import React from "react" import PropTypes from "prop-types" import * as sdk from "matrix-js-sdk"; import {uuid} from "uuidv4" import Message from "./message"; const MATRIX_SERVER_ADDRESS = "" const FACILITATOR_USERNAME = "" const CHATROOM_NAME = "Support Chat" class ChatBox extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) const client = sdk.createClient(MATRIX_SERVER_ADDRESS) this.state = { client: client, ready: false, rooms: { chunk: [] }, access_token: null, user_id: null, messages: [], inputValue: "", } this.chatboxInput = React.createRef(); } leaveRoom = () => { if (this.state.room_id) { this.state.client.leave(this.state.room_id).then(data => { console.log("Left room", data) }) } } createRoom = () => { const currentDate = new Date() const chatDate = currentDate.toLocaleDateString() const chatTime = currentDate.toLocaleTimeString() return this.state.client.createRoom({ room_alias_name: `private-support-chat-${uuid()}`, invite: [FACILITATOR_USERNAME], // TODO: create bot user to add visibility: 'private', name: `${chatDate} - ${CHATROOM_NAME} - started at ${chatTime}` }).then(data => { this.setState({ room_id: data.room_id }) }) } sendMessage = () => { const content = { "body": this.state.inputValue, "msgtype": "m.text" }; this.state.client.sendEvent(this.state.room_id, "", content, "").then((res) => { this.setState({ inputValue: "" }) this.chatboxInput.current.focus() }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); }) } componentDidMount() { // empty registration request to get session this.state.client.registerRequest({}).then(data => { console.log("Empty registration request to get session", data) }).catch(err => { // actual registration request with randomly generated username and password const username = uuid() const password = uuid() this.state.client.registerRequest({ auth: {session:, type: "m.login.dummy"}, inhibit_login: false, password: password, username: username, x_show_msisdn: true, }).then(data => { console.log("Registered user", data) this.setState({ access_token: data.access_token, user_id: data.user_id, username: username, client: sdk.createClient({ baseUrl: MATRIX_SERVER_ADDRESS, accessToken: data.access_token, userId: data.user_id }) }) this.state.client.setDisplayName("Anonymous") }).catch(err => { console.log("Registration error", err) }) }) } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (prevState.client !== this.state.client) { this.state.client.startClient() this.state.client.once('sync', (state, prevState, res) => { if (state === "PREPARED") { this.setState({ ready: true }) } }); this.state.client.on("Room.timeline", (event, room, toStartOfTimeline) => { if (event.getType() === "") { const messages = [...this.state.messages] messages.push(event) this.setState({ messages }) } }); } if (prevProps.status !== "entered" && this.props.status === "entered") { this.chatboxInput.current.focus() } } componentWillUnmount() { this.leaveRoom(); } handleInputChange = e => { this.setState({ inputValue: e.currentTarget.value }) } handleSubmit = e => { e.preventDefault() if (!Boolean(this.state.inputValue)) return null; if (!this.state.room_id) { return this.createRoom().then(this.sendMessage) } this.sendMessage() } render() { const { ready, messages, inputValue, user_id } = this.state; const { opened, handleToggleOpen } = this.props; if (!ready) { return (
) } return (
Support Chat
{, index) => { return( ) }) }
); } }; ChatBox.propTypes = { } ChatBox.defaultProps = { } export default ChatBox;