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#!/usr/bin/env python
WikiLinks Extension for Python-Markdown
Converts [[WikiLinks]] to relative links. Requires Python-Markdown 2.0+
Basic usage:
>>> import markdown
>>> text = "Some text with a [[WikiLink]]."
>>> html = markdown.markdown(text, ['wikilinks'])
>>> print html
<p>Some text with a <a class="wikilink" href="/WikiLink/">WikiLink</a>.</p>
Whitespace behavior:
>>> print markdown.markdown('[[ foo bar_baz ]]', ['wikilinks'])
<p><a class="wikilink" href="/foo_bar_baz/">foo bar_baz</a></p>
>>> print markdown.markdown('foo [[ ]] bar', ['wikilinks'])
<p>foo bar</p>
To define custom settings the simple way:
>>> print markdown.markdown(text,
... ['wikilinks(base_url=/wiki/,end_url=.html,html_class=foo)']
... )
<p>Some text with a <a class="foo" href="/wiki/WikiLink.html">WikiLink</a>.</p>
Custom settings the complex way:
>>> md = markdown.Markdown(
... extensions = ['wikilinks'],
... extension_configs = {'wikilinks': [
... ('base_url', 'http://example.com/'),
... ('end_url', '.html'),
... ('html_class', '') ]},
... safe_mode = True)
>>> print md.convert(text)
<p>Some text with a <a href="http://example.com/WikiLink.html">WikiLink</a>.</p>
Use MetaData with mdx_meta.py (Note the blank html_class in MetaData):
>>> text = """wiki_base_url: http://example.com/
... wiki_end_url: .html
... wiki_html_class:
... Some text with a [[WikiLink]]."""
>>> md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['meta', 'wikilinks'])
>>> print md.convert(text)
<p>Some text with a <a href="http://example.com/WikiLink.html">WikiLink</a>.</p>
MetaData should not carry over to next document:
>>> print md.convert("No [[MetaData]] here.")
<p>No <a class="wikilink" href="/MetaData/">MetaData</a> here.</p>
Define a custom URL builder:
>>> def my_url_builder(label, base, end):
... return '/bar/'
>>> md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['wikilinks'],
... extension_configs={'wikilinks' : [('build_url', my_url_builder)]})
>>> print md.convert('[[foo]]')
<p><a class="wikilink" href="/bar/">foo</a></p>
From the command line:
python markdown.py -x wikilinks(base_url=http://example.com/,end_url=.html,html_class=foo) src.txt
By [Waylan Limberg](http://achinghead.com/).
License: [BSD](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
* [Python 2.3+](http://python.org)
* [Markdown 2.0+](http://packages.python.org/Markdown/)
import markdown
import re
def build_url(label, base, end):
""" Build a url from the label, a base, and an end. """
clean_label = re.sub(r'([ ]+_)|(_[ ]+)|([ ]+)', '_', label)
return '%s%s%s'% (base, clean_label, end)
class WikiLinkExtension(markdown.Extension):
def __init__(self, configs):
# set extension defaults
self.config = {
'base_url' : ['/', 'String to append to beginning or URL.'],
'end_url' : ['/', 'String to append to end of URL.'],
'html_class' : ['wikilink', 'CSS hook. Leave blank for none.'],
'build_url' : [build_url, 'Callable formats URL from label.'],
# Override defaults with user settings
for key, value in configs :
self.setConfig(key, value)
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
self.md = md
# append to end of inline patterns
WIKILINK_RE = r'\[\[([\w0-9_ -]+)\]\]'
wikilinkPattern = WikiLinks(WIKILINK_RE, self.getConfigs())
wikilinkPattern.md = md
md.inlinePatterns.add('wikilink', wikilinkPattern, "<not_strong")
class WikiLinks(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
def __init__(self, pattern, config):
markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern.__init__(self, pattern)
self.config = config
def handleMatch(self, m):
if m.group(2).strip():
base_url, end_url, html_class = self._getMeta()
label = m.group(2).strip()
url = self.config['build_url'](label, base_url, end_url)
a = markdown.util.etree.Element('a')
a.text = label
a.set('href', url)
if html_class:
a.set('class', html_class)
a = ''
return a
def _getMeta(self):
""" Return meta data or config data. """
base_url = self.config['base_url']
end_url = self.config['end_url']
html_class = self.config['html_class']
if hasattr(self.md, 'Meta'):
if self.md.Meta.has_key('wiki_base_url'):
base_url = self.md.Meta['wiki_base_url'][0]
if self.md.Meta.has_key('wiki_end_url'):
end_url = self.md.Meta['wiki_end_url'][0]
if self.md.Meta.has_key('wiki_html_class'):
html_class = self.md.Meta['wiki_html_class'][0]
return base_url, end_url, html_class
def makeExtension(configs=None) :
return WikiLinkExtension(configs=configs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest