import requests import xmltodict import json url = "" attributes = [ "@path", "@base", "@href", "@id", "@itsn", "@jersey", "@mediaType", "@name", "@path", "@style", "@title", "@type", "@xml", "@xmlns" ] def remove_at_symbols(data): if isinstance(data, dict): # Process each key-value pair in the dictionary new_data = {} for key, value in data.items(): # Remove @ symbol from the key new_key = key.lstrip('@') new_data[new_key] = remove_at_symbols(value) return new_data elif isinstance(data, list): # Process each item in the list return [remove_at_symbols(item) for item in data] else: # Return data as-is if it's not a dict or list return data reps = [] for a in attributes: line_item = {"target":f"{a}", "new":f"{a[1:]}"} reps.append(line_item) res_plain = requests.get(url) res_cleaned = res_plain.text.replace("@", "") for l in reps: res_cleaned = res_cleaned.replace(f'{l["target"]}', f'{l["new"]}') new_json = xmltodict.parse(res_cleaned) cleaned = remove_at_symbols(new_json) i = 0 for line in cleaned['application']['resources']['resource']: for item in line: if item == "path": print(f"{i}: {line['path']}") elif item == "resource" and isinstance(line[item], list): print(f"{item}") for sub_item in line[item]: print(f"\t{sub_item['path']}") print(f"\tExample: {line['path']}/{sub_item['path']}\n") else: print(f"{item}") print("\n++++++++++++++++++\n") i += 1