diff --git a/python/packages/pysolr.py b/python/packages/pysolr.py
index a1972aa..3df6e38 100644
--- a/python/packages/pysolr.py
+++ b/python/packages/pysolr.py
@@ -246,6 +246,11 @@ class Solr(object):
Optionally accepts ``timeout`` for wait seconds until giving up on a
request. Default is ``60`` seconds.
+ Optionally accepts ``assume_clean`` to skip cleaning request of invalid XML
+ characters. This offers a slight performance improvement, but only set this
+ to ``True`` if you know your request is clean (e.g. coming from other XML
+ data). Bad things will happen otherwise. Default is ``False``.
solr = pysolr.Solr('http://localhost:8983/solr')
@@ -253,10 +258,11 @@ class Solr(object):
solr = pysolr.Solr('http://localhost:8983/solr', timeout=10)
- def __init__(self, url, decoder=None, timeout=60):
+ def __init__(self, url, decoder=None, timeout=60, assume_clean=False):
self.decoder = decoder or json.JSONDecoder()
self.url = url
self.timeout = timeout
+ self.assume_clean = assume_clean
self.log = self._get_log()
self.session = requests.Session()
self.session.stream = False
@@ -506,7 +512,10 @@ class Solr(object):
value = "{0}".format(value)
- return clean_xml_string(value)
+ if self.assume_clean:
+ return value
+ else:
+ return clean_xml_string(value)
def _to_python(self, value):
diff --git a/python/src/stackdump/app.py b/python/src/stackdump/app.py
index 8675d84..1163d84 100644
--- a/python/src/stackdump/app.py
+++ b/python/src/stackdump/app.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import html5lib
from html5lib.filters._base import Filter as HTML5LibFilterBase
import markdown
-from stackdump.models import Site, Badge, Comment, User
+from stackdump.models import Site, Badge, User
from stackdump import settings
diff --git a/python/src/stackdump/commands/import_site.py b/python/src/stackdump/commands/import_site.py
index 26530b2..7b1607d 100644
--- a/python/src/stackdump/commands/import_site.py
+++ b/python/src/stackdump/commands/import_site.py
@@ -1,848 +1,887 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# This script takes extracted site files and inserts them into the database.
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import xml.sax
-from datetime import datetime
-import re
-import urllib2
-import socket
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-from sqlobject import sqlhub, connectionForURI, AND, OR, IN, SQLObject
-from sqlobject.sqlbuilder import Delete, Insert
-from sqlobject.styles import DefaultStyle
-from pysolr import Solr
-from stackdump.models import Site, Badge, Comment, User
-from stackdump import settings
- # For Python < 2.6 or people using a newer version of simplejson
- import simplejson as json
-except ImportError:
- # For Python >= 2.6
- import json
-script_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
-ISO_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
-class BaseContentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
- """
- Base content handler.
- """
- def __init__(self, conn, site, obj_class):
- self.conn = conn
- self.site = site
- self.obj_class = obj_class
- self.cur_props = None
- self.row_count = 0
- self.db_style = DefaultStyle()
- def endElement(self, name):
- if name != 'row':
- return
- if not self.cur_props:
- return
- # we want to count failed rows as well as successful ones as this is
- # a count of rows processed.
- self.row_count += 1
- # the cur_props is now complete. Save it.
- try:
- # the object is automatically saved to the database on creation
- # adding records using the SQLObject object takes too long
- #self.obj_class(**self.cur_props)
- # so we're going to go closer to the metal
- props_for_db = { }
- for k,v in self.cur_props.items():
- # if this is a reference to a FK, massage the values to fit
- if isinstance(v, SQLObject):
- k += 'Id'
- v = v.id
- # need to convert the attr names to DB column names
- props_for_db[self.db_style.pythonAttrToDBColumn(k)] = v
- self.conn.query(self.conn.sqlrepr(Insert(self.obj_class.sqlmeta.table, values=props_for_db)))
- except Exception, e:
- # could not insert this, so ignore the row
- print('Exception: ' + str(e))
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print('Could not insert the row ' + repr(self.cur_props))
- self.cur_props = None
- if self.row_count % 1000 == 0:
- print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[%s]' % self.obj_class.sqlmeta.table,
- self.row_count)
- )
-class BadgeContentHandler(BaseContentHandler):
- """
- Parses the string -
- """
- def __init__(self, conn, site):
- BaseContentHandler.__init__(self, conn, site, Badge)
- def startElement(self, name, attrs):
- if name != 'row':
- return
- try:
- d = self.cur_props = { 'site' : self.site }
- d['sourceId'] = int(attrs['Id'])
- d['userId'] = int(attrs.get('UserId', 0))
- d['name'] = attrs.get('Name', '')
- d['date'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('Date'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- except Exception, e:
- # could not parse this, so ignore the row completely
- self.cur_props = None
- print('Exception: ' + str(e))
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print('Could not parse the row ' + repr(attrs))
-class CommentContentHandler(BaseContentHandler):
- """
- Parses the string -
- """
- def __init__(self, conn, site):
- BaseContentHandler.__init__(self, conn, site, Comment)
- def startElement(self, name, attrs):
- if name != 'row':
- return
- try:
- d = self.cur_props = { 'site' : self.site }
- d['sourceId'] = int(attrs['Id'])
- d['postId'] = int(attrs.get('PostId', 0))
- d['score'] = int(attrs.get('Score', 0))
- d['text'] = attrs.get('Text', '')
- d['creationDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('CreationDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- d['userId'] = int(attrs.get('UserId', 0))
- except Exception, e:
- # could not parse this, so ignore the row completely
- self.cur_props = None
- print('Exception: ' + str(e))
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print('Could not parse the row ' + repr(attrs))
-class UserContentHandler(BaseContentHandler):
- """
- Parses the string -
- """
- def __init__(self, conn, site):
- BaseContentHandler.__init__(self, conn, site, User)
- def startElement(self, name, attrs):
- if name != 'row':
- return
- try:
- d = self.cur_props = { 'site' : self.site }
- d['sourceId'] = int(attrs['Id'])
- d['reputation'] = int(attrs.get('Reputation', 0))
- d['creationDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('CreationDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- d['displayName'] = attrs.get('DisplayName', '')
- d['emailHash'] = attrs.get('EmailHash', '')
- d['lastAccessDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('LastAccessDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- d['websiteUrl'] = attrs.get('WebsiteUrl', '')
- d['location'] = attrs.get('Location', '')
- d['age'] = int(attrs.get('Age', 0))
- d['aboutMe'] = attrs.get('AboutMe', '')
- d['views'] = int(attrs.get('Views', 0))
- d['upVotes'] = int(attrs.get('UpVotes', 0))
- d['downVotes'] = int(attrs.get('DownVotes', 0))
- except Exception, e:
- # could not parse this, so ignore the row completely
- self.cur_props = None
- print('Exception: ' + str(e))
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print('Could not parse the row ' + repr(attrs))
-class PostContentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
- """
- Parses the string -
- """
- TAGS_RE = re.compile(u'<([^>]+)>')
- def __init__(self, solr, site):
- self.solr = solr
- self.site = site
- self.unfinished_questions = { }
- self.orphan_answers = { }
- self.cur_props = None
- self.row_count = 0
- def json_default_handler(self, obj):
- # for date object handling
- if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'):
- return obj.isoformat()
- else:
- raise TypeError, 'Object of type %s with value of %s is not JSON serializable' % (type(obj), repr(obj))
- def startElement(self, name, attrs):
- if name != 'row':
- return
- try:
- d = self.cur_props = { }
- d['id'] = int(attrs['Id'])
- if attrs['PostTypeId'] == '2':
- # I am an answer.
