/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright(c) 2014 - 2017 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #if defined(CONFIG_RTW_ACS) || defined(CONFIG_BACKGROUND_NOISE_MONITOR) static void _rtw_bss_nums_count(_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbss_nums) { struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(adapter->mlmepriv); _queue *queue = &(pmlmepriv->scanned_queue); struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL; HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); _list *plist, *phead; _irqL irqL; int chan_idx = -1; if (pbss_nums == NULL) { RTW_ERR("%s pbss_nums is null pointer\n", __func__); return; } memset(pbss_nums, 0, MAX_CHANNEL_NUM); _enter_critical_bh(&(pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock), &irqL); phead = get_list_head(queue); plist = get_next(phead); while (1) { if (phead == plist) break; pnetwork = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct wlan_network, list); if (!pnetwork) break; chan_idx = rtw_chset_search_ch(adapter_to_chset(adapter), pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig); if ((chan_idx == -1) || (chan_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM)) { RTW_ERR("%s can't get chan_idx(CH:%d)\n", __func__, pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig); chan_idx = 0; } /*if (pnetwork->network.Reserved[0] != BSS_TYPE_PROB_REQ)*/ pbss_nums[chan_idx]++; plist = get_next(plist); } _exit_critical_bh(&(pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock), &irqL); } u8 rtw_get_ch_num_by_idx(_adapter *adapter, u8 idx) { struct rf_ctl_t *rfctl = adapter_to_rfctl(adapter); RT_CHANNEL_INFO *pch_set = rfctl->channel_set; u8 max_chan_nums = rfctl->max_chan_nums; if (idx >= max_chan_nums) return 0; return pch_set[idx].ChannelNum; } #endif /*defined(CONFIG_RTW_ACS) || defined(CONFIG_BACKGROUND_NOISE_MONITOR)*/ #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_ACS void rtw_acs_version_dump(void *sel, _adapter *adapter) { _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "RTK_ACS VER_%d\n", RTK_ACS_VERSION); } u8 rtw_phydm_clm_ratio(_adapter *adapter) { struct dm_struct *phydm = adapter_to_phydm(adapter); return phydm_cmn_info_query(phydm, (enum phydm_info_query) PHYDM_INFO_CLM_RATIO); } u8 rtw_phydm_nhm_ratio(_adapter *adapter) { struct dm_struct *phydm = adapter_to_phydm(adapter); return phydm_cmn_info_query(phydm, (enum phydm_info_query) PHYDM_INFO_NHM_RATIO); } void rtw_acs_reset(_adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct auto_chan_sel *pacs = &hal_data->acs; memset(pacs, 0, sizeof(struct auto_chan_sel)); #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_ACS_DBG rtw_acs_adv_reset(adapter); #endif /*CONFIG_RTW_ACS_DBG*/ } #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_ACS_DBG u8 rtw_is_acs_igi_valid(_adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct auto_chan_sel *pacs = &hal_data->acs; if ((pacs->igi) && ((pacs->igi >= 0x1E) || (pacs->igi < 0x60))) return _TRUE; return _FALSE; } void rtw_acs_adv_setting(_adapter *adapter, RT_SCAN_TYPE scan_type, u16 scan_time, u8 igi, u8 bw) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct auto_chan_sel *pacs = &hal_data->acs; struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &adapter->mlmeextpriv; struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &pmlmeext->mlmext_info; pacs->scan_type = scan_type; pacs->scan_time = scan_time; pacs->igi = igi; pacs->bw = bw; RTW_INFO("[ACS] ADV setting - scan_type:%c, ch_ms:%d(ms), igi:0x%02x, bw:%d\n", pacs->scan_type ? 