# OCRCC Bot A simple Matrix bot that handles inviting, uninviting, and notifying Riot users on the recieving end of the [OCRCC chatbox](https://github.com/nomadic-labs/ocrcc-chatbox) A demo of this bot is hosted on Glitch: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/nomadic-labs-ocrcc-bot You can remix it and continue developing directly on Glitch. All you need to do is add an `.env` file with the following variables: ``` MATRIX_SERVER_URL="https://matrix.org" BOT_DISPLAY_NAME="Example Bot" BOT_USERNAME="example-bot" BOT_PASSWORD="password" BOT_USERID="@example-bot:matrix.org" FACILITATOR_ROOM_ID="!example:matrix.org" CHAT_OFFLINE_MESSAGE="There is no-one currently available to chat." ``` ## Local development If you prefer to develop locally instead of on Glitch: Clone the project ``` git clone https://github.com/nomadic-labs/ocrcc-bot.git ``` Install dependencies ``` cd ocrcc-bot yarn ``` Copy the sample `.env` file and add in your own variables ``` cp .env.sample .env ``` Start the local server ``` yarn start ```