import * as fs from "fs"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import * as util from "util"; import { LocalStorage } from "node-localstorage"; global.Olm = require("olm"); import * as matrix from "matrix-js-sdk"; import logger from "./logger"; const ENCRYPTION_CONFIG = { algorithm: "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" }; const KICK_REASON = "A facilitator has already joined this chat."; const BOT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Something went wrong on our end, please restart the chat and try again."; const MAX_RETRIES = 3; class OcrccBot { constructor() { this.awaitingFacilitator = {}; this.client = matrix.createClient(process.env.MATRIX_SERVER_URL); this.joinedRooms = []; this.activeChatrooms = {}; } createLocalStorage() { const storageLoc = `matrix-chatbot-${process.env.BOT_USERNAME}`; const dir = path.resolve(path.join(os.homedir(), ".local-storage")); if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { fs.mkdirSync(dir); } const localStoragePath = path.resolve(path.join(dir, storageLoc)); return new LocalStorage(localStoragePath); } sendMessage(roomId, msgText) { return this.client.sendTextMessage(roomId, msgText).catch(err => { switch (err["name"]) { case "UnknownDeviceError": Object.keys(err.devices).forEach(userId => { Object.keys(err.devices[userId]).map(deviceId => { this.client.setDeviceVerified(userId, deviceId, true); }); }); return this.sendMessage(roomId, msgText); break; default: logger.log("error", `ERROR SENDING MESSAGE: ${err}`); this.handleBotCrash(roomId, err); break; } }); } inviteUserToRoom(client, roomId, member, retries = 0) { logger.log("info", "INVITING MEMBER: " + member); if (retries > MAX_RETRIES) { this.handleBotCrash(roomId, "Rate limit exceeded for bot account"); return logger.log( "error", `RATE LIMIT EXCEEDED AND RETRY LIMIT EXCEEDED` ); } return client.invite(roomId, member).catch(err => { switch (err["name"]) { case "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED": logger.log("info", "Rate limit exceeded, retrying."); const retryCount = retries + 1; const delay = retryCount * 2 * 1000; return setTimeout( this.inviteUserToRoom, delay, client, roomId, member, retryCount ); break; default: logger.log("error", `ERROR INVITING MEMBER: ${err}`); this.handleBotCrash(roomId, err); break; } }); } kickUserFromRoom(client, roomId, member, retries = 0) { logger.log("info", "KICKING OUT MEMBER: " + member); if (retries > MAX_RETRIES) { this.handleBotCrash(roomId, "Rate limit exceeded for bot account."); return logger.log( "error", `RATE LIMIT EXCEEDED AND RETRY LIMIT EXCEEDED` ); } return client.kick(roomId, member, KICK_REASON).catch(err => { switch (err["name"]) { case "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED": logger.log("info", "Rate limit exceeded, retrying."); const retryCount = retries + 1; const delay = retryCount * 2 * 1000; return setTimeout( this.kickUserFromRoom, delay, client, roomId, member, retryCount ); break; default: this.handleBotCrash(roomId, err); logger.log("error", `ERROR KICKING OUT MEMBER: ${err}`); break; } }); } inviteFacilitators(roomId) { this.awaitingFacilitator[roomId] = true; let chatOffline = true; this.client .getJoinedRoomMembers(process.env.FACILITATOR_ROOM_ID) .then(members => { let onlineMembersCount = 0; Object.keys(members["joined"]).forEach(member => { const user = this.client.getUser(member); if (user.presence === "online" && member !== process.env.BOT_USERID) { chatOffline = false; this.inviteUserToRoom(this.client, roomId, member); } }); }) .then(() => { if (chatOffline) { this.sendMessage(roomId, process.env.CHAT_OFFLINE_MESSAGE); } }) .catch(err => { this.handleBotCrash(roomId, err); logger.log("error", `ERROR GETTING ROOM MEMBERS: ${err}`); }); } uninviteFacilitators(roomId) { this.awaitingFacilitator[roomId] = false; this.client .getJoinedRoomMembers(process.env.FACILITATOR_ROOM_ID) .then(allFacilitators => { this.client.getJoinedRoomMembers(roomId).then(roomMembers => { const membersIds = Object.keys(roomMembers["joined"]); const facilitatorsIds = Object.keys(allFacilitators["joined"]); facilitatorsIds.forEach(f => { if (!membersIds.includes(f)) { this.kickUserFromRoom(this.client, roomId, f); } }); }); }) .catch(err => { this.handleBotCrash(roomId, err); logger.log("error", err); }); } handleBotCrash(roomId, error) { if (roomId) { this.sendMessage(roomId, BOT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } this.sendMessage( process.env.FACILITATOR_ROOM_ID, `The Help Bot ran into an error: ${error}. Please verify that the chat service is working.