language: c compiler: gcc dist: bionic os: linux before_install: - export KERNEL_URL_DETAILS=$(wget --quiet -O - ${KERNEL_URL}v${KVER}/ | grep -A8 'Build for amd64') - export ALL_DEB=$(echo "$KERNEL_URL_DETAILS" | grep -m1 'all.deb' | cut -d '"' -f 2) - export KVER_BUILD=$(echo $ALL_DEB | cut -d '_' -f 1 | cut -c15-) - wget ${KERNEL_URL}v${KVER}/$(echo "$KERNEL_URL_DETAILS" | grep -m1 'amd64.deb' | cut -d '"' -f 2) - wget ${KERNEL_URL}v${KVER}/$ALL_DEB - sudo dpkg -i *.deb script: - make CC=$COMPILER KVER=$KVER_BUILD-generic env: global: - KERNEL_URL= jobs: include: - compiler: gcc addons: apt: sources: - sourceline: "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test" packages: - gcc-9 env: COMPILER=gcc-9 KVER="$(curl -s | grep -A1 'mainline:' | grep -oP '(?<=strong>).*(?== 5.4 No longer builds on gcc-7.4 should be fixed by gcc-7.5 - compiler: gcc addons: apt: packages: - gcc-8 env: COMPILER=gcc-8 KVER=5.6.5 - compiler: gcc addons: apt: packages: - gcc-8 env: COMPILER=gcc-8 KVER=5.5.18 - compiler: gcc addons: apt: packages: - gcc-8 #Kernels 5.4 with minor versions > 24 are failing on amd64. Not upgrade the minot version without check env: COMPILER=gcc-8 KVER=5.4.27 - compiler: gcc env: COMPILER=gcc-7 KVER=4.19.116 - compiler: gcc env: COMPILER=gcc-7 KVER=4.14.176 - compiler: gcc env: COMPILER=gcc-7 KVER=4.9.219 - compiler: gcc env: COMPILER=gcc-7 KVER=4.4.219 - compiler: gcc env: COMPILER=gcc-7 KVER=3.16.82