- d['parentId'] = int(attrs['ParentId'])
- elif attrs['PostTypeId'] == '1':
- # I am a question.
- d['answers'] = [ ]
- d['answerCount'] = int(attrs.get('AnswerCount', 0))
- d['viewCount'] = int(attrs.get('ViewCount', 0))
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown PostTypeId [%s] for row ID [%s]. Probably a tag wiki page.' % (attrs.get('PostTypeId', -1), attrs.get('Id', -1)))
- if 'AcceptedAnswerId' in attrs:
- d['acceptedAnswerId'] = int(attrs.get('AcceptedAnswerId', 0))
- d['creationDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('CreationDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- d['score'] = int(attrs.get('Score', 0))
- d['body'] = attrs.get('Body', '')
- d['ownerUserId'] = int(attrs.get('OwnerUserId', 0))
- if 'LastEditorUserId' in attrs:
- d['lastEditorUserId'] = int(attrs.get('LastEditorUserId', 0))
- if 'LastEditDate' in attrs:
- d['lastEditDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('LastEditDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- d['lastActivityDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('LastActivityDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- if 'CommunityOwnedDate' in attrs:
- d['communityOwnedDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('CommunityOwnedDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- if 'ClosedDate' in attrs:
- d['closedDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('ClosedDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
- d['title'] = attrs.get('Title', '')
- if 'Tags' in attrs:
- d['tags'] = attrs.get('Tags', '')
- d['commentCount'] = int(attrs.get('CommentCount', 0))
- d['favoriteCount'] = int(attrs.get('FavoriteCount', 0))
- d['comments'] = [ ]
- except Exception, e:
- # could not parse this, so ignore the row completely
- self.cur_props = None
- print('Exception: ' + str(e))
- # TODO: enable these in verbose/debug output mode
- #import traceback
- #traceback.print_exc()
- #print('Could not parse the row ' + repr(dict([(k,attrs[k]) for k in attrs.getNames()])))
- def endElement(self, name):
- if name != 'row':
- return
- if not self.cur_props:
- return
- # we want to count failed rows as well as successful ones as this is
- # a count of rows processed.
- self.row_count += 1
- try:
- d = self.cur_props
- # the cur_props is now complete. Stash it away until question is complete.
- if d.has_key('parentId'):
- # this is an answer.
- if not self.unfinished_questions.has_key(d['parentId']):
- if not self.orphan_answers.has_key(d['parentId']):
- self.orphan_answers[d['parentId']] = [ ]
- self.orphan_answers[d['parentId']].append(d)
- else:
- self.unfinished_questions[d['parentId']]['answers'].append(d)
- else:
- # this is a question.
- if self.unfinished_questions.has_key(d['id']):
- # this should not occur; duplicate question id.
- raise ValueError('Question ID [%s] already exists.\nThis title: %s\nDuplicate title:%s\nIgnoring duplicate.' %
- (d['id'], d['title'], self.unfinished_questions[d['id']]['title']))
- else:
- self.unfinished_questions[d['id']] = d
- # check if any of the orphan answers are for this question
- if self.orphan_answers.has_key(d['id']):
- d['answers'].extend(self.orphan_answers[d['id']])
- # remove orphan answers from the orphan list
- del self.orphan_answers[d['id']]
- except Exception, e:
- # could not insert this, so ignore the row
- print('Exception: ' + str(e))
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print('Could not process the row ' + repr(self.cur_props))
- self.cur_props = None
- if self.row_count % 1000 == 0:
- print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[post]', self.row_count))
- # only check for finished questions every 1000 rows to speed things up
- if self.row_count % 1000 == 0:
- self.commit_finished_questions()
- def commit_finished_questions(self):
- # check if any questions are now complete (answerCount=len(answers))
- finished_question_ids = [ ]
- questions_to_commit = [ ]
- for id, q in self.unfinished_questions.items():
- if len(q['answers']) >= q['answerCount']:
- if len(q['answers']) > q['answerCount']:
- print('Question ID [%s] expected to have %d answers, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], q['answerCount'], len(q['answers'])))
- try:
- # question is complete, store it.
- questions_to_commit.append(self.finalise_question(q))
- except Exception, e:
- # could not serialise and insert this question, so ignore it
- print('Exception: ' + str(e))
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print('Could not process the completed question ' + repr(q))
- finally:
- finished_question_ids.append(id)
- # commit at the end so if cancelled, there won't be orphans in solr.
- self.commit_questions(questions_to_commit, commit=False)
- # remove any finished questions from the unfinished list
- for id in finished_question_ids:
- self.unfinished_questions.pop(id)
- def finalise_question(self, q):
- """
- Massages and serialises the question object so it can be inserted into
- the search index in the form that we want.
- Things this does -
- * fetch comments for question and answers and attach them to the objects
- * creates the 'text' field for the search index that contains all the
- text of the question (title, question, answers and all comments).
- * serialises answers to JSON
- * creates dict that maps to the search index document schema
- * remove unwanted attributes from the q object and serialise question to
- * add question JSON to document
- * commit document to search index.
- """
- # find and attach any comments for this question and its answers
- # get the set of post ids
- post_ids = set()
- post_ids.add(q['id'])
- for a in q['answers']:
- post_ids.add(a['id'])
- # get the comments
- comment_objs = Comment.select(AND(Comment.q.site == self.site,
- IN(Comment.q.postId, list(post_ids))))
- # sort the comments out into a dict keyed on the post id
- comments = { }
- for c in comment_objs:
- # convert comment object to a JSON-serialisable object
- comment_json = { }
- for f in Comment.json_fields:
- comment_json[f] = getattr(c, f)
- # we already know that this comment comes from the current site, so
- # we only need to filter on post ID
- if not comments.has_key(c.postId):
- comments[c.postId] = [ ]
- comments[c.postId].append(comment_json)
- # add comments to the question
- if comments.has_key(q['id']):
- q['comments'].extend(comments[q['id']])
- if len(q['comments']) != q['commentCount']:
- print('Post ID [%s] expected to have %d comments, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], q['commentCount'], len(q['comments'])))
- # add comments to the answers
- for a in q['answers']:
- if comments.has_key(a['id']):
- a['comments'].extend(comments[a['id']])
- if len(a['comments']) != a['commentCount']:
- print('Post ID [%s] expected to have %d comments, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (a['id'], a['commentCount'], len(a['comments'])))
- doc = { }
- # create the text field contents
- search_text = [ ]
- # question bits
- search_text.append(q['title'])
- search_text.append(q['body'])
- for c in q['comments']:
- search_text.append(c['text'])
- # answer bits
- for a in q['answers']:
- search_text.append(a['body'])
- for c in a['comments']:
- search_text.append(c['text'])
- search_text = ' '.join(search_text)
- doc['text'] = search_text
- # serialise answers to JSON
- doc['answers-json'] = [ json.dumps(a, default=self.json_default_handler) for a in q['answers'] ]
- # map other fields to search index doc
- doc['id'] = str(q['id'])
- doc['siteKey'] = self.site.key
- doc['creationDate'] = q['creationDate']
- # the XML field name is score, but score is a reserved lucene keyword
- doc['votes'] = q['score']
- doc['viewCount'] = q['viewCount']
- doc['title'] = q['title']
- doc['answerId'] = [ str(a['id']) for a in q['answers'] ]
- doc['ownerUserId'] = q['ownerUserId']
- if 'lastEditorUserId' in q:
- doc['lastEditorUserId'] = q['lastEditorUserId']
- doc['lastActivityDate'] = q['lastActivityDate']
- if 'communityOwnedDate' in q:
- doc['communityOwnedDate'] = q['communityOwnedDate']
- if 'closedDate' in q:
- doc['closedDate'] = q['closedDate']
- if 'tags' in q:
- # parse tags into a list
- doc['tags'] = PostContentHandler.TAGS_RE.findall(q['tags'])
- # serialise question to JSON (the q object has cruft we don't want)
- question_obj = { }
- question_obj['id'] = q['id']
- if 'acceptedAnswerId' in q:
- # check that the accepted answer is in the question's answers section.
- # sometimes they're not, e.g. if the question was merged - the
- # acceptedAnswerId would point to an answer in another question
- # instead. We don't deal with merged questions yet, so this option
- # means questions won't appear to have answers when they don't.
- if q['acceptedAnswerId'] in post_ids:
- question_obj['acceptedAnswerId'] = q['acceptedAnswerId']
- else:
- print 'Question [ID# %i] had an unknown answer. Possibly been merged or migrated. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], )
- question_obj['creationDate'] = q['creationDate']
- question_obj['score'] = q['score']
- question_obj['viewCount'] = q['viewCount']
- question_obj['body'] = q['body']
- question_obj['ownerUserId'] = q['ownerUserId']
- if 'lastEditorUserId' in q:
- question_obj['lastEditorUserId'] = q['lastEditorUserId']
- if 'LastEditDate' in q:
- question_obj['lastEditDate'] = q['lastEditDate']
- question_obj['lastActivityDate'] = q['lastActivityDate']
- if 'communityOwnedDate' in q:
- question_obj['communityOwnedDate'] = q['communityOwnedDate']
- if 'closedDate' in q:
- question_obj['closedDate'] = q['closedDate']
- question_obj['title'] = q['title']
- if 'tags' in q:
- question_obj['tags'] = PostContentHandler.TAGS_RE.findall(q['tags'])
- question_obj['favoriteCount'] = q['favoriteCount']
- question_obj['comments'] = q['comments']
- doc['question-json'] = json.dumps(question_obj, default=self.json_default_handler)
- return doc
- def commit_questions(self, questions, commit=True):
- """
- Commits the given list of questions to solr.
- """
- self.solr.add(questions, commit=commit)
- def commit_all_questions(self):
- """
- Commits all questions, regardless of whether they're completed or not.
- Should be called after all XML has been parsed.
- """
- self.commit_finished_questions()
- questions_to_commit = [ ]
- for id, q in self.unfinished_questions.items():
- print('Question [ID# %d] was expected to have %d answers, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], q['answerCount'], len(q['answers'])))
- try:
- # question is complete, store it.
- questions_to_commit.append(self.finalise_question(q))
- except Exception, e:
- # could not serialise and insert this question, so ignore it
- print('Exception: ' + str(e))
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print('Could not process the question ' + repr(q))
- # commit at the end so if cancelled, there won't be orphans in solr.
- self.commit_questions(questions_to_commit, commit=False)
- # we're committing all questions, so nothing is now unfinished
- self.unfinished_questions.clear()
- # check if there are any orphan answers
- for question_id, answers in self.orphan_answers.items():
- print('There are %d answers for missing question [ID# %d]. Ignoring orphan answers.' % (len(answers), question_id))
-def get_file_path(dir_path, filename):
- """
- Returns the absolute path to the file, matching the file in a
- case-insensitive manner.
- If multiple files match the filename (e.g. on case-sensitive filesystems) a
- ValueError will be thrown.
- If no matching files are found, None will be returned.
- @param dir_path: the directory containing the file
- @param filename: the filename to make a case-insensitive match with
- @return: the absolute path to the matched file
- """
- files = [ f for f in os.listdir(dir_path) ]
- matches = [ ]
- for f in files:
- if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, f)):
- continue
- if f.lower() == filename.lower():
- matches.append(f)
- if len(matches) == 0:
- return None
- if len(matches) > 1:
- raise ValueError('More than one file matched the given filename - ' + repr(matches))
- return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir_path, matches[0]))
-def import_site(xml_root, site_name, dump_date, site_desc, site_key,
- site_base_url, answer_yes=False):
- print('Using the XML root path: ' + xml_root + '\n')
- if not os.path.exists(xml_root):
- print('The given XML root path does not exist.')
- sys.exit(1)
- # connect to the database
- print('Connecting to the database...')
- conn_str = settings.DATABASE_CONN_STR
- sqlhub.processConnection = connectionForURI(conn_str)
- print('Connected.\n')
- # connect to solr
- print('Connecting to solr...')
- solr = Solr(settings.SOLR_URL)
- # pysolr doesn't try to connect until a request is made, so we'll make a ping request
- try:
- solr._send_request('GET', 'admin/ping')
- except socket.error, e:
- print('Failed to connect to solr - error was: %s' % str(e))
- print('Aborting.')
- sys.exit(2)
- print('Connected.\n')
- # ensure required tables exist
- print("Creating tables if they don't exist...")
- Site.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
- Badge.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
- Comment.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
- User.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
- print('Created.\n')
- # only look if they were not specified at the command line; also only if
- # readme.txt exists (they don't in dumps after Aug 2012)
- readme_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'readme.txt')
- if not (site_name and dump_date) and readme_path:
- # get the site name from the first line of readme.txt. This could be fragile.
- with open(readme_path, 'r') as f:
- site_readme_desc = f.readline().strip()
- # assume if there's a colon in the name, the name part is before, and the date
- # part is after.
- if ':' in site_readme_desc:
- readme_site_name, readme_dump_date = site_readme_desc.split(':')
- readme_site_name = readme_site_name.strip()
- readme_dump_date = readme_dump_date.strip()
- else:
- readme_site_name = site_readme_desc
- readme_dump_date = None
- # if the phrase ' - Data Dump' is in the readme site name, remove it
- i = readme_site_name.rfind(' - Data Dump')
- if i >= 0:
- readme_site_name = readme_site_name[:i].strip()
- if not site_name:
- site_name = readme_site_name
- if not dump_date:
- dump_date = readme_dump_date
- # look for the site in the sites RSS file using the base_url with the id in RSS
- # scrub the URL scheme off the base_url
- if site_base_url:
- # if there is no URL scheme, add one so it can be parsed by urllib2 so it
- # can strip off other bits in the URL that we don't want
- if '://' not in site_base_url:
- site_base_url = 'http://%s' % site_base_url
- site_base_url = urllib2.Request(site_base_url).get_host()
- # attempt to get more information from the sites RSS cache
- if site_base_url and not (site_name and site_desc and site_key):
- sites_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../../../data/sites')
- if os.path.exists(sites_file_path):
- with open(sites_file_path) as f:
- sites_file = ElementTree.parse(f)
- entries = sites_file.findall('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}entry')
- for entry in entries:
- entry_base_url = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}id').text
- if '://' in entry_base_url:
- entry_base_url = urllib2.Request(entry_base_url).get_host()
- if site_base_url == entry_base_url:
- # this entry matches the detected site id
- if not site_key:
- # extract the key from the url
- rss_site_key = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}id').text
- # remove the URL scheme
- if '://' in rss_site_key:
- rss_site_key = rss_site_key[rss_site_key.find('://')+3:]
- # remove the TLD
- if rss_site_key.rfind('.') >= 0:
- rss_site_key = rss_site_key[:rss_site_key.rfind('.')]
- # remove the .stackexchange bit
- if '.stackexchange' in rss_site_key:
- rss_site_key = rss_site_key[:rss_site_key.find('.stackexchange')]
- site_key = rss_site_key
- if not site_name:
- site_name = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}title').text.strip()
- if not site_desc:
- site_desc = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}summary').text.strip()
- print 'Name: %s\nKey: %s\nDescription: %s\nDump Date: %s\nBase URL: %s\n' % (
- site_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore') if site_name else None,
- site_key,
- site_desc.encode('ascii', 'ignore') if site_desc else None,
- dump_date,
- site_base_url
- )
- # the base URL is optional.
