#!/bin/bash # Forked from binhex's OpenVPN dockers set -e # check for presence of network interface docker0 check_network=$(ifconfig | grep docker0 || true) # if network interface docker0 is present then we are running in host mode and thus must exit if [[ ! -z "${check_network}" ]]; then echo "[crit] Network type detected as 'Host', this will cause major issues, please stop the container and switch back to 'Bridge' mode" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' && exit 1 fi export VPN_ENABLED=$(echo "${VPN_ENABLED}" | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${VPN_ENABLED}" ]]; then echo "[info] VPN_ENABLED defined as '${VPN_ENABLED}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[warn] VPN_ENABLED not defined,(via -e VPN_ENABLED), defaulting to 'yes'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' export VPN_ENABLED="yes" fi if [[ $VPN_ENABLED == "yes" ]]; then # create directory to store openvpn config files mkdir -p /config/openvpn # set perms and owner for files in /config/openvpn directory set +e chown -R "${PUID}":"${PGID}" "/config/openvpn" &> /dev/null exit_code_chown=$? chmod -R 775 "/config/openvpn" &> /dev/null exit_code_chmod=$? set -e if (( ${exit_code_chown} != 0 || ${exit_code_chmod} != 0 )); then echo "[warn] Unable to chown/chmod /config/openvpn/, assuming SMB mountpoint" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' fi # wildcard search for openvpn config files (match on first result) export VPN_CONFIG=$(find /config/openvpn -maxdepth 1 -name "*.ovpn" -print -quit) # if ovpn file not found in /config/openvpn then exit if [[ -z "${VPN_CONFIG}" ]]; then echo "[crit] No OpenVPN config file located in /config/openvpn/ (ovpn extension), please download from your VPN provider and then restart this container, exiting..." | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' && exit 1 fi echo "[info] OpenVPN config file (ovpn extension) is located at ${VPN_CONFIG}" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' # Read username and password env vars and put them in credentials.conf, then add ovpn config for credentials file if [[ ! -z "${VPN_USERNAME}" ]] && [[ ! -z "${VPN_PASSWORD}" ]]; then if [[ ! -e /config/openvpn/credentials.conf ]]; then touch /config/openvpn/credentials.conf fi echo "${VPN_USERNAME}" > /config/openvpn/credentials.conf echo "${VPN_PASSWORD}" >> /config/openvpn/credentials.conf # Replace line with one that points to credentials.conf auth_cred_exist=$(cat ${VPN_CONFIG} | grep -m 1 'auth-user-pass') if [[ ! -z "${auth_cred_exist}" ]]; then # Get line number of auth-user-pass LINE_NUM=$(grep -Fn -m 1 'auth-user-pass' ${VPN_CONFIG} | cut -d: -f 1) sed -i "${LINE_