This is a compiled list of the endpoints on the NHL Records API, it by no means is
exhaustive so please feel free to contribute with a PR if you find something I missed
or otherwise mis-typed. All of this is discovered by working through and finding where the script pulls
information from.
All queries are prefixed with `` and are GET
requests unless otherwise noted, so far I have not seen any thing other than GET requests.
This is slightly different than the normal NHL API, see the following example:
`/franchise-season-results?cayenneExp=franchiseId=24&sort=seasonId&dir=DESC` Returns every season result for a specified team, sorted by seasonId in descending order
`/site/api/franchise-detail?cayenneExp=mostRecentTeamId=ID` Returns captainHistory, coachingHistory, generalManagerHistory and a summary of retired numbers
`/site/api/franchise?` Returns every logo for every team and franchise.