'A' : 'P', pacs->scan_time, pacs->igi, pacs->bw); } void rtw_acs_adv_reset(_adapter *adapter) { rtw_acs_adv_setting(adapter, SCAN_ACTIVE, 0, 0, 0); } #endif /*CONFIG_RTW_ACS_DBG*/ void rtw_acs_trigger(_adapter *adapter, u16 scan_time_ms, u8 scan_chan, enum NHM_PID pid) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct dm_struct *phydm = adapter_to_phydm(adapter); #if (RTK_ACS_VERSION == 3) struct clm_para_info clm_para; struct nhm_para_info nhm_para; struct env_trig_rpt trig_rpt; scan_time_ms -= 10; init_acs_clm(clm_para, scan_time_ms); if (pid == NHM_PID_IEEE_11K_HIGH) init_11K_high_nhm(nhm_para, scan_time_ms); else if (pid == NHM_PID_IEEE_11K_LOW) init_11K_low_nhm(nhm_para, scan_time_ms); else init_acs_nhm(nhm_para, scan_time_ms); hal_data->acs.trig_rst = phydm_env_mntr_trigger(phydm, &nhm_para, &clm_para, &trig_rpt); if (hal_data->acs.trig_rst == (NHM_SUCCESS | CLM_SUCCESS)) { hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.clm_rpt_stamp = trig_rpt.clm_rpt_stamp; hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp = trig_rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp; /*RTW_INFO("[ACS] trigger success (rst = 0x%02x, clm_stamp:%d, nhm_stamp:%d)\n", hal_data->acs.trig_rst, hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.clm_rpt_stamp, hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp);*/ } else RTW_ERR("[ACS] trigger failed (rst = 0x%02x)\n", hal_data->acs.trig_rst); #else phydm_ccx_monitor_trigger(phydm, scan_time_ms); #endif hal_data->acs.trigger_ch = scan_chan; hal_data->acs.triggered = _TRUE; #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_ACS_DBG RTW_INFO("[ACS] Trigger CH:%d, Times:%d\n", hal_data->acs.trigger_ch, scan_time_ms); #endif } void rtw_acs_get_rst(_adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct dm_struct *phydm = adapter_to_phydm(adapter); int chan_idx = -1; u8 cur_chan = hal_data->acs.trigger_ch; if (cur_chan == 0) return; if (!hal_data->acs.triggered) return; chan_idx = rtw_chset_search_ch(adapter_to_chset(adapter), cur_chan); if ((chan_idx == -1) || (chan_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM)) { RTW_ERR("[ACS] %s can't get chan_idx(CH:%d)\n", __func__, cur_chan); return; } #if (RTK_ACS_VERSION == 3) if (!(hal_data->acs.trig_rst == (NHM_SUCCESS | CLM_SUCCESS))) { RTW_ERR("[ACS] get_rst return, due to acs trigger failed\n"); return; } { struct env_mntr_rpt rpt = {0}; u8 rst; rst = phydm_env_mntr_result(phydm, &rpt); if ((rst == (NHM_SUCCESS | CLM_SUCCESS)) && (rpt.clm_rpt_stamp == hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.clm_rpt_stamp) && (rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp == hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp)){ hal_data->acs.clm_ratio[chan_idx] = rpt.clm_ratio; hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio[chan_idx] = rpt.nhm_ratio; memcpy(&hal_data->acs.nhm[chan_idx][0], rpt.nhm_result, NHM_RPT_NUM); /*RTW_INFO("[ACS] get_rst success (rst = 0x%02x, clm_stamp:%d:%d, nhm_stamp:%d:%d)\n", rst, hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.clm_rpt_stamp, rpt.clm_rpt_stamp, hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp, rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp);*/ } else { RTW_ERR("[ACS] get_rst failed (rst = 0x%02x, clm_stamp:%d:%d, nhm_stamp:%d:%d)\n", rst, hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.clm_rpt_stamp, rpt.clm_rpt_stamp, hal_data->acs.trig_rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp, rpt.nhm_rpt_stamp); } } #else phydm_ccx_monitor_result(phydm); hal_data->acs.clm_ratio[chan_idx] = rtw_phydm_clm_ratio(adapter); hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio[chan_idx] = rtw_phydm_nhm_ratio(adapter); #endif