import React from "react" import PropTypes from "prop-types" import { Transition } from 'react-transition-group'; import * as util from "util"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs"; import { LocalStorage } from "node-localstorage"; import * as olm from "olm" global.Olm = olm import * as matrix from "matrix-js-sdk"; import {uuid} from "uuidv4" import Message from "./message"; import Dock from "./dock"; import Header from "./header"; import EmojiSelector from './emoji-selector'; import './styles.scss'; const ENCRYPTION_CONFIG = { "algorithm": "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" }; const ENCRYPTION_NOTICE = "Messages in this chat are secured with end-to-end encryption." const UNENCRYPTION_NOTICE = "End-to-end message encryption is not available on this browser." const RESTARTING_UNENCRYPTED_CHAT_MESSAGE = "Restarting chat without encryption." const DEFAULT_MATRIX_SERVER = "" const DEFAULT_BOT_ID = "" const DEFAULT_TERMS_URL = "" const DEFAULT_ROOM_NAME = "Support Chat" const DEFAULT_INTRO_MESSAGE = "This chat application does not collect any of your personal data or any data from your use of this service." const DEFAULT_AGREEMENT_MESSAGE = "Do you want to continue?" const DEFAULT_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE = "Waiting for a facilitator to join the chat..." const DEFAULT_EXIT_MESSAGE = "The chat is closed. You may close this window." const DEFAULT_ANONYMOUS_DISPLAY_NAME="Anonymous" const DEFAULT_CHAT_UNAVAILABLE_MESSAGE = "The chat service is not available right now. Please try again later." class ChatBox extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.initialState = { opened: false, showDock: true, client: null, ready: true, accessToken: null, userId: null, password: null, localStorage: null, messages: [], inputValue: "", errors: [], roomId: null, typingStatus: null, awaitingAgreement: true, emojiSelectorOpen: false, } this.state = this.initialState this.chatboxInput = React.createRef(); this.messageWindow = React.createRef(); this.termsUrl = React.createRef(); } handleToggleOpen = () => { this.setState((prev) => { let { showDock } = prev; if (!prev.opened) { showDock = false; } return { showDock, opened: !prev.opened, }; }); } toggleEmojiSelector = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ emojiSelectorOpen: !this.state.emojiSelectorOpen }) } closeEmojiSelector = () => { this.setState({ emojiSelectorOpen: false }) } handleWidgetExit = () => { this.setState({ showDock: true, }); } handleWidgetEnter = () => { if (this.state.awaitingAgreement) { this.termsUrl.current.focus() } else { this.chatboxInput.current.focus() } } handleExitChat = () => { if (this.state.client) { this.exitChat() } else { this.setState(this.initialState) } } exitChat = () => { if (!this.state.client) return null; return this.state.client.leave(this.state.roomId) .then(() => { const auth = { type: 'm.login.password', user: this.state.userId, identifier: { type: "", user: this.state.userId, }, password: this.state.password, }; this.state.client.deactivateAccount(auth, true) }) .then(() => this.state.client.stopClient()) .then(() => this.state.client.clearStores()) .then(() => { this.state.localStorage.clear() this.setState(this.initialState) }) } initializeChat = () => { this.setState({ ready: false }) let client; try { client = matrix.createClient(this.props.matrixServerUrl) } catch(error) { console.log("Error creating client", error) return this.handleInitError(err) } // empty registration request to get session return client.registerRequest({}) .then(data => { console.log("Empty registration request to get session", data) }) .catch(err => { // actual registration request with randomly generated username and password const username = uuid() const password = uuid() const sessionId = client.registerRequest({ auth: {session: sessionId, type: "m.login.dummy"}, inhibit_login: false, password: password, username: username, x_show_msisdn: true, }) .then(data => { // use node localStorage if window.localStorage is not available let localStorage = global.localStorage; if (typeof localStorage === "undefined" || localStorage === null) { const deviceDesc = `matrix-chat-${data.device_id}-${sessionId}` const localStoragePath = path.resolve(path.join(os.homedir(), ".local-storage", deviceDesc)) localStorage = new LocalStorage(localStoragePath); } this.setState({ accessToken: data.access_token, userId: data.user_id, username: username, password: password, localStorage: localStorage, sessionId: sessionId, deviceId: data.device_id, }) // create new client with full options let opts = { baseUrl: this.props.matrixServerUrl, accessToken: data.access_token, userId: data.user_id, deviceId: data.device_id, sessionStore: new matrix.WebStorageSessionStore(localStorage), } client = matrix.createClient(opts) }) .catch(err => { this.handleInitError(err) }) .then(() => client.initCrypto()) .catch(err => { client.stopClient() client.clearStores() return Promise.reject({ error: "Failed crypto", message: err }) }) .then(() => client.setDisplayName(this.props.anonymousDisplayName)) .then(() => client.startClient()) .then(() => { this.setState({ client: client }) }) .catch(err => { if (err.error === "Failed crypto") { this.initializeUnencryptedChat() } else { this.handleInitError(err) } }) }) } initializeUnencryptedChat = () => { this.setState({ ready: false }) let opts = { baseUrl: this.props.matrixServerUrl, accessToken: this.state.accessToken, userId: this.state.userId, deviceId: this.state.deviceId, } let client; try { client = matrix.createClient(opts) client.setDisplayName(this.props.anonymousDisplayName) } catch { return this.handleInitError(err) } return client.startClient() .then(() => { this.setState({ client: client, isCryptoEnabled: false, }) }) .catch(err => this.handleInitError(err)) } handleInitError = (err) => { console.log("Error", err) this.displayBotMessage({ body: this.props.chatUnavailableMessage }) this.setState({ ready: true }) } handleDecryptionError = () => { this.displayBotMessage({ body: RESTARTING_UNENCRYPTED_CHAT_MESSAGE }) this.state.client.leave(this.state.roomId) .then(() => this.state.client.stopClient()) .then(() => this.state.client.clearStores()) .then(() => this.initializeUnencryptedChat()) } verifyAllRoomDevices = async function(roomId) { let room = this.state.client.getRoom(roomId); let members = (await room.getEncryptionTargetMembers()).map(x => x["userId"]) let memberkeys = await this.state.client.downloadKeys(members); for (const userId in memberkeys) { for (const deviceId in memberkeys[userId]) { await this.state.client.setDeviceVerified(userId, deviceId); } } } createRoom = async function() { const currentDate = new Date() const chatDate = currentDate.toLocaleDateString() const chatTime = currentDate.toLocaleTimeString() let roomConfig = { room_alias_name: `private-support-chat-${uuid()}`, invite: [this.props.botId], visibility: 'private', name: `${chatTime}, ${chatDate} - ${this.props.roomName}`, } const isCryptoEnabled = await this.state.client.isCryptoEnabled() if (isCryptoEnabled) { roomConfig.initial_state = [ { type: '', state_key: '', content: ENCRYPTION_CONFIG, }, ] } const { room_id } = await this.state.client.createRoom(roomConfig) this.state.client.setPowerLevel(room_id, this.props.botId, 100) if (isCryptoEnabled) { this.verifyAllRoomDevices(room_id) } else { this.displayBotMessage({ body: UNENCRYPTION_NOTICE }) } this.displayBotMessage({ body: this.props.confirmationMessage }) this.setState({ roomId: room_id, isCryptoEnabled }) } sendMessage = (message) => { this.state.client.sendTextMessage(this.state.roomId, message) .catch((err) => { switch (err["name"]) { case "UnknownDeviceError": Object.keys(err.devices).forEach((userId) => { Object.keys(err.devices[userId]).map((deviceId) => { this.state.client.setDeviceKnown(userId, deviceId, true); }); }); this.sendMessage(message) break; default: this.displayBotMessage({ body: "Your message was not sent." }) console.log("Error sending message", err); } }) } displayFakeMessage = (content, sender) => { const msgList = [...this.state.messages] const msg = { id: uuid(), type: '', sender: sender, roomId: this.state.roomId, content: content, } msgList.push(msg) this.setState({ messages: msgList }) } displayBotMessage = (content, roomId) => { console.log('BOT MESSAGE', content) const msgList = [...this.state.messages] const msg = { id: uuid(), type: '', sender: this.props.botId, roomId: roomId || this.state.roomId, content: content, } msgList.push(msg) console.log(msgList) this.setState({ messages: msgList }) } handleMessageEvent = event => { const message = { id: event.getId(), type: event.getType(), sender: event.getSender(), roomId: event.getRoomId(), content: event.getContent(), } if (message.content.showToUser && message.content.showToUser !