse_qsl(query): args[name] = value return user, password, host, port, path, args def soClassAdded(self, soClass): """ This is called for each new class; we use this opportunity to create an instance method that is bound to the class and this connection. """ name = soClass.__name__ assert not hasattr(self, name), ( "Connection %r already has an attribute with the name " "%r (and you just created the conflicting class %r)" % (self, name, soClass)) setattr(self, name, ConnWrapper(soClass, self)) def expireAll(self): """ Expire all instances of objects for this connection. """ cache_set = self.cache cache_set.weakrefAll() for item in cache_set.getAll(): item.expire() class ConnWrapper(object): """ This represents a SQLObject class that is bound to a specific connection (instances have a connection instance variable, but classes are global, so this is binds the connection variable lazily when a class method is accessed) """ # @@: methods that take connection arguments should be explicitly # marked up instead of the implicit use of a connection argument # and inspect.getargspec() def __init__(self, soClass, connection): self._soClass = soClass self._connection = connection def __call__(self, *args, **kw): kw['connection'] = self._connection return self._soClass(*args, **kw) def __getattr__(self, attr): meth = getattr(self._soClass, attr) if not isinstance(meth, types.MethodType): # We don't need to wrap non-methods return meth try: takes_conn = meth.takes_connection except AttributeError: args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(meth) assert not varkw and not varargs, ( "I cannot tell whether I must wrap this method, " "because it takes **kw: %r" % meth) takes_conn = 'connection' in args meth.im_func.takes_connection = takes_conn if not takes_conn: return meth return ConnMethodWrapper(meth, self._connection) class ConnMethodWrapper(object): def __init__(self, method, connection): self._method = method self._connection = connection def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._method, attr) def __call__(self, *args, **kw): kw['connection'] = self._connection return self._method(*args, **kw) def __repr__(self): return '<Wrapped %r with connection %r>' % ( self._method, self._connection) class DBAPI(DBConnection): """ Subclass must define a `makeConnection()` method, which returns a newly-created connection object. ``queryInsertID`` must also be defined. """ dbName = None def __init__(self, **kw): self._pool = [] self._poolLock = threading.Lock() DBConnection.__init__(self, **kw) self._binaryType = type(self.module.Binary('')) def _runWithConnection(self, meth, *args): conn = self.getConnection() try: val = meth(conn, *args) finally: self.releaseConnection(conn) return val def getConnection(self): self._poolLock.acquire() try: if not self._pool: conn = self.makeConnection() self._connectionNumbers[id(conn)] = self._connectionCount self._connectionCount += 1 else: conn = self._pool.pop() if self.debug: s = 'ACQUIRE' if self._pool is not None: s += ' pool=[%s]' % ', '.join([str(self._connectionNumbers[id(v)]) for v in self._pool]) self.printDebug(conn, s, 'Pool') return conn finally: self._poolLock.release() def releaseConnection(self, conn, explicit=False): if self.debug: if explicit: s = 'RELEASE (explicit)' else: s = 'RELEASE (implicit, autocommit=%s)' % self.autoCommit if self._pool is None: s += ' no pooling' else: s += ' pool=[%s]' % ', '.join([str(self._connectionNumbers[id(v)]) for v in self._pool]) self.printDebug(conn, s, 'Pool') if self.supportTransactions and not explicit: if self.autoCommit == 'exception': if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, 'auto/exception', 'ROLLBACK') conn.rollback() raise Exception, 'Object used outside of a transaction; implicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK not allowed' elif self.autoCommit: if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, 'auto', 'COMMIT') if not getattr(conn, 'autocommit', False): conn.commit() else: if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, 'auto', 'ROLLBACK') conn.rollback() if self._pool is not None: if conn not in self._pool: # @@: We can get duplicate releasing of connections with # the __del__ in Iteration (unfortunately, not sure why # it happens) self._pool.insert(0, conn) else: conn.close() def printDebug(self, conn, s, name, type='query'): if name == 'Pool' and self.debug != 'Pool': return if type == 'query': sep = ': ' else: sep = '->' s = repr(s) n = self._connectionNumbers[id(conn)] spaces = ' '*(8-len(name)) if self.debugThreading: threadName = threading.currentThread().getName() threadName = (':' + threadName + ' '*(8-len(threadName))) else: threadName = '' msg = '%(n)2i%(threadName)s/%(name)s%(spaces)s%(sep)s %(s)s' % locals() self.debugWriter.write(msg) def _executeRetry(self, conn, cursor, query): if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, query, 'QueryR') return cursor.execute(query) def _query(self, conn, s): if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, s, 'Query') self._executeRetry(conn, conn.cursor(), s) def query(self, s): return self._runWithConnection(self._query, s) def _queryAll(self, conn, s): if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, s, 'QueryAll') c = conn.cursor() self._executeRetry(conn, c, s) value = c.fetchall() if self.debugOutput: self.printDebug(conn, value, 'QueryAll', 'result') return value def queryAll(self, s): return self._runWithConnection(self._queryAll, s) def _queryAllDescription(self, conn, s): """ Like queryAll, but returns (description, rows), where the description is cursor.description (which gives row types) """ if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, s, 'QueryAllDesc') c = conn.cursor() self._executeRetry(conn, c, s) value = c.fetchall() if self.debugOutput: self.printDebug(conn, value, 'QueryAll', 'result') return c.description, value def queryAllDescription(self, s): return self._runWithConnection(self._queryAllDescription, s) def _queryOne(self, conn, s): if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, s, 'QueryOne') c = conn.cursor() self._executeRetry(conn, c, s) value = c.fetchone() if self.debugOutput: self.printDebug(conn, value, 'QueryOne', 'result') return value def queryOne(self, s): return self._runWithConnection(self._queryOne, s) def _insertSQL(self, table, names, values): return ("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (table, ', '.join(names), ', '.join([self.sqlrepr(v) for v in values]))) def transaction(self): return Transaction(self) def queryInsertID(self, soInstance, id, names, values): return self._runWithConnection(self._queryInsertID, soInstance, id, names, values) def iterSelect(self, select): return select.IterationClass(self, self.getConnection(), select, keepConnection=False) def accumulateSelect(self, select, *expressions): """ Apply an accumulate function(s) (SUM, COUNT, MIN, AVG, MAX, etc...) to the select object. """ q = select.queryForSelect().newItems(expressions).unlimited().orderBy(None) q = self.sqlrepr(q) val = self.queryOne(q) if len(expressions) == 1: val = val[0] return val def queryForSelect(self, select): return self.sqlrepr(select.queryForSelect()) def _SO_createJoinTable(self, join): self.query(self._SO_createJoinTableSQL(join)) def _SO_createJoinTableSQL(self, join): return ('CREATE TABLE %s (\n%s %s,\n%s %s\n)' % (join.intermediateTable, join.joinColumn, self.joinSQLType(join), join.otherColumn, self.joinSQLType(join))) def _SO_dropJoinTable(self, join): self.query("DROP TABLE %s" % join.intermediateTable) def _SO_createIndex(self, soClass, index): self.query(self.createIndexSQL(soClass, index)) def createIndexSQL(self, soClass, index): assert 0, 'Implement in subclasses' def createTable(self, soClass): createSql, constraints = self.createTableSQL(soClass) self.query(createSql) return constraints def createReferenceConstraints(self, soClass): refConstraints = [self.createReferenceConstraint(soClass, column) \ for column in soClass.sqlmeta.columnList \ if isinstance(column, col.SOForeignKey)] refConstraintDefs = [constraint \ for constraint in refConstraints \ if constraint] return refConstraintDefs def createSQL(self, soClass): tableCreateSQLs = getattr(soClass.sqlmeta, 'createSQL', None) if tableCreateSQLs: assert isinstance(tableCreateSQLs,(str,list,dict,tuple)), ( '%s.sqlmeta.createSQL must be a str, list, dict or tuple.' % (soClass.__name__)) if isinstance(tableCreateSQLs, dict): tableCreateSQLs = tableCreateSQLs.get(soClass._connection.dbName, []) if isinstance(tableCreateSQLs, str): tableCreateSQLs = [tableCreateSQLs] if isinstance(tableCreateSQLs, tuple): tableCreateSQLs = list(tableCreateSQLs) assert isinstance(tableCreateSQLs,list), ( 'Unable to create a list from %s.sqlmeta.createSQL' % (soClass.__name__)) return tableCreateSQLs or [] def createTableSQL(self, soClass): constraints = self.createReferenceConstraints(soClass) extraSQL = self.createSQL(soClass) createSql = ('CREATE TABLE %s (\n%s\n)' % (soClass.sqlmeta.table, self.createColumns(soClass))) return createSql, constraints + extraSQL def createColumns(self, soClass): columnDefs = [self.createIDColumn(soClass)] \ + [self.createColumn(soClass, col) for col in soClass.sqlmeta.columnList] return ",\n".join([" %s" % c for c in columnDefs]) def createReferenceConstraint(self, soClass, col): assert 0, "Implement in subclasses" def createColumn(self, soClass, col): assert 0, "Implement in subclasses" def dropTable(self, tableName, cascade=False): self.query("DROP TABLE %s" % tableName) def clearTable(self, tableName): # 3-03 @@: Should this have a WHERE 1 = 1 or similar # clause? In some configurations without the WHERE clause # the query won't go through, but maybe we shouldn't override # that. self.query("DELETE FROM %s" % tableName) def createBinary(self, value): """ Create a binary object wrapper for the given database. """ # Default is Binary() function from the connection driver. return self.module.Binary(value) # The _SO_* series of methods are sorts of "friend" methods # with SQLObject. They grab values from the SQLObject instances # or classes freely, but keep the SQLObject class from accessing # the database directly. This way no SQL is actually created # in the SQLObject class. def _SO_update(self, so, values): self.query("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s = (%s)" % (so.sqlmeta.table, ", ".join(["%s = (%s)" % (dbName, self.sqlrepr(value)) for dbName, value in values]), so.sqlmeta.idName, self.sqlrepr( def _SO_selectOne(self, so, columnNames): return self._SO_selectOneAlt(so, columnNames, def _SO_selectOneAlt(self, so, columnNames, condition): if columnNames: columns = [isinstance(x, basestring) and sqlbuilder.SQLConstant(x) or x for x in columnNames] else: columns = None return self.queryOne(self.sqlrepr(sqlbuilder.Select(columns, staticTables=[so.sqlmeta.table], clause=condition))) def _SO_delete(self, so): self.query("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = (%s)" % (so.sqlmeta.table, so.sqlmeta.idName, self.sqlrepr( def _SO_selectJoin(self, soClass, column, value): return self.queryAll("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = (%s)" % (soClass.sqlmeta.idName, soClass.sqlmeta.table, column, self.sqlrepr(value))) def _SO_intermediateJoin(self, table, getColumn, joinColumn, value): return self.queryAll("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = (%s)" % (getColumn, table, joinColumn, self.sqlrepr(value))) def _SO_intermediateDelete(self, table, firstColumn, firstValue, secondColumn, secondValue): self.query("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = (%s) AND %s = (%s)" % (table, firstColumn, self.sqlrepr(firstValue), secondColumn, self.sqlrepr(secondValue))) def _SO_intermediateInsert(self, table, firstColumn, firstValue, secondColumn, secondValue): self.query("INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (table, firstColumn, secondColumn, self.sqlrepr(firstValue), self.sqlrepr(secondValue))) def _SO_columnClause(self, soClass, kw): ops = {None: "IS"} data = {} if 'id' in kw: data[soClass.sqlmeta.idName] = kw.pop('id') for key, col in soClass.sqlmeta.columns.items(): if key in kw: value = kw.pop(key) if col.from_python: value = col.from_python(value, sqlbuilder.SQLObjectState(soClass, connection=self)) data[col.dbName] = value elif col.foreignName in kw: obj = kw.pop(col.foreignName) if isinstance(obj, main.SQLObject): data[col.dbName] = else: data[col.dbName] = obj if kw: # pick the first key from kw to use to raise the error, raise TypeError, "got an unexpected keyword argument(s): %r" % kw.keys() if not data: return None return ' AND '.join( ['%s %s %s' % (dbName, ops.get(value, "="), self.sqlrepr(value)) for dbName, value in data.items()]) def sqlrepr(self, v): return sqlrepr(v, self.dbName) def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): if not hasattr(self, '_pool'): # Probably there was an exception while creating this # instance, so it is incomplete. return if not self._pool: return self._poolLock.acquire() try: conns = self._pool[:] self._pool[:] = [] for conn in conns: try: conn.close() except self.module.Error: pass del conn del conns finally: self._poolLock.release() def createEmptyDatabase(self): """ Create an empty database. """ raise NotImplementedError class Iteration(object): def __init__(self, dbconn, rawconn, select, keepConnection=False): self.dbconn = dbconn self.rawconn = rawconn = select self.keepConnection = keepConnection self.cursor = rawconn.cursor() self.query = self.dbconn.queryForSelect(select) if dbconn.debug: dbconn.printDebug(rawconn, self.query, 'Select') self.dbconn._executeRetry(self.rawconn, self.cursor, self.query) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): result = self.cursor.fetchone() if result is None: self._cleanup() raise StopIteration if result[0] is None: return None if'lazyColumns', 0): obj =[0], connection=self.dbconn) return obj else: obj =[0], selectResults=result[1:], connection=self.dbconn) return obj def _cleanup(self): if getattr(self, 'query', None) is None: # already cleaned up return self.query = None if not self.keepConnection: self.dbconn.releaseConnection(self.rawconn) self.dbconn = self.rawconn = = self.cursor = None def __del__(self): self._cleanup() class Transaction(object): def __init__(self, dbConnection): # this is to skip __del__ in case of an exception in this __init__ self._obsolete = True self._dbConnection = dbConnection self._connection = dbConnection.getConnection() self._dbConnection._setAutoCommit(self._connection, 0) self.cache = CacheSet(cache=dbConnection.doCache) self._deletedCache = {} self._obsolete = False def assertActive(self): assert not self._obsolete, "This transaction has already gone through ROLLBACK; begin another transaction" def query(self, s): self.assertActive() return self._dbConnection._query(self._connection, s) def queryAll(self, s): self.assertActive() return self._dbConnection._queryAll(self._connection, s) def queryOne(self, s): self.assertActive() return self._dbConnection._queryOne(self._connection, s) def queryInsertID(self, soInstance, id, names, values): self.assertActive() return self._dbConnection._queryInsertID( self._connection, soInstance, id, names, values) def iterSelect(self, select): self.assertActive() # We can't keep the cursor open with results in a transaction, # because we might want to use the connection while we're # still iterating through the results. # @@: But would it be okay for psycopg, with threadsafety # level 2? return iter(list(select.IterationClass(self, self._connection, select, keepConnection=True))) def _SO_delete(self, inst): cls = inst.__class__.__name__ if not cls in self._deletedCache: self._deletedCache[cls] = [] self._deletedCache[cls].append( meth = new.instancemethod(self._dbConnection._SO_delete.im_func, self, self.__class__) return meth(inst) def commit(self, close=False): if self._obsolete: # @@: is it okay to get extraneous commits? return if self._dbConnection.debug: self._dbConnection.printDebug(self._connection, '', 'COMMIT') self._connection.commit() subCaches = [(sub[0], sub[1].allIDs()) for sub in self.cache.allSubCachesByClassNames().items()] subCaches.extend([(x[0], x[1]) for x in self._deletedCache.items()]) for cls, ids in subCaches: for id in ids: inst = self._dbConnection.cache.tryGetByName(id, cls) if inst is not None: inst.expire() if close: self._makeObsolete() def rollback(self): if self._obsolete: # @@: is it okay to get extraneous rollbacks? return if self._dbConnection.debug: self._dbConnection.printDebug(self._connection, '', 'ROLLBACK') subCaches = [(sub, sub.allIDs()) for sub in self.cache.allSubCaches()] self._connection.rollback() for subCache, ids in subCaches: for id in ids: inst = subCache.tryGet(id) if inst is not None: inst.expire() self._makeObsolete() def __getattr__(self, attr): """ If nothing else works, let the parent connection handle it. Except with this transaction as 'self'. Poor man's acquisition? Bad programming? Okay, maybe. """ self.assertActive() attr = getattr(self._dbConnection, attr) try: func = attr.im_func except AttributeError: if isinstance(attr, ConnWrapper): return ConnWrapper(attr._soClass, self) else: return attr else: meth = new.instancemethod(func, self, self.__class__) return meth def _makeObsolete(self): self._obsolete = True if self._dbConnection.autoCommit: self._dbConnection._setAutoCommit(self._connection, 1) self._dbConnection.releaseConnection(self._connection, explicit=True) self._connection = None self._deletedCache = {} def begin(self): # @@: Should we do this, or should begin() be a no-op when we're # not already obsolete? assert self._obsolete, "You cannot begin a new transaction session without rolling back this one" self._obsolete = False self._connection = self._dbConnection.getConnection() self._dbConnection._setAutoCommit(self._connection, 0) def __del__(self): if self._obsolete: return self.rollback() def close(self): raise TypeError('You cannot just close transaction - you should either call