- if not (site_name and site_key and site_desc and dump_date):
- print 'Could not get all the details for the site.'
- print 'Use command-line parameters to specify the missing details (listed as None).'
- sys.exit(1)
- # prevent importing sites with keys that clash with method names in the app,
- # e.g. a site key of 'search' would clash with the Stackdump-wide search page.
- if site_key in ('search', 'import', 'media', 'licenses'):
- print 'The site key given, %s, is a reserved word in Stackdump.' % site_key
- print 'Use the --site-key parameter to specify an alternate site key.'
- sys.exit(2)
- # confirm site details with user to make sure we don't accidentally overwrite
- # another site.
- if not answer_yes:
- confirm_prompt = 'Are these details correct (answer "yes" to proceed, anything else to abort)? '
- confirm_answer = raw_input(confirm_prompt)
- if confirm_answer != 'yes':
- print 'Import aborted on user request.'
- sys.exit(3)
- # rollback any uncommitted entries in solr. Uncommitted entries may occur if
- # this import process is aborted. Solr doesn't have the concept of transactions
- # like databases do, so without a rollback, we'll be committing the previously
- # uncommitted entries plus the newly imported ones.
- #
- # This also means multiple dataproc processes cannot occur concurrently. If you
- # do the import will be silently incomplete.
- print('Clearing any uncommitted entries in solr...')
- solr._update('', waitFlush=None, waitSearcher=None)
- print('Cleared.\n')
- # check if site is already in database; if so, purge the data.
- site = list(Site.select(Site.q.key==site_key))
- if len(site) > 0:
- site = site[0]
- print('Deleting site "%s" from the database... ' % site.name)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # Using SQLObject to delete rows takes too long, so we're going to do it directly
- #Site.delete(site.id) # the relationship cascades, so other rows will be deleted
- sqlhub.threadConnection = sqlhub.processConnection.transaction()
- conn = sqlhub.threadConnection
- # these deletions are done in this order to avoid FK constraint issues
- print('\tDeleting comments...')
- conn.query(conn.sqlrepr(Delete(Comment.sqlmeta.table, where=(Comment.q.site==site))))
- print('\tDeleting badges...')
- conn.query(conn.sqlrepr(Delete(Badge.sqlmeta.table, where=(Badge.q.site==site))))
- print('\tDeleting users...')
- conn.query(conn.sqlrepr(Delete(User.sqlmeta.table, where=(User.q.site==site))))
- print('\tDeleting site...')
- conn.query(conn.sqlrepr(Delete(Site.sqlmeta.table, where=(Site.q.id==site.id))))
- sqlhub.threadConnection.commit(close=True)
- print('Deleted.\n')
- print('Deleting site "%s" from the solr... ' % site.name)
- solr.delete(q='siteKey:"%s"' % site.key, commit=False)
- solr.commit(expungeDeletes=True)
- print('Deleted.\n')
- timing_start = time.time()
- # start a new transaction
- sqlhub.threadConnection = sqlhub.processConnection.transaction()
- conn = sqlhub.threadConnection
- # create a new Site
- site = Site(name=site_name, desc=site_desc, key=site_key, dump_date=dump_date,
- import_date=datetime.now(), base_url=site_base_url)
- # Processing of badges has been disabled because they don't offer any useful
- # information in the offline situation.
- #print('[badge] PARSING BADGES...')
- #xml_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'badges.xml')
- #print('[badge] start parsing badges.xml...')
- #handler = BadgeContentHandler(conn, site)
- #xml.sax.parse(xml_path, handler)
- #print('[badge]\tProcessed %d rows.' % (handler.row_count))
- #print('[badge] FINISHED PARSING BADGES.\n')
- # comments are temporarily stored in the database for retrieval when parsing
- # posts only.
- print('[comment] PARSING COMMENTS...')
- xml_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'comments.xml')
- print('[comment] start parsing comments.xml...')
- handler = CommentContentHandler(conn, site)
- xml.sax.parse(xml_path, handler)
- print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[comment]', handler.row_count))
- print('[comment] FINISHED PARSING COMMENTS.\n')
- print('[user] PARSING USERS...')
- xml_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'users.xml')
- print('[user] start parsing users.xml...')
- handler = UserContentHandler(conn, site)
- xml.sax.parse(xml_path, handler)
- print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[user]', handler.row_count))
- print('[user] FINISHED PARSING USERS.\n')
- # posts are added directly to the Solr index; they are not added to the database.
- print('[post] PARSING POSTS...')
- xml_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'posts.xml')
- print('[post] start parsing posts.xml...')
- handler = PostContentHandler(solr, site)
- xml.sax.parse(xml_path, handler)
- handler.commit_all_questions()
- print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[post]', handler.row_count))
- print('[post] FINISHED PARSING POSTS.\n')
- print('[comment] DELETING COMMENTS FROM DATABASE (they are no longer needed)...')
- conn.query(conn.sqlrepr(Delete(Comment.sqlmeta.table, where=(Comment.q.site == site))))
- print('[comment] FINISHED DELETING COMMENTS.\n')
- # commit transaction
- sqlhub.threadConnection.commit(close=True)
- solr.commit()
- timing_end = time.time()
- print('Time taken for site insertion into Stackdump: %f seconds.' % (timing_end - timing_start))
- print('')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] xml_root_dir')
- parser.add_option('-n', '--site-name', help='Name of the site.')
- parser.add_option('-d', '--site-desc', help='Description of the site (if not in sites).')
- parser.add_option('-k', '--site-key', help='Key of the site (if not in sites).')
- parser.add_option('-c', '--dump-date', help='Dump date of the site.')
- parser.add_option('-u', '--base-url', help='Base URL of the site on the web.')
- parser.add_option('-Y', help='Answer yes to any confirmation questions.', dest='answer_yes', action='store_true', default=False)
- (cmd_options, cmd_args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(cmd_args) < 1:
- print('The path to the directory containing the extracted XML files is required.')
- sys.exit(1)
- import_site(cmd_args[0], cmd_options.site_name, cmd_options.dump_date,
- cmd_options.site_desc, cmd_options.site_key,
- cmd_options.base_url, answer_yes=cmd_options.answer_yes)
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This script takes extracted site files and inserts them into the database.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import xml.sax
+from datetime import datetime
+import re
+import urllib2
+import socket
+import tempfile
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from sqlobject import sqlhub, connectionForURI, AND, IN, SQLObject, \
+ UnicodeCol, DateTimeCol, IntCol, DatabaseIndex, dbconnection
+from sqlobject.sqlbuilder import Delete, Insert
+from sqlobject.styles import DefaultStyle
+from pysolr import Solr
+from stackdump.models import Site, Badge, User
+from stackdump import settings
+ # For Python < 2.6 or people using a newer version of simplejson
+ import simplejson as json
+except ImportError:
+ # For Python >= 2.6
+ import json
+script_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+ISO_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
+class BaseContentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
+ """
+ Base content handler.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conn, site, obj_class):
+ self.conn = conn
+ self.site = site
+ self.obj_class = obj_class
+ self.cur_props = None
+ self.row_count = 0
+ self.db_style = DefaultStyle()
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ if name != 'row':
+ return
+ if not self.cur_props:
+ return
+ # we want to count failed rows as well as successful ones as this is
+ # a count of rows processed.
+ self.row_count += 1
+ # the cur_props is now complete. Save it.
