#! /bin/sh # Source our persisted env variables from container startup . /etc/transmission-daemon/environment-variables.sh # Settings PIA_PASSWD_FILE=/config/pia-credentials.txt TRANSMISSION_PASSWD_FILE=/config/transmission-credentials.txt pia_username=$(head -1 $PIA_PASSWD_FILE) pia_passwd=$(tail -1 $PIA_PASSWD_FILE) transmission_username=$(head -1 $TRANSMISSION_PASSWD_FILE) transmission_passwd=$(tail -1 $TRANSMISSION_PASSWD_FILE) local_vpn_ip=$(ip addr show tun0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }') pia_client_id_file=/etc/transmission-daemon/pia_client_id transmission_settings_file=${TRANSMISSION_HOME}/settings.json port_assignment_url=https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/vpninfo/port_forward_assignment # # First get a port from PIA # new_client_id() { head -n 100 /dev/urandom | md5sum | tr -d " -" | tee $pia_client_id_file } pia_client_id="$(cat $pia_client_id_file 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z ${pia_client_id} ]; then echo "Generating new client id for PIA" pia_client_id=$(new_client_id) fi # Get the port pia_response=$(curl -d "user=$pia_username&pass=$pia_passwd&client_id=$pia_client_id&local_ip=$local_vpn_ip" $port_assignment_url) new_port=$(echo $pia_response | grep -oE "[0-9]+") echo "Got new port $new_port from pia" # # Now, set port in Transmission # # Check if transmission remote is set up with authentication auth_enabled=$(grep 'rpc-authentication-required\"' $transmission_settings_file | grep -oE 'true|false') if [ "true" = "$auth_enabled" ] then echo "transmission auth required" myauth="--auth $transmission_username:$transmission_passwd" else echo "transmission auth not required" myauth="" fi # get current listening port transmission_peer_port=$(transmission-remote $myauth -si | grep Listenport | grep -oE '[0-9]+') if [ "$new_port" != "$transmission_peer_port" ] then transmission-remote $myauth -p "$new_port" echo "Checking port..." sleep 10 && transmission-remote $myauth -pt else echo "No action needed, port hasn't changed" fi