<# .SYNOPSIS Executes a Stackdump management command. .DESCRIPTION Executes the Stackdump management command specified using the -Command parameter (or implicitly via the first positional parameter). All remaining arguments are passed to the management command. This cmdlet uses the Start-Python cmdlet to execute the commands, so Python needs to be able to be located for this cmdlet to work. Use the List-StackdumpCommands cmdlet to see the possible commands. .EXAMPLE Run-StackdumpCommand download_site_info #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][string]$Command, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)][String[]]$CommandArgs ) $ScriptDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $CommandsDir = Join-Path $ScriptDir 'python\src\stackdump\commands' $CommandPath = Join-Path $CommandsDir "$Command.py" if (Test-Path $CommandPath) { & "$ScriptDir\Start-Python.ps1" $CommandPath @CommandArgs } else { Write-Error "The command '$Command' could not be found. Use List-StackdumpCommands to see a list of valid commands." }