""" Constraints """ class BadValue(ValueError): def __init__(self, desc, obj, col, value, *args): self.desc = desc self.col = col # I want these objects to be garbage-collectable, so # I just keep their repr: self.obj = repr(obj) self.value = repr(value) fullDesc = "%s.%s %s (you gave: %s)" \ % (obj, col.name, desc, value) ValueError.__init__(self, fullDesc, *args) def isString(obj, col, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise BadValue("only allows strings", obj, col, value) def notNull(obj, col, value): if value is None: raise BadValue("is defined NOT NULL", obj, col, value) def isInt(obj, col, value): if not isinstance(value, (int, long)): raise BadValue("only allows integers", obj, col, value) def isFloat(obj, col, value): if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)): raise BadValue("only allows floating point numbers", obj, col, value) def isBool(obj, col, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise BadValue("only allows booleans", obj, col, value) class InList: def __init__(self, l): self.list = l def __call__(self, obj, col, value): if value not in self.list: raise BadValue("accepts only values in %s" % repr(self.list), obj, col, value) class MaxLength: def __init__(self, length): self.length = length def __call__(self, obj, col, value): try: length = len(value) except TypeError: raise BadValue("object does not have a length", obj, col, value) if length > self.length: raise BadValue("must be shorter in length than %s" % self.length, obj, col, value)