hal_data->acs.triggered = _FALSE; #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_ACS_DBG RTW_INFO("[ACS] Result CH:%d, CLM:%d NHM:%d\n", cur_chan, hal_data->acs.clm_ratio[chan_idx], hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio[chan_idx]); #endif } void _rtw_phydm_acs_select_best_chan(_adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct rf_ctl_t *rfctl = adapter_to_rfctl(adapter); u8 ch_idx; u8 ch_idx_24g = 0xFF, ch_idx_5g = 0xFF; u8 min_itf_24g = 0xFF, min_itf_5g = 0xFF; u8 *pbss_nums = hal_data->acs.bss_nums; u8 *pclm_ratio = hal_data->acs.clm_ratio; u8 *pnhm_ratio = hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio; u8 *pinterference_time = hal_data->acs.interference_time; u8 max_chan_nums = rfctl->max_chan_nums; for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < max_chan_nums; ch_idx++) { if (pbss_nums[ch_idx]) pinterference_time[ch_idx] = (pclm_ratio[ch_idx] / 2) + pnhm_ratio[ch_idx]; else pinterference_time[ch_idx] = pclm_ratio[ch_idx] + pnhm_ratio[ch_idx]; if (rtw_get_ch_num_by_idx(adapter, ch_idx) < 14) { if (pinterference_time[ch_idx] < min_itf_24g) { min_itf_24g = pinterference_time[ch_idx]; ch_idx_24g = ch_idx; } } else { if (pinterference_time[ch_idx] < min_itf_5g) { min_itf_5g = pinterference_time[ch_idx]; ch_idx_5g = ch_idx; } } } if (ch_idx_24g != 0xFF) hal_data->acs.best_chan_24g = rtw_get_ch_num_by_idx(adapter, ch_idx_24g); if (ch_idx_5g != 0xFF) hal_data->acs.best_chan_5g = rtw_get_ch_num_by_idx(adapter, ch_idx_5g); hal_data->acs.trigger_ch = 0; } void rtw_acs_info_dump(void *sel, _adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct rf_ctl_t *rfctl = adapter_to_rfctl(adapter); u8 max_chan_nums = rfctl->max_chan_nums; u8 ch_idx, ch_num; _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "========== ACS (VER-%d) ==========\n", RTK_ACS_VERSION); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "Best 24G Channel:%d\n", hal_data->acs.best_chan_24g); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "Best 5G Channel:%d\n\n", hal_data->acs.best_chan_5g); #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_ACS_DBG _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "Advanced setting - scan_type:%c, ch_ms:%d(ms), igi:0x%02x, bw:%d\n", hal_data->acs.scan_type ? 'A' : 'P', hal_data->acs.scan_time, hal_data->acs.igi, hal_data->acs.bw); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "BW 20MHz\n"); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "%5s %3s %3s %3s(%%) %3s(%%) %3s\n", "Index", "CH", "BSS", "CLM", "NHM", "ITF"); for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < max_chan_nums; ch_idx++) { ch_num = rtw_get_ch_num_by_idx(adapter, ch_idx); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "%5d %3d %3d %6d %6d %3d\n", ch_idx, ch_num, hal_data->acs.bss_nums[ch_idx], hal_data->acs.clm_ratio[ch_idx], hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio[ch_idx], hal_data->acs.interference_time[ch_idx]); } #endif } void rtw_acs_select_best_chan(_adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); _rtw_bss_nums_count(adapter, hal_data->acs.bss_nums); _rtw_phydm_acs_select_best_chan(adapter); rtw_acs_info_dump(RTW_DBGDUMP, adapter); } void rtw_acs_start(_adapter *adapter) { rtw_acs_reset(adapter); if (GET_ACS_STATE(adapter) != ACS_ENABLE) SET_ACS_STATE(adapter, ACS_ENABLE); } void rtw_acs_stop(_adapter *adapter) { SET_ACS_STATE(adapter, ACS_DISABLE); } u8 rtw_acs_get_clm_ratio_by_ch_num(_adapter *adapter, u8 chan) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); int chan_idx = -1; chan_idx = rtw_chset_search_ch(adapter_to_chset(adapter), chan); if ((chan_idx == -1) || (chan_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM)) { RTW_ERR("[ACS] Get CLM fail, can't get chan_idx(CH:%d)\n", chan); return 0; } return hal_data->acs.clm_ratio[chan_idx]; } u8 rtw_acs_get_clm_ratio_by_ch_idx(_adapter *adapter, u8 ch_idx) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); if (ch_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM) { RTW_ERR("%s [ACS] ch_idx(%d) is invalid\n", __func__, ch_idx); return 0; } return hal_data->acs.clm_ratio[ch_idx]; } u8 rtw_acs_get_nhm_ratio_by_ch_num(_adapter *adapter, u8 chan) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); int chan_idx = -1; chan_idx = rtw_chset_search_ch(adapter_to_chset(adapter), chan); if ((chan_idx == -1) || (chan_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM)) { RTW_ERR("[ACS] Get NHM fail, can't get chan_idx(CH:%d)\n", chan); return 0; } return hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio[chan_idx]; } u8 rtw_acs_get_num_ratio_by_ch_idx(_adapter *adapter, u8 ch_idx) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); if (ch_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM) { RTW_ERR("%s [ACS] ch_idx(%d) is invalid\n", __func__, ch_idx); return 0; } return hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio[ch_idx]; } void rtw_acs_chan_info_dump(void *sel, _adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct rf_ctl_t *rfctl = adapter_to_rfctl(adapter); u8 max_chan_nums = rfctl->max_chan_nums; u8 ch_idx, ch_num; u8 utilization; _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "BW 20MHz\n"); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "%5s %3s %7s(%%) %12s(%%) %11s(%%) %9s(%%) %8s(%%)\n", "Index", "CH", "Quality", "Availability", "Utilization", "WIFI Util", "Interference Util"); for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < max_chan_nums; ch_idx++) { ch_num = rtw_get_ch_num_by_idx(adapter, ch_idx); utilization = hal_data->acs.clm_ratio[ch_idx] + hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio[ch_idx]; _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "%5d %3d %7d %12d %12d %12d %12d\n", ch_idx, ch_num, (100-hal_data->acs.interference_time[ch_idx]), (100-utilization), utilization, hal_data->acs.clm_ratio[ch_idx], hal_data->acs.nhm_ratio[ch_idx]); } } void rtw_acs_current_info_dump(void *sel, _adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); u8 ch, cen_ch, bw, offset; _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "========== ACS (VER-%d) ==========\n", RTK_ACS_VERSION); ch = rtw_get_oper_ch(adapter); bw = rtw_get_oper_bw(adapter); offset = rtw_get_oper_choffset(adapter); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "Current Channel:%d\n", ch); if ((bw == CHANNEL_WIDTH_80) ||(bw == CHANNEL_WIDTH_40)) { cen_ch = rtw_get_center_ch(ch, bw, offset); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "Center Channel:%d\n", cen_ch); } _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "Current BW %s\n", ch_width_str(bw)); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "CLM:%d, NHM:%d\n\n", hal_data->acs.cur_ch_clm_ratio, hal_data->acs.cur_ch_nhm_ratio); } void rtw_acs_update_current_info(_adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); hal_data->acs.cur_ch_clm_ratio = rtw_phydm_clm_ratio(adapter); hal_data->acs.cur_ch_nhm_ratio = rtw_phydm_nhm_ratio(adapter); #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_ACS_DBG rtw_acs_current_info_dump(RTW_DBGDUMP, adapter); #endif } #endif /*CONFIG_RTW_ACS*/ #ifdef CONFIG_BACKGROUND_NOISE_MONITOR void rtw_noise_monitor_version_dump(void *sel, _adapter *adapter) { _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "RTK_NOISE_MONITOR VER_%d\n", RTK_NOISE_MONITOR_VERSION); } void rtw_nm_enable(_adapter *adapter) { SET_NM_STATE(adapter, NM_ENABLE); } void rtw_nm_disable(_adapter *adapter) { SET_NM_STATE(adapter, NM_DISABLE); } void rtw_noise_info_dump(void *sel, _adapter *adapter) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct rf_ctl_t *rfctl = adapter_to_rfctl(adapter); u8 max_chan_nums = rfctl->max_chan_nums; u8 ch_idx, ch_num; _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "========== NM (VER-%d) ==========\n", RTK_NOISE_MONITOR_VERSION); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "%5s %3s %3s %10s", "Index", "CH", "BSS", "Noise(dBm)\n"); _rtw_bss_nums_count(adapter, hal_data->nm.bss_nums); for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < max_chan_nums; ch_idx++) { ch_num = rtw_get_ch_num_by_idx(adapter, ch_idx); _RTW_PRINT_SEL(sel, "%5d %3d %3d %10d\n", ch_idx, ch_num, hal_data->nm.bss_nums[ch_idx], hal_data->nm.noise[ch_idx]); } } void rtw_noise_measure(_adapter *adapter, u8 chan, u8 is_pause_dig, u8 igi_value, u32 max_time) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); struct dm_struct *phydm = &hal_data->odmpriv; int chan_idx = -1; s16 noise = 0; #ifdef DBG_NOISE_MONITOR RTW_INFO("[NM] chan(%d)-PauseDIG:%s, IGIValue:0x%02x, max_time:%d (ms)\n", chan, (is_pause_dig) ? "Y" : "N", igi_value, max_time); #endif chan_idx = rtw_chset_search_ch(adapter_to_chset(adapter), chan); if ((chan_idx == -1) || (chan_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM)) { RTW_ERR("[NM] Get noise fail, can't get chan_idx(CH:%d)\n", chan); return; } noise = odm_inband_noise_monitor(phydm, is_pause_dig, igi_value, max_time); /*dBm*/ hal_data->nm.noise[chan_idx] = noise; #ifdef DBG_NOISE_MONITOR RTW_INFO("[NM] %s chan_%d, noise = %d (dBm)\n", __func__, chan, hal_data->nm.noise[chan_idx]); RTW_INFO("[NM] noise_a = %d, noise_b = %d noise_all:%d\n", phydm->noise_level.noise[RF_PATH_A], phydm->noise_level.noise[RF_PATH_B], phydm->noise_level.noise_all); #endif /*DBG_NOISE_MONITOR*/ } s16 rtw_noise_query_by_chan_num(_adapter *adapter, u8 chan) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); s16 noise = 0; int chan_idx = -1; chan_idx = rtw_chset_search_ch(adapter_to_chset(adapter), chan); if ((chan_idx == -1) || (chan_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM)) { RTW_ERR("[NM] Get noise fail, can't get chan_idx(CH:%d)\n", chan); return noise; } noise = hal_data->nm.noise[chan_idx]; #ifdef DBG_NOISE_MONITOR RTW_INFO("[NM] %s chan_%d, noise = %d (dBm)\n", __func__, chan, noise); #endif/*DBG_NOISE_MONITOR*/ return noise; } s16 rtw_noise_query_by_chan_idx(_adapter *adapter, u8 ch_idx) { HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter); s16 noise = 0; if (ch_idx >= MAX_CHANNEL_NUM) { RTW_ERR("[NM] %s ch_idx(%d) is invalid\n", __func__, ch_idx); return noise; } noise = hal_data->nm.noise[ch_idx]; #ifdef DBG_NOISE_MONITOR RTW_INFO("[NM] %s ch_idx %d, noise = %d (dBm)\n", __func__, ch_idx, noise); #endif/*DBG_NOISE_MONITOR*/ return noise; } s16 rtw_noise_measure_curchan(_adapter *padapter) { s16 noise = 0; u8 igi_value = 0x1E; u32 max_time = 100;/* ms */ u8 is_pause_dig = _TRUE; u8 cur_chan = rtw_get_oper_ch(padapter); if (rtw_linked_check(padapter) == _FALSE) return noise; rtw_ps_deny(padapter, PS_DENY_IOCTL); LeaveAllPowerSaveModeDirect(padapter); rtw_noise_measure(padapter, cur_chan, is_pause_dig, igi_value, max_time); noise = rtw_noise_query_by_chan_num(padapter, cur_chan); rtw_ps_deny_cancel(padapter, PS_DENY_IOCTL); return noise; } #endif /*CONFIG_BACKGROUND_NOISE_MONITOR*/