== this.state.userId) { return; } if (message.content.body.startsWith('!bot') && message.sender !== this.state.userId) { return; } const messages = [...this.state.messages] messages.push(message) this.setState({ messages }) } handleKeyDown = (e) => { switch (e.keyCode) { case 27: if (this.state.emojiSelectorOpen) { this.closeEmojiSelector() } else if (this.state.opened) { this.handleToggleOpen() }; default: break; } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (this.state.client && prevState.client !== this.state.client) { this.createRoom() this.state.client.once('sync', (state, prevState, res) => { if (state === "PREPARED") { this.setState({ ready: true }) } }); this.state.client.on("Room.timeline", (event, room, toStartOfTimeline) => { if (event.getType() === "") { this.displayBotMessage({ body: ENCRYPTION_NOTICE }, room.room_id) } if (event.getType() === "" && !this.state.isCryptoEnabled) { if (event.isEncrypted()) { return; } this.handleMessageEvent(event) } }); this.state.client.on("Event.decrypted", (event, err) => { if (err) { return this.handleDecryptionError() } if (event.getType() === "") { this.handleMessageEvent(event) } }); this.state.client.on("RoomMember.typing", (event, member) => { if (member.typing && member.roomId === this.state.roomId) { this.setState({ typingStatus: `${} is typing...` }) } else { this.setState({ typingStatus: null }) } }); } if (prevState.messages.length !== this.state.messages.length) { if (this.messageWindow.current.scrollTo) { this.messageWindow.current.scrollTo(0, this.messageWindow.current.scrollHeight) } } } componentDidMount() { document.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown, false); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.exitChat) } componentWillUnmount() { document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown, false); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.exitChat) this.exitChat(); } handleInputChange = e => { this.setState({ inputValue: }) } handleAcceptTerms = () => { this.setState({ awaitingAgreement: false }) this.initializeChat() } handleRejectTerms = () => { this.exitChat() this.displayBotMessage({ body: this.props.exitMessage }) } handleSubmit = e => { e.preventDefault() const message = this.state.inputValue if (!Boolean(message)) return null; if (this.state.client && this.state.roomId) { console.log("Setting state to empty") this.setState({ inputValue: "" }) this.chatboxInput.current.focus() return this.sendMessage(message) } } onEmojiClick = (event, emojiObject) => { event.preventDefault() const { emoji } = emojiObject; this.setState({ inputValue: this.state.inputValue.concat(emoji), emojiSelectorOpen: false, }, this.chatboxInput.current.focus()) } render() { const { ready, messages, inputValue, userId, roomId, typingStatus, opened, showDock, emojiSelectorOpen } = this.state; const inputLabel = 'Send a message...' return (
{(status) => { return (
{ this.props.introMessage }
Please read the full terms and conditions. By using this chat, you agree to these terms.
{ this.props.agreementMessage }
{, index) => { return( ) }) } { typingStatus &&
} { !ready &&
)} }
{showDock && !roomId && } {showDock && roomId &&
); } }; ChatBox.propTypes = { matrixServerUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired, botId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, termsUrl: PropTypes.string, introMessage: PropTypes.string, roomName: PropTypes.string, agreementMessage: PropTypes.string, confirmationMessage: PropTypes.string, exitMessage: PropTypes.string, chatUnavailableMessage: PropTypes.string, anonymousDisplayName: PropTypes.string, } ChatBox.defaultProps = { matrixServerUrl: DEFAULT_MATRIX_SERVER, botId: DEFAULT_BOT_ID, termsUrl: DEFAULT_TERMS_URL, roomName: DEFAULT_ROOM_NAME, introMessage: DEFAULT_INTRO_MESSAGE, agreementMessage: DEFAULT_AGREEMENT_MESSAGE, confirmationMessage: DEFAULT_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE, exitMessage: DEFAULT_EXIT_MESSAGE, anonymousDisplayName: DEFAULT_ANONYMOUS_DISPLAY_NAME, chatUnavailableMessage: DEFAULT_CHAT_UNAVAILABLE_MESSAGE, } export default ChatBox;