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* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
#ifndef __RTL8188F_SPEC_H__
#define __RTL8188F_SPEC_H__
#include <drv_conf.h>
#define HAL_NAV_UPPER_UNIT_8188F 128 // micro-second
// 0x0000h ~ 0x00FFh System Configuration
#define REG_RSV_CTRL_8188F 0x001C // 3 Byte
#define REG_BT_WIFI_ANTENNA_SWITCH_8188F 0x0038
#define REG_HSISR_8188F 0x005c
#define REG_PAD_CTRL1_8188F 0x0064
#define REG_AFE_CTRL_4_8188F 0x0078
#define REG_HMEBOX_DBG_0_8188F 0x0088
#define REG_HMEBOX_DBG_1_8188F 0x008A
#define REG_HMEBOX_DBG_2_8188F 0x008C
#define REG_HMEBOX_DBG_3_8188F 0x008E
#define REG_HIMR0_8188F 0x00B0
#define REG_HISR0_8188F 0x00B4
#define REG_HIMR1_8188F 0x00B8
#define REG_HISR1_8188F 0x00BC
#define REG_PMC_DBG_CTRL2_8188F 0x00CC
// 0x0100h ~ 0x01FFh MACTOP General Configuration
#define REG_C2HEVT_CMD_ID_8188F 0x01A0
#define REG_C2HEVT_CMD_LEN_8188F 0x01AE
#define REG_WOWLAN_GTK_DBG1 0x630
#define REG_WOWLAN_GTK_DBG2 0x634
#define REG_HMEBOX_EXT0_8188F 0x01F0
#define REG_HMEBOX_EXT1_8188F 0x01F4
#define REG_HMEBOX_EXT2_8188F 0x01F8
#define REG_HMEBOX_EXT3_8188F 0x01FC
// 0x0200h ~ 0x027Fh TXDMA Configuration
// 0x0280h ~ 0x02FFh RXDMA Configuration
#define REG_RXDMA_CONTROL_8188F 0x0286 // Control the RX DMA.
#define REG_RXDMA_MODE_CTRL_8188F 0x0290
// 0x0300h ~ 0x03FFh PCIe
#define REG_PCIE_CTRL_REG_8188F 0x0300
#define REG_INT_MIG_8188F 0x0304 // Interrupt Migration
#define REG_BCNQ_DESA_8188F 0x0308 // TX Beacon Descriptor Address
#define REG_HQ_DESA_8188F 0x0310 // TX High Queue Descriptor Address
#define REG_MGQ_DESA_8188F 0x0318 // TX Manage Queue Descriptor Address
#define REG_VOQ_DESA_8188F 0x0320 // TX VO Queue Descriptor Address
#define REG_VIQ_DESA_8188F 0x0328 // TX VI Queue Descriptor Address
#define REG_BEQ_DESA_8188F 0x0330 // TX BE Queue Descriptor Address
#define REG_BKQ_DESA_8188F 0x0338 // TX BK Queue Descriptor Address
#define REG_RX_DESA_8188F 0x0340 // RX Queue Descriptor Address
#define REG_DBI_WDATA_8188F 0x0348 // DBI Write Data
#define REG_DBI_RDATA_8188F 0x034C // DBI Read Data
#define REG_DBI_ADDR_8188F 0x0350 // DBI Address
#define REG_DBI_FLAG_8188F 0x0352 // DBI Read/Write Flag
#define REG_MDIO_WDATA_8188F 0x0354 // MDIO for Write PCIE PHY
#define REG_MDIO_RDATA_8188F 0x0356 // MDIO for Reads PCIE PHY
#define REG_MDIO_CTL_8188F 0x0358 // MDIO for Control
#define REG_DBG_SEL_8188F 0x0360 // Debug Selection Register
#define REG_PCIE_HRPWM_8188F 0x0361 //PCIe RPWM
#define REG_PCIE_HCPWM_8188F 0x0363 //PCIe CPWM
#define REG_PCIE_MULTIFET_CTRL_8188F 0x036A //PCIE Multi-Fethc Control
// 0x0400h ~ 0x047Fh Protocol Configuration
#define REG_TXPKTBUF_BCNQ_BDNY_8188F 0x0424
#define REG_TXPKTBUF_MGQ_BDNY_8188F 0x0425
#define REG_TXPKTBUF_WMAC_LBK_BF_HD_8188F 0x045D
#define REG_TXPKTBUF_IV_LOW 0x0484
#define REG_TXPKTBUF_IV_HIGH 0x0488
#define REG_AMPDU_BURST_MODE_8188F 0x04BC
// 0x0500h ~ 0x05FFh EDCA Configuration
#define REG_SECONDARY_CCA_CTRL_8188F 0x0577
// 0x0600h ~ 0x07FFh WMAC Configuration
// SDIO Bus Specification
// SDIO CMD Address Mapping
// I/O bus domain (Host)
// SDIO register
#define SDIO_REG_HIQ_FREEPG_8188F 0x0020
#define SDIO_REG_MID_FREEPG_8188F 0x0022
#define SDIO_REG_LOW_FREEPG_8188F 0x0024
#define SDIO_REG_PUB_FREEPG_8188F 0x0026
#define SDIO_REG_EXQ_FREEPG_8188F 0x0028
#define SDIO_REG_AC_OQT_FREEPG_8188F 0x002A
#define SDIO_REG_NOAC_OQT_FREEPG_8188F 0x002B
#define SDIO_REG_HCPWM1_8188F 0x0038
/* indirect access */
#define SDIO_REG_INDIRECT_REG_CFG_8188F 0x40
#define SET_INDIRECT_REG_ADDR(_cmd, _addr) SET_BITS_TO_LE_2BYTE(((u8 *)(_cmd)) + 0, 0, 16, (_addr))
#define SET_INDIRECT_REG_SIZE_1BYTE(_cmd) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(((u8 *)(_cmd)) + 2, 0, 2, 0)
#define SET_INDIRECT_REG_SIZE_2BYTE(_cmd) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(((u8 *)(_cmd)) + 2, 0, 2, 1)
#define SET_INDIRECT_REG_SIZE_4BYTE(_cmd) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(((u8 *)(_cmd)) + 2, 0, 2, 2)
#define SET_INDIRECT_REG_WRITE(_cmd) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(((u8 *)(_cmd)) + 2, 2, 1, 1)
#define SET_INDIRECT_REG_READ(_cmd) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(((u8 *)(_cmd)) + 2, 3, 1, 1)
#define GET_INDIRECT_REG_RDY(_cmd) LE_BITS_TO_1BYTE(((u8 *)(_cmd)) + 2, 4, 1)