` ); } writeToTranscript(event) { try { const sender = event.getSender(); const roomId = event.getRoomId(); const content = event.getContent(); const date = event.getDate(); const time = date.toLocaleTimeString("en-GB", { timeZone: "America/New_York" }); const filepath = this.activeChatrooms[roomId].transcriptFile; if (!content) { return; } const message = `${sender} [${time}]: ${content.body}\n`; fs.appendFileSync(filepath, message, "utf8"); } catch (err) { logger.log("error", `ERROR APPENDING TO TRANSCRIPT FILE: ${err}`); } } start() { const localStorage = this.createLocalStorage(); this.client .login("m.login.password", { user: process.env.BOT_USERNAME, password: process.env.BOT_PASSWORD, initial_device_display_name: process.env.BOT_DISPLAY_NAME }) .then(data => { const accessToken = data.access_token; const deviceId = data.device_id; // create new client with full options let opts = { baseUrl: process.env.MATRIX_SERVER_URL, accessToken: accessToken, userId: process.env.BOT_USERID, deviceId: deviceId, sessionStore: new matrix.WebStorageSessionStore(localStorage) }; this.client = matrix.createClient(opts); }) .catch(err => { logger.log("error", `ERROR WITH LOGIN: ${err}`); }) .then(() => { this.client.getDevices().then(data => { const currentDeviceId = this.client.getDeviceId(); const allDeviceIds = => d.device_id); const oldDevices = allDeviceIds.filter(id => id !== currentDeviceId); logger.log("info", `DELETING OLD DEVICES: ${oldDevices}`); this.client.deleteMultipleDevices(oldDevices).catch(err => { const auth = { session:, type: "m.login.password", user: process.env.BOT_USERID, identifier: { type: "", user: process.env.BOT_USERID }, password: process.env.BOT_PASSWORD }; this.client .deleteMultipleDevices(oldDevices, auth) .then(() => logger.log("info", "DELETED OLD DEVICES")) .catch(err => logger.log( "error", `ERROR DELETING OLD DEVICES: ${JSON.stringify(}` ) ); }); }); }) .then(() => this.client.initCrypto()) .catch(err => logger.log("error", `ERROR STARTING CRYPTO: ${err}`)) .then(() => this.client.getJoinedRooms().then(data => { this.joinedRooms = data["joined_rooms"]; }) ) .then(() => { // Automatically accept all room invitations this.client.on("RoomMember.membership", (event, member) => { if ( member.membership === "invite" && member.userId === process.env.BOT_USERID && !this.joinedRooms.includes(member.roomId) ) { logger.log("info", "Auto-joining room " + member.roomId); this.client .joinRoom(member.roomId) .then(room => { this.sendMessage( process.env.FACILITATOR_ROOM_ID, `A support seeker requested a chat (Room ID: ${member.roomId})` ); }) .then(() => this.inviteFacilitators(member.roomId)) .catch(err => { logger.log("error", err); }); } // When a facilitator joins a support session, revoke the other invitations if ( member.membership === "join" && member.userId !== process.env.BOT_USERID && this.awaitingFacilitator[member.roomId] ) { this.activeChatrooms[member.roomId] = { facilitator: member.userId }; this.sendMessage( member.roomId, `${} has joined the chat.` ); this.sendMessage( process.env.FACILITATOR_ROOM_ID, `${} joined the chat (Room ID: ${member.roomId})` ); this.uninviteFacilitators(member.roomId); if (process.env.CAPTURE_TRANSCRIPTS) { const currentDate = new Date(); const dateOpts = { year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric" }; const chatDate = currentDate.toLocaleDateString( "en-GB", dateOpts ); const chatTime = currentDate.toLocaleTimeString("en-GB", { timeZone: "America/New_York" }); const filename = `${chatDate} - ${chatTime} - ${member.roomId}.txt`; const filepath = path.resolve(path.join("transcripts", filename)); this.activeChatrooms[member.roomId].transcriptFile = filepath; } } if ( member.membership === "leave" && member.userId !== process.env.BOT_USERID && this.activeChatrooms[member.roomId] && member.userId === this.activeChatrooms[member.roomId].facilitator ) { this.sendMessage( member.roomId, `${} has left the chat.` ); } }); if (process.env.CAPTURE_TRANSCRIPTS) { // encrypted messages this.client.on("Event.decrypted", (event, err) => { if (err) { return logger.log("error", `ERROR DECRYPTING EVENT: ${err}`); } if (event.getType() === "") { this.writeToTranscript(event); } }); // unencrypted messages this.client.on("Room.timeline", (event, room, toStartOfTimeline) => { if ( event.getType() === "" && !this.client.isCryptoEnabled() ) { if (event.isEncrypted()) { return; } this.writeToTranscript(event); } }); } }) .then(() => this.client.startClient({ initialSyncLimit: 0 })) .catch(err => { this.handleBotCrash(undefined, err); logger.log("error", `ERROR INITIALIZING CLIENT: ${err}`); }); } } const bot = new OcrccBot(); bot.start();