
156 lines
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// this is from
// which is the library used by matrix-reack-sdk to encrypt and decrypt attachments
// just dropped in node-webcrypto-ossl to replace window.crypto
// and Buffer for base64 encoding/decoding instead of window.btoa/window.atob
* Encrypt an attachment.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} plaintextBuffer The attachment data buffer.
* @return {Promise} A promise that resolves with an object when the attachment is encrypted.
* The object has a "data" key with an ArrayBuffer of encrypted data and an "info" key
* with an object containing the info needed to decrypt the data.
const { Crypto } = require("node-webcrypto-ossl");
const crypto = new Crypto();
function encryptAttachment(plaintextBuffer) {
var cryptoKey; // The AES key object.
var exportedKey; // The AES key exported as JWK.
var ciphertextBuffer; // ArrayBuffer of encrypted data.
var sha256Buffer; // ArrayBuffer of digest.
var ivArray; // Uint8Array of AES IV
// Generate an IV where the first 8 bytes are random and the high 8 bytes
// are zero. We set the counter low bits to 0 since it makes it unlikely
// that the 64 bit counter will overflow.
ivArray = new Uint8Array(16);
// Load the encryption key.
return crypto.subtle.generateKey(
{"name": "AES-CTR", length: 256}, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]
).then(function(generateKeyResult) {
cryptoKey = generateKeyResult;
// Export the Key as JWK.
return crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", cryptoKey);
}).then(function(exportKeyResult) {
exportedKey = exportKeyResult;
// Encrypt the input ArrayBuffer.
// Use half of the iv as the counter by setting the "length" to 64.
return crypto.subtle.encrypt(
{name: "AES-CTR", counter: ivArray, length: 64}, cryptoKey, plaintextBuffer
}).then(function(encryptResult) {
ciphertextBuffer = encryptResult;
// SHA-256 the encrypted data.
return crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", ciphertextBuffer);
}).then(function (digestResult) {
sha256Buffer = digestResult;
return {
data: ciphertextBuffer,
info: {
v: "v2",
key: exportedKey,
iv: encodeBase64(ivArray),
hashes: {
sha256: encodeBase64(new Uint8Array(sha256Buffer)),
* Decrypt an attachment.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} ciphertextBuffer The encrypted attachment data buffer.
* @param {Object} info The information needed to decrypt the attachment.
* @param {Object} info.key AES-CTR JWK key object.
* @param {string} info.iv Base64 encoded 16 byte AES-CTR IV.
* @param {string} info.hashes.sha256 Base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the ciphertext.
* @return {Promise} A promise that resolves with an ArrayBuffer when the attachment is decrypted.
function decryptAttachment(ciphertextBuffer, info) {
if (info === undefined || info.key === undefined || info.iv === undefined
|| info.hashes === undefined || info.hashes.sha256 === undefined) {
throw new Error("Invalid info. Missing info.key, info.iv or info.hashes.sha256 key");
var cryptoKey; // The AES key object.
var ivArray = decodeBase64(info.iv);
var expectedSha256base64 = info.hashes.sha256;
// Load the AES from the "key" key of the info object.
return crypto.subtle.importKey(
"jwk", info.key, {"name": "AES-CTR"}, false, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]
).then(function (importKeyResult) {
cryptoKey = importKeyResult;
// Check the sha256 hash
return crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", ciphertextBuffer);
}).then(function (digestResult) {
if (encodeBase64(new Uint8Array(digestResult)) != expectedSha256base64) {
throw new Error("Mismatched SHA-256 digest");
var counterLength;
if (info.v == "v1" || info.v == "v2") {
// Version 1 and 2 use a 64 bit counter.
counterLength = 64;
} else {
// Version 0 uses a 128 bit counter.
counterLength = 128;
return crypto.subtle.decrypt(
{name: "AES-CTR", counter: ivArray, length: counterLength}, cryptoKey, ciphertextBuffer
* Encode a typed array of uint8 as base64.
* @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array The data to encode.
* @return {string} The base64 without padding.
function encodeBase64(uint8Array) {
// Misinterpt the Uint8Array as Latin-1.
// window.btoa expects a unicode string with codepoints in the range 0-255.
var latin1String = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uint8Array);
// Use the builtin base64 encoder.
// var paddedBase64 = window.btoa(latin1String);
var paddedBase64 = Buffer.from(latin1String, 'binary').toString('base64')
// Calculate the unpadded length.
var inputLength = uint8Array.length;
var outputLength = 4 * Math.floor((inputLength + 2) / 3) + (inputLength + 2) % 3 - 2;
// Return the unpadded base64.
return paddedBase64.slice(0, outputLength);
* Decode a base64 string to a typed array of uint8.
* This will decode unpadded base64, but will also accept base64 with padding.
* @param {string} base64 The unpadded base64 to decode.
* @return {Uint8Array} The decoded data.
function decodeBase64(base64) {
// Pad the base64 up to the next multiple of 4.
var paddedBase64 = base64 + "===".slice(0, (4 - base64.length % 4) % 4);
// Decode the base64 as a misinterpreted Latin-1 string.
// window.atob returns a unicode string with codepoints in the range 0-255.
// var latin1String = window.atob(paddedBase64);
var latin1String = Buffer.from(paddedBase64, 'base64').toString('binary')
// Encode the string as a Uint8Array as Latin-1.
var uint8Array = new Uint8Array(latin1String.length);
for (var i = 0; i < latin1String.length; i++) {
uint8Array[i] = latin1String.charCodeAt(i);
return uint8Array;
try {
exports.encryptAttachment = encryptAttachment;
exports.decryptAttachment = decryptAttachment;
catch (e) {
// Ignore unknown variable "exports" errors when this is loaded directly into a browser
// This means that we can test it without having to use browserify.
// The intention is that the library is used using browserify.