// 8188 Regsiter Bit and Content definition
// interrupt mask which needs to clear
// 0x0100h ~ 0x01FFh MACTOP General Configuration
// 0x0200h ~ 0x027Fh TXDMA Configuration
// 0x0280h ~ 0x02FFh RXDMA Configuration
#define RXDMA_IDLE BIT(17)
#define RW_RELEASE_EN BIT(18)
// 0x0400h ~ 0x047Fh Protocol Configuration
// 8188F REG_CCK_CHECK (offset 0x454)
// 0x0500h ~ 0x05FFh EDCA Configuration
// 0x0600h ~ 0x07FFh WMAC Configuration
// 8195 IMR/ISR bits (offset 0xB0, 8bits)
#define IMR_DISABLED_8188F 0
// IMR DW0(0x00B0-00B3) Bit 0-31
#define IMR_TIMER2_8188F BIT31 // Timeout interrupt 2
#define IMR_TIMER1_8188F BIT30 // Timeout interrupt 1
#define IMR_PSTIMEOUT_8188F BIT29 // Power Save Time Out Interrupt
#define IMR_GTINT4_8188F BIT28 // When GTIMER4 expires, this bit is set to 1
#define IMR_GTINT3_8188F BIT27 // When GTIMER3 expires, this bit is set to 1
#define IMR_TXBCN0ERR_8188F BIT26 // Transmit Beacon0 Error
#define IMR_TXBCN0OK_8188F BIT25 // Transmit Beacon0 OK
#define IMR_TSF_BIT32_TOGGLE_8188F BIT24 // TSF Timer BIT32 toggle indication interrupt
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT0_8188F BIT20 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 0
#define IMR_BCNDERR0_8188F BIT16 // Beacon Queue DMA OK0
#define IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT_8188F BIT15 // HSISR Indicator (HSIMR & HSISR is true, this bit is set to 1)
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT_E_8188F BIT14 // Beacon DMA Interrupt Extension for Win7
#define IMR_ATIMEND_8188F BIT12 // CTWidnow End or ATIM Window End
#define IMR_C2HCMD_8188F BIT10 // CPU to Host Command INT Status, Write 1 clear
#define IMR_CPWM2_8188F BIT9 // CPU power Mode exchange INT Status, Write 1 clear
#define IMR_CPWM_8188F BIT8 // CPU power Mode exchange INT Status, Write 1 clear
#define IMR_HIGHDOK_8188F BIT7 // High Queue DMA OK
#define IMR_MGNTDOK_8188F BIT6 // Management Queue DMA OK
#define IMR_BKDOK_8188F BIT5 // AC_BK DMA OK
#define IMR_BEDOK_8188F BIT4 // AC_BE DMA OK
#define IMR_VIDOK_8188F BIT3 // AC_VI DMA OK
#define IMR_VODOK_8188F BIT2 // AC_VO DMA OK
#define IMR_RDU_8188F BIT1 // Rx Descriptor Unavailable
#define IMR_ROK_8188F BIT0 // Receive DMA OK
// IMR DW1(0x00B4-00B7) Bit 0-31
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT7_8188F BIT27 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 7
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT6_8188F BIT26 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 6
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT5_8188F BIT25 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 5
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT4_8188F BIT24 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 4
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT3_8188F BIT23 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 3
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT2_8188F BIT22 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 2
#define IMR_BCNDMAINT1_8188F BIT21 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 1
#define IMR_BCNDOK7_8188F BIT20 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 7
#define IMR_BCNDOK6_8188F BIT19 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 6
#define IMR_BCNDOK5_8188F BIT18 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 5
#define IMR_BCNDOK4_8188F BIT17 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 4
#define IMR_BCNDOK3_8188F BIT16 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 3
#define IMR_BCNDOK2_8188F BIT15 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 2
#define IMR_BCNDOK1_8188F BIT14 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 1
#define IMR_ATIMEND_E_8188F BIT13 // ATIM Window End Extension for Win7
#define IMR_TXERR_8188F BIT11 // Tx Error Flag Interrupt Status, write 1 clear.
#define IMR_RXERR_8188F BIT10 // Rx Error Flag INT Status, Write 1 clear
#define IMR_TXFOVW_8188F BIT9 // Transmit FIFO Overflow
#define IMR_RXFOVW_8188F BIT8 // Receive FIFO Overflow
//#define IMR_RX_MASK (IMR_ROK_8188F|IMR_RDU_8188F|IMR_RXFOVW_8188F)
// General definitions
#define MACID_NUM_8188F 16
#define SEC_CAM_ENT_NUM_8188F 16
#define NSS_NUM_8188F 1
#define BAND_CAP_8188F (BAND_CAP_2G)
#define BW_CAP_8188F (BW_CAP_20M | BW_CAP_40M)
#endif /* __RTL8188F_SPEC_H__ */