+ try:
+ # the object is automatically saved to the database on creation
+ # adding records using the SQLObject object takes too long
+ #self.obj_class(**self.cur_props)
+ # so we're going to go closer to the metal
+ props_for_db = { }
+ for k,v in self.cur_props.items():
+ # if this is a reference to a FK, massage the values to fit
+ if isinstance(v, SQLObject):
+ k += 'Id'
+ v = v.id
+ # need to convert the attr names to DB column names
+ props_for_db[self.db_style.pythonAttrToDBColumn(k)] = v
+ self.conn.query(self.conn.sqlrepr(Insert(self.obj_class.sqlmeta.table, values=props_for_db)))
+ except Exception, e:
+ # could not insert this, so ignore the row
+ print('Exception: ' + str(e))
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print('Could not insert the row ' + repr(self.cur_props))
+ self.cur_props = None
+ if self.row_count % 1000 == 0:
+ print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[%s]' % self.obj_class.sqlmeta.table,
+ self.row_count)
+ )
+class BadgeContentHandler(BaseContentHandler):
+ """
+ Parses the string -
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conn, site):
+ BaseContentHandler.__init__(self, conn, site, Badge)
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if name != 'row':
+ return
+ try:
+ d = self.cur_props = { 'site' : self.site }
+ d['sourceId'] = int(attrs['Id'])
+ d['userId'] = int(attrs.get('UserId', 0))
+ d['name'] = attrs.get('Name', '')
+ d['date'] = attrs.get('Date')
+ except Exception, e:
+ # could not parse this, so ignore the row completely
+ self.cur_props = None
+ print('Exception: ' + str(e))
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print('Could not parse the row ' + repr(attrs))
+class CommentContentHandler(BaseContentHandler):
+ """
+ Parses the string -
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conn, site):
+ BaseContentHandler.__init__(self, conn, site, Comment)
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if name != 'row':
+ return
+ try:
+ d = self.cur_props = { 'siteId' : self.site.id }
+ d['sourceId'] = int(attrs['Id'])
+ d['postId'] = int(attrs.get('PostId', 0))
+ d['score'] = int(attrs.get('Score', 0))
+ d['text'] = attrs.get('Text', '')
+ d['creationDate'] = attrs.get('CreationDate')
+ d['userId'] = int(attrs.get('UserId', 0))
+ except Exception, e:
+ # could not parse this, so ignore the row completely
+ self.cur_props = None
+ print('Exception: ' + str(e))
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print('Could not parse the row ' + repr(attrs))
+class UserContentHandler(BaseContentHandler):
+ """
+ Parses the string -
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conn, site):
+ BaseContentHandler.__init__(self, conn, site, User)
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if name != 'row':
+ return
+ try:
+ d = self.cur_props = { 'site' : self.site }
+ d['sourceId'] = int(attrs['Id'])
+ d['reputation'] = int(attrs.get('Reputation', 0))
+ d['creationDate'] = attrs.get('CreationDate')
+ d['displayName'] = attrs.get('DisplayName', '')
+ d['emailHash'] = attrs.get('EmailHash', '')
+ d['lastAccessDate'] = attrs.get('LastAccessDate')
+ d['websiteUrl'] = attrs.get('WebsiteUrl', '')
+ d['location'] = attrs.get('Location', '')
+ d['age'] = int(attrs.get('Age', 0))
+ d['aboutMe'] = attrs.get('AboutMe', '')
+ d['views'] = int(attrs.get('Views', 0))
+ d['upVotes'] = int(attrs.get('UpVotes', 0))
+ d['downVotes'] = int(attrs.get('DownVotes', 0))
+ except Exception, e:
+ # could not parse this, so ignore the row completely
+ self.cur_props = None
+ print('Exception: ' + str(e))
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print('Could not parse the row ' + repr(attrs))
+class PostContentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
+ """
+ Parses the string -
+ """
+ TAGS_RE = re.compile(u'<([^>]+)>')
+ def __init__(self, solr, site):
+ self.solr = solr
+ self.site = site
+ self.unfinished_questions = { }
+ self.orphan_answers = { }
+ self.cur_props = None
+ self.row_count = 0
+ def json_default_handler(self, obj):
+ # for date object handling
+ if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'):
+ return obj.isoformat()
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, 'Object of type %s with value of %s is not JSON serializable' % (type(obj), repr(obj))
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if name != 'row':
+ return
+ try:
+ d = self.cur_props = { }
+ d['id'] = int(attrs['Id'])
+ if attrs['PostTypeId'] == '2':
+ # I am an answer.
+ d['parentId'] = int(attrs['ParentId'])
+ elif attrs['PostTypeId'] == '1':
+ # I am a question.
+ d['answers'] = [ ]
+ d['answerCount'] = int(attrs.get('AnswerCount', 0))
+ d['viewCount'] = int(attrs.get('ViewCount', 0))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown PostTypeId [%s] for row ID [%s]. Probably a tag wiki page.' % (attrs.get('PostTypeId', -1), attrs.get('Id', -1)))
+ if 'AcceptedAnswerId' in attrs:
+ d['acceptedAnswerId'] = int(attrs.get('AcceptedAnswerId', 0))
+ d['creationDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('CreationDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
+ d['score'] = int(attrs.get('Score', 0))
+ d['body'] = attrs.get('Body', '')
+ d['ownerUserId'] = int(attrs.get('OwnerUserId', 0))
+ if 'LastEditorUserId' in attrs:
+ d['lastEditorUserId'] = int(attrs.get('LastEditorUserId', 0))
+ if 'LastEditDate' in attrs:
+ d['lastEditDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('LastEditDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
+ d['lastActivityDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('LastActivityDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
+ if 'CommunityOwnedDate' in attrs:
+ d['communityOwnedDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('CommunityOwnedDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
+ if 'ClosedDate' in attrs:
+ d['closedDate'] = datetime.strptime(attrs.get('ClosedDate'), ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
+ d['title'] = attrs.get('Title', '')
+ if 'Tags' in attrs:
+ d['tags'] = attrs.get('Tags', '')
+ d['commentCount'] = int(attrs.get('CommentCount', 0))
+ d['favoriteCount'] = int(attrs.get('FavoriteCount', 0))
+ d['comments'] = [ ]
+ except Exception, e:
+ # could not parse this, so ignore the row completely
+ self.cur_props = None
+ print('Exception: ' + str(e))
+ # TODO: enable these in verbose/debug output mode
+ #import traceback
+ #traceback.print_exc()
+ #print('Could not parse the row ' + repr(dict([(k,attrs[k]) for k in attrs.getNames()])))
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ if name != 'row':
+ return
+ if not self.cur_props:
+ return
+ # we want to count failed rows as well as successful ones as this is
+ # a count of rows processed.
+ self.row_count += 1
+ try:
+ d = self.cur_props
+ # the cur_props is now complete. Stash it away until question is complete.
+ if d.has_key('parentId'):
+ # this is an answer.
+ if not self.unfinished_questions.has_key(d['parentId']):
+ if not self.orphan_answers.has_key(d['parentId']):
+ self.orphan_answers[d['parentId']] = [ ]
+ self.orphan_answers[d['parentId']].append(d)
+ else:
+ self.unfinished_questions[d['parentId']]['answers'].append(d)
+ else:
+ # this is a question.
+ if self.unfinished_questions.has_key(d['id']):
+ # this should not occur; duplicate question id.
+ raise ValueError('Question ID [%s] already exists.\nThis title: %s\nDuplicate title:%s\nIgnoring duplicate.' %
+ (d['id'], d['title'], self.unfinished_questions[d['id']]['title']))
+ else:
+ self.unfinished_questions[d['id']] = d
+ # check if any of the orphan answers are for this question
+ if self.orphan_answers.has_key(d['id']):
+ d['answers'].extend(self.orphan_answers[d['id']])
+ # remove orphan answers from the orphan list
+ del self.orphan_answers[d['id']]
+ except Exception, e:
+ # could not insert this, so ignore the row
+ print('Exception: ' + str(e))
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print('Could not process the row ' + repr(self.cur_props))
+ self.cur_props = None
+ if self.row_count % 1000 == 0:
+ print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[post]', self.row_count))
+ # only check for finished questions every 10000 rows to speed things up
+ if self.row_count % 10000 == 0:
+ print('Committing completed questions...')
+ self.commit_finished_questions()
+ def commit_finished_questions(self):
+ # check if any questions are now complete (answerCount=len(answers))
+ finished_question_ids = [ ]
+ questions_to_commit = [ ]
+ for id, q in self.unfinished_questions.items():
+ if len(q['answers']) >= q['answerCount']:
+ if len(q['answers']) > q['answerCount']:
+ print('Question ID [%s] expected to have %d answers, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], q['answerCount'], len(q['answers'])))
+ try:
+ # question is complete, store it.
+ questions_to_commit.append(self.finalise_question(q))
+ except Exception, e:
+ # could not serialise and insert this question, so ignore it
+ print('Exception: ' + str(e))
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print('Could not process the completed question ' + repr(q))
+ finally:
+ finished_question_ids.append(id)
+ # commit at the end so if cancelled, there won't be orphans in solr.
+ self.commit_questions(questions_to_commit, commit=False)
+ # remove any finished questions from the unfinished list
+ for id in finished_question_ids:
+ self.unfinished_questions.pop(id)
+ def finalise_question(self, q):
+ """
+ Massages and serialises the question object so it can be inserted into
+ the search index in the form that we want.
+ Things this does -
+ * fetch comments for question and answers and attach them to the objects
+ * creates the 'text' field for the search index that contains all the
+ text of the question (title, question, answers and all comments).
+ * serialises answers to JSON
+ * creates dict that maps to the search index document schema
+ * remove unwanted attributes from the q object and serialise question to
+ * add question JSON to document
+ * commit document to search index.
+ """
+ # find and attach any comments for this question and its answers
+ # get the set of post ids
+ post_ids = set()
+ post_ids.add(q['id'])
+ for a in q['answers']:
+ post_ids.add(a['id'])
+ # get the comments
+ comment_objs = Comment.select(AND(Comment.q.siteId == self.site.id,
+ IN(Comment.q.postId, list(post_ids))))
+ # sort the comments out into a dict keyed on the post id
+ comments = { }
+ for c in comment_objs:
+ # convert comment object to a JSON-serialisable object
+ comment_json = { }
+ for f in Comment.json_fields:
+ comment_json[f] = getattr(c, f)
+ # we already know that this comment comes from the current site, so
+ # we only need to filter on post ID
+ if not comments.has_key(c.postId):
+ comments[c.postId] = [ ]
+ comments[c.postId].append(comment_json)
+ # add comments to the question
+ if comments.has_key(q['id']):
+ q['comments'].extend(comments[q['id']])
+ if len(q['comments']) != q['commentCount']:
+ print('Post ID [%s] expected to have %d comments, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], q['commentCount'], len(q['comments'])))
+ # add comments to the answers
+ for a in q['answers']:
+ if comments.has_key(a['id']):
+ a['comments'].extend(comments[a['id']])
+ if len(a['comments']) != a['commentCount']:
+ print('Post ID [%s] expected to have %d comments, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (a['id'], a['commentCount'], len(a['comments'])))
+ doc = { }
+ # create the text field contents
+ search_text = [ ]
+ # question bits
+ search_text.append(q['title'])
+ search_text.append(q['body'])
+ for c in q['comments']:
+ search_text.append(c['text'])
+ # answer bits
+ for a in q['answers']:
+ search_text.append(a['body'])
+ for c in a['comments']:
+ search_text.append(c['text'])
+ search_text = ' '.join(search_text)
+ doc['text'] = search_text
+ # serialise answers to JSON
+ doc['answers-json'] = [ json.dumps(a, default=self.json_default_handler) for a in q['answers'] ]
+ # map other fields to search index doc
+ doc['id'] = str(q['id'])
+ doc['siteKey'] = self.site.key
+ doc['creationDate'] = q['creationDate']
+ # the XML field name is score, but score is a reserved lucene keyword
+ doc['votes'] = q['score']
+ doc['viewCount'] = q['viewCount']
+ doc['title'] = q['title']
+ doc['answerId'] = [ str(a['id']) for a in q['answers'] ]
+ doc['ownerUserId'] = q['ownerUserId']
+ if 'lastEditorUserId' in q:
+ doc['lastEditorUserId'] = q['lastEditorUserId']
+ doc['lastActivityDate'] = q['lastActivityDate']
+ if 'communityOwnedDate' in q:
+ doc['communityOwnedDate'] = q['communityOwnedDate']
+ if 'closedDate' in q:
+ doc['closedDate'] = q['closedDate']
+ if 'tags' in q:
+ # parse tags into a list
+ doc['tags'] = PostContentHandler.TAGS_RE.findall(q['tags'])
+ # serialise question to JSON (the q object has cruft we don't want)
+ question_obj = { }
+ question_obj['id'] = q['id']
+ if 'acceptedAnswerId' in q:
+ # check that the accepted answer is in the question's answers section.
+ # sometimes they're not, e.g. if the question was merged - the
+ # acceptedAnswerId would point to an answer in another question
+ # instead. We don't deal with merged questions yet, so this option
+ # means questions won't appear to have answers when they don't.
+ if q['acceptedAnswerId'] in post_ids:
+ question_obj['acceptedAnswerId'] = q['acceptedAnswerId']
+ else:
+ print 'Question [ID# %i] had an unknown answer. Possibly been merged or migrated. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], )
+ question_obj['creationDate'] = q['creationDate']
+ question_obj['score'] = q['score']
+ question_obj['viewCount'] = q['viewCount']
+ question_obj['body'] = q['body']
+ question_obj['ownerUserId'] = q['ownerUserId']
+ if 'lastEditorUserId' in q:
+ question_obj['lastEditorUserId'] = q['lastEditorUserId']
+ if 'LastEditDate' in q:
+ question_obj['lastEditDate'] = q['lastEditDate']
+ question_obj['lastActivityDate'] = q['lastActivityDate']
+ if 'communityOwnedDate' in q:
+ question_obj['communityOwnedDate'] = q['communityOwnedDate']
+ if 'closedDate' in q:
+ question_obj['closedDate'] = q['closedDate']
+ question_obj['title'] = q['title']
+ if 'tags' in q:
+ question_obj['tags'] = PostContentHandler.TAGS_RE.findall(q['tags'])
+ question_obj['favoriteCount'] = q['favoriteCount']
+ question_obj['comments'] = q['comments']
+ doc['question-json'] = json.dumps(question_obj, default=self.json_default_handler)
+ return doc
+ def commit_questions(self, questions, commit=True):
+ """
+ Adds the given list of questions to solr.
+ By default, they are committed immediately. Set the ``commit`` argument
+ to False to disable this behaviour.
+ """
+ self.solr.add(questions, commit=commit)
+ def commit_all_questions(self):
+ """
+ Commits all questions, regardless of whether they're completed or not.
+ Should be called after all XML has been parsed.
+ """
+ self.commit_finished_questions()
+ questions_to_commit = [ ]
+ for id, q in self.unfinished_questions.items():
+ print('Question [ID# %d] was expected to have %d answers, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], q['answerCount'], len(q['answers'])))
+ try:
+ # question is complete, store it.
+ questions_to_commit.append(self.finalise_question(q))
+ except Exception, e:
+ # could not serialise and insert this question, so ignore it
+ print('Exception: ' + str(e))
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print('Could not process the question ' + repr(q))
+ # commit at the end so if cancelled, there won't be orphans in solr.