rollback(), commit() or commit(close=True) to close the underlying connection.') class ConnectionHub(object): """ This object serves as a hub for connections, so that you can pass in a ConnectionHub to a SQLObject subclass as though it was a connection, but actually bind a real database connection later. You can also bind connections on a per-thread basis. You must hang onto the original ConnectionHub instance, as you cannot retrieve it again from the class or instance. To use the hub, do something like:: hub = ConnectionHub() class MyClass(SQLObject): _connection = hub hub.threadConnection = connectionFromURI('...') """ def __init__(self): self.threadingLocal = threading_local() def __get__(self, obj, type=None): # I'm a little surprised we have to do this, but apparently # the object's private dictionary of attributes doesn't # override this descriptor. if (obj is not None) and '_connection' in obj.__dict__: return obj.__dict__['_connection'] return self.getConnection() def __set__(self, obj, value): obj.__dict__['_connection'] = value def getConnection(self): try: return self.threadingLocal.connection except AttributeError: try: return self.processConnection except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "No connection has been defined for this thread " "or process") def doInTransaction(self, func, *args, **kw): """ This routine can be used to run a function in a transaction, rolling the transaction back if any exception is raised from that function, and committing otherwise. Use like:: sqlhub.doInTransaction(process_request, os.environ) This will run ``process_request(os.environ)``. The return value will be preserved. """ # @@: In Python 2.5, something usable with with: should also # be added. try: old_conn = self.threadingLocal.connection old_conn_is_threading = True except AttributeError: old_conn = self.processConnection old_conn_is_threading = False conn = old_conn.transaction() if old_conn_is_threading: self.threadConnection = conn else: self.processConnection = conn try: try: value = func(*args, **kw) except: conn.rollback() raise else: conn.commit(close=True) return value finally: if old_conn_is_threading: self.threadConnection = old_conn else: self.processConnection = old_conn def _set_threadConnection(self, value): self.threadingLocal.connection = value def _get_threadConnection(self): return self.threadingLocal.connection def _del_threadConnection(self): del self.threadingLocal.connection threadConnection = property(_get_threadConnection, _set_threadConnection, _del_threadConnection) class ConnectionURIOpener(object): def __init__(self): self.schemeBuilders = {} self.instanceNames = {} self.cachedURIs = {} def registerConnection(self, schemes, builder): for uriScheme in schemes: assert not uriScheme in self.schemeBuilders \ or self.schemeBuilders[uriScheme] is builder, \ "A driver has already been registered for the URI scheme %s" % uriScheme self.schemeBuilders[uriScheme] = builder def registerConnectionInstance(self, inst): if assert not in self.instanceNames \ or self.instanceNames[] is cls, \ "A instance has already been registered with the name %s" % assert':') == -1, "You cannot include ':' in your class names (%r)" % self.instanceNames[] = inst def connectionForURI(self, uri, oldUri=False, **args): if args: if '?' not in uri: uri += '?' + urllib.urlencode(args) else: uri += '&' + urllib.urlencode(args) if uri in self.cachedURIs: return self.cachedURIs[uri] if uri.find(':') != -1: scheme, rest = uri.split(':', 1) connCls = self.dbConnectionForScheme(scheme) if oldUri: conn = connCls.connectionFromOldURI(uri) else: conn = connCls.connectionFromURI(uri) else: # We just have a name, not a URI assert uri in self.instanceNames, \ "No SQLObject driver exists under the name %s" % uri conn = self.instanceNames[uri] # @@: Do we care if we clobber another connection? self.cachedURIs[uri] = conn return conn def dbConnectionForScheme(self, scheme): assert scheme in self.schemeBuilders, ( "No SQLObject driver exists for %s (only %s)" % (scheme, ', '.join(self.schemeBuilders.keys()))) return self.schemeBuilders[scheme]() TheURIOpener = ConnectionURIOpener() registerConnection = TheURIOpener.registerConnection registerConnectionInstance = TheURIOpener.registerConnectionInstance connectionForURI = TheURIOpener.connectionForURI dbConnectionForScheme = TheURIOpener.dbConnectionForScheme # Register DB URI schemas import firebird import maxdb import mssql import mysql import postgres import rdbhost import sqlite import sybase