+ self.commit_questions(questions_to_commit, commit=False)
+ # we're committing all questions, so nothing is now unfinished
+ self.unfinished_questions.clear()
+ # check if there are any orphan answers
+ for question_id, answers in self.orphan_answers.items():
+ print('There are %d answers for missing question [ID# %d]. Ignoring orphan answers.' % (len(answers), question_id))
+comment_db_sqlhub = dbconnection.ConnectionHub()
+class Comment(SQLObject):
+ sourceId = IntCol()
+ siteId = IntCol()
+ postId = IntCol()
+ score = IntCol()
+ text = UnicodeCol()
+ creationDate = DateTimeCol(datetimeFormat=ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
+ userId = IntCol()
+ siteId_postId_index = DatabaseIndex(siteId, postId)
+ _connection = comment_db_sqlhub
+ json_fields = [ 'id', 'score', 'text', 'creationDate', 'userId' ]
+def get_file_path(dir_path, filename):
+ """
+ Returns the absolute path to the file, matching the file in a
+ case-insensitive manner.
+ If multiple files match the filename (e.g. on case-sensitive filesystems) a
+ ValueError will be thrown.
+ If no matching files are found, None will be returned.
+ @param dir_path: the directory containing the file
+ @param filename: the filename to make a case-insensitive match with
+ @return: the absolute path to the matched file
+ """
+ files = [ f for f in os.listdir(dir_path) ]
+ matches = [ ]
+ for f in files:
+ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, f)):
+ continue
+ if f.lower() == filename.lower():
+ matches.append(f)
+ if len(matches) == 0:
+ return None
+ if len(matches) > 1:
+ raise ValueError('More than one file matched the given filename - ' + repr(matches))
+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir_path, matches[0]))
+def import_site(xml_root, site_name, dump_date, site_desc, site_key,
+ site_base_url, answer_yes=False):
+ print('Using the XML root path: ' + xml_root + '\n')
+ if not os.path.exists(xml_root):
+ print('The given XML root path does not exist.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # connect to the database
+ print('Connecting to the Stackdump database...')
+ conn_str = settings.DATABASE_CONN_STR
+ sqlhub.processConnection = connectionForURI(conn_str)
+ print('Connected.\n')
+ # connect to solr
+ print('Connecting to solr...')
+ solr = Solr(settings.SOLR_URL, assume_clean=True)
+ # pysolr doesn't try to connect until a request is made, so we'll make a ping request
+ try:
+ solr._send_request('GET', 'admin/ping')
+ except socket.error, e:
+ print('Failed to connect to solr - error was: %s' % str(e))
+ print('Aborting.')
+ sys.exit(2)
+ print('Connected.\n')
+ # ensure required tables exist
+ print("Creating tables if they don't exist...")
+ Site.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
+ Badge.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
+ User.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
+ print('Created.\n')
+ # only look if they were not specified at the command line; also only if
+ # readme.txt exists (they don't in dumps after Aug 2012)
+ readme_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'readme.txt')
+ if not (site_name and dump_date) and readme_path:
+ # get the site name from the first line of readme.txt. This could be fragile.
+ with open(readme_path, 'r') as f:
+ site_readme_desc = f.readline().strip()
+ # assume if there's a colon in the name, the name part is before, and the date
+ # part is after.
+ if ':' in site_readme_desc:
+ readme_site_name, readme_dump_date = site_readme_desc.split(':')
+ readme_site_name = readme_site_name.strip()
+ readme_dump_date = readme_dump_date.strip()
+ else:
+ readme_site_name = site_readme_desc
+ readme_dump_date = None
+ # if the phrase ' - Data Dump' is in the readme site name, remove it
+ i = readme_site_name.rfind(' - Data Dump')
+ if i >= 0:
+ readme_site_name = readme_site_name[:i].strip()
+ if not site_name:
+ site_name = readme_site_name
+ if not dump_date:
+ dump_date = readme_dump_date
+ # look for the site in the sites RSS file using the base_url with the id in RSS
+ # scrub the URL scheme off the base_url
+ if site_base_url:
+ # if there is no URL scheme, add one so it can be parsed by urllib2 so it
+ # can strip off other bits in the URL that we don't want
+ if '://' not in site_base_url:
+ site_base_url = 'http://%s' % site_base_url
+ site_base_url = urllib2.Request(site_base_url).get_host()
+ # attempt to get more information from the sites RSS cache
+ if site_base_url and not (site_name and site_desc and site_key):
+ sites_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../../../data/sites')
+ if os.path.exists(sites_file_path):
+ with open(sites_file_path) as f:
+ sites_file = ElementTree.parse(f)
+ entries = sites_file.findall('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}entry')
+ for entry in entries:
+ entry_base_url = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}id').text
+ if '://' in entry_base_url:
+ entry_base_url = urllib2.Request(entry_base_url).get_host()
+ if site_base_url == entry_base_url:
+ # this entry matches the detected site id
+ if not site_key:
+ # extract the key from the url
+ rss_site_key = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}id').text
+ # remove the URL scheme
+ if '://' in rss_site_key:
+ rss_site_key = rss_site_key[rss_site_key.find('://')+3:]
+ # remove the TLD
+ if rss_site_key.rfind('.') >= 0:
+ rss_site_key = rss_site_key[:rss_site_key.rfind('.')]
+ # remove the .stackexchange bit
+ if '.stackexchange' in rss_site_key:
+ rss_site_key = rss_site_key[:rss_site_key.find('.stackexchange')]
+ site_key = rss_site_key
+ if not site_name:
+ site_name = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}title').text.strip()
+ if not site_desc:
+ site_desc = entry.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}summary').text.strip()
+ print 'Name: %s\nKey: %s\nDescription: %s\nDump Date: %s\nBase URL: %s\n' % (
+ site_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore') if site_name else None,
+ site_key,
+ site_desc.encode('ascii', 'ignore') if site_desc else None,
+ dump_date,
+ site_base_url
+ )
+ # the base URL is optional.
+ if not (site_name and site_key and site_desc and dump_date):
+ print 'Could not get all the details for the site.'
+ print 'Use command-line parameters to specify the missing details (listed as None).'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # prevent importing sites with keys that clash with method names in the app,
+ # e.g. a site key of 'search' would clash with the Stackdump-wide search page.
+ if site_key in ('search', 'import', 'media', 'licenses'):
+ print 'The site key given, %s, is a reserved word in Stackdump.' % site_key
+ print 'Use the --site-key parameter to specify an alternate site key.'
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # confirm site details with user to make sure we don't accidentally overwrite
+ # another site.
+ if not answer_yes:
+ confirm_prompt = 'Are these details correct (answer "yes" to proceed, anything else to abort)? '
+ confirm_answer = raw_input(confirm_prompt)
+ if confirm_answer != 'yes':
+ print 'Import aborted on user request.'
+ sys.exit(3)
+ # rollback any uncommitted entries in solr. Uncommitted entries may occur if
+ # this import process is aborted. Solr doesn't have the concept of transactions
+ # like databases do, so without a rollback, we'll be committing the previously
+ # uncommitted entries plus the newly imported ones.
+ #
+ # This also means multiple dataproc processes cannot occur concurrently. If you
+ # do the import will be silently incomplete.
+ print('Clearing any uncommitted entries in solr...')
+ solr._update('', waitFlush=None, waitSearcher=None)
+ print('Cleared.\n')
+ # check if site is already in database; if so, purge the data.
+ site = list(Site.select(Site.q.key==site_key))
+ if len(site) > 0:
+ site = site[0]
+ print('Deleting site "%s" from the database... ' % site.name)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ # Using SQLObject to delete rows takes too long, so we're going to do it directly
+ #Site.delete(site.id) # the relationship cascades, so other rows will be deleted
+ sqlhub.threadConnection = sqlhub.processConnection.transaction()
+ conn = sqlhub.threadConnection
+ # these deletions are done in this order to avoid FK constraint issues
+ print('\tDeleting badges...')
+ conn.query(conn.sqlrepr(Delete(Badge.sqlmeta.table, where=(Badge.q.site==site))))
+ print('\tDeleting users...')
+ conn.query(conn.sqlrepr(Delete(User.sqlmeta.table, where=(User.q.site==site))))
+ print('\tDeleting site...')
+ conn.query(conn.sqlrepr(Delete(Site.sqlmeta.table, where=(Site.q.id==site.id))))
+ sqlhub.threadConnection.commit(close=True)
+ print('Deleted.\n')
+ print('Deleting site "%s" from the solr... ' % site.name)
+ solr.delete(q='siteKey:"%s"' % site.key, commit=False)
+ solr.commit(expungeDeletes=True)
+ print('Deleted.\n')
+ # create the temporary comments database
+ print('Connecting to the temporary comments database...')
+ temp_db_file, temp_db_path = tempfile.mkstemp('.sqlite', 'temp_comment_db-' + re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', site_key) + '-', settings.TEMP_COMMENTS_DATABASE_DIR)
+ os.close(temp_db_file)
+ conn_str = 'sqlite:///' + temp_db_path
+ comment_db_sqlhub.processConnection = connectionForURI(conn_str)
+ print('Connected.')
+ Comment.createTable()
+ print('Schema created.')
+ comment_db_sqlhub.processConnection.getConnection().execute('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF')
+ comment_db_sqlhub.processConnection.getConnection().execute('PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY')
+ print('Pragma configured.\n')
+ timing_start = time.time()
+ # start a new transaction
+ sqlhub.threadConnection = sqlhub.processConnection.transaction()
+ conn = sqlhub.threadConnection
+ comment_db_sqlhub.threadConnection = comment_db_sqlhub.processConnection.transaction()
+ temp_db_conn = comment_db_sqlhub.threadConnection
+ # create a new Site
+ site = Site(name=site_name, desc=site_desc, key=site_key, dump_date=dump_date,
+ import_date=datetime.now(), base_url=site_base_url)
+ # Processing of badges has been disabled because they don't offer any useful
+ # information in the offline situation.
+ #print('[badge] PARSING BADGES...')
+ #xml_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'badges.xml')
+ #print('[badge] start parsing badges.xml...')
+ #handler = BadgeContentHandler(conn, site)
+ #xml.sax.parse(xml_path, handler)
+ #print('[badge]\tProcessed %d rows.' % (handler.row_count))
+ #print('[badge] FINISHED PARSING BADGES.\n')
+ # comments are temporarily stored in the database for retrieval when parsing
+ # posts only.
+ print('[comment] PARSING COMMENTS...')
+ xml_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'comments.xml')
+ print('[comment] start parsing comments.xml...')
+ handler = CommentContentHandler(temp_db_conn, site)
+ xml.sax.parse(xml_path, handler)
+ print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[comment]', handler.row_count))
+ print('[comment] FINISHED PARSING COMMENTS.\n')
+ print('[user] PARSING USERS...')
+ xml_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'users.xml')
+ print('[user] start parsing users.xml...')
+ handler = UserContentHandler(conn, site)
+ xml.sax.parse(xml_path, handler)
+ print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[user]', handler.row_count))
+ print('[user] FINISHED PARSING USERS.\n')
+ # posts are added directly to the Solr index; they are not added to the database.
+ print('[post] PARSING POSTS...')
+ xml_path = get_file_path(xml_root, 'posts.xml')
+ print('[post] start parsing posts.xml...')
+ handler = PostContentHandler(solr, site)
+ xml.sax.parse(xml_path, handler)
+ handler.commit_all_questions()
+ print('%-10s Processed %d rows.' % ('[post]', handler.row_count))
+ print('[post] FINISHED PARSING POSTS.\n')
+ print('[comment] DELETING TEMPORARY COMMENTS DATABASE (they are no longer needed)...')
+ temp_db_conn.commit(close=True)
+ comment_db_sqlhub.processConnection.close()
+ os.remove(temp_db_path)
+ print('[comment] FINISHED DELETING COMMENTS.\n')
+ # commit transaction
+ sqlhub.threadConnection.commit(close=True)
+ solr.commit()
+ timing_end = time.time()
+ print('Time taken for site insertion into Stackdump: %f seconds.' % (timing_end - timing_start))
+ print('')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] xml_root_dir')
+ parser.add_option('-n', '--site-name', help='Name of the site.')
+ parser.add_option('-d', '--site-desc', help='Description of the site (if not in sites).')
+ parser.add_option('-k', '--site-key', help='Key of the site (if not in sites).')
+ parser.add_option('-c', '--dump-date', help='Dump date of the site.')
+ parser.add_option('-u', '--base-url', help='Base URL of the site on the web.')
+ parser.add_option('-Y', help='Answer yes to any confirmation questions.', dest='answer_yes', action='store_true', default=False)
+ (cmd_options, cmd_args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ print('The path to the directory containing the extracted XML files is required.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ import_site(cmd_args[0], cmd_options.site_name, cmd_options.dump_date,
+ cmd_options.site_desc, cmd_options.site_key,
+ cmd_options.base_url, answer_yes=cmd_options.answer_yes)
diff --git a/python/src/stackdump/default_settings.py b/python/src/stackdump/default_settings.py
index 79efb07..cfa600e 100644
--- a/python/src/stackdump/default_settings.py
+++ b/python/src/stackdump/default_settings.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ SOLR_URL = 'http://localhost:8983/solr/stackdump/'
import os
DATABASE_CONN_STR = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'data', 'stackdump.sqlite')
+TEMP_COMMENTS_DATABASE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'data')
# if the website is hosted under a subpath, specify it here. It must end with a
# slash.
diff --git a/python/src/stackdump/models.py b/python/src/stackdump/models.py
index 7030cce..6f05502 100644
--- a/python/src/stackdump/models.py
+++ b/python/src/stackdump/models.py
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
from sqlobject import SQLObject, UnicodeCol, DateTimeCol, IntCol, ForeignKey, \
+ISO_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
class Site(SQLObject):
name = UnicodeCol()
desc = UnicodeCol()
@@ -15,34 +19,23 @@ class Site(SQLObject):
siteKey_index = DatabaseIndex(key, unique=True)
class Badge(SQLObject):
sourceId = IntCol()
site = ForeignKey('Site', cascade=True)
userId = IntCol()
name = UnicodeCol()
- date = DateTimeCol()
+ date = DateTimeCol(datetimeFormat=ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
-class Comment(SQLObject):
- sourceId = IntCol()
- site = ForeignKey('Site', cascade=True)
- postId = IntCol()
- score = IntCol()
- text = UnicodeCol()
- creationDate = DateTimeCol()
- userId = IntCol()
- siteId_postId_index = DatabaseIndex(site, postId)
- json_fields = [ 'id', 'score', 'text', 'creationDate', 'userId' ]
class User(SQLObject):
sourceId = IntCol()
site = ForeignKey('Site', cascade=True)
reputation = IntCol()
- creationDate = DateTimeCol()
+ creationDate = DateTimeCol(datetimeFormat=ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
displayName = UnicodeCol()
emailHash = UnicodeCol()
- lastAccessDate = DateTimeCol()
+ lastAccessDate = DateTimeCol(datetimeFormat=ISO_DATE_FORMAT)
websiteUrl = UnicodeCol()
location = UnicodeCol()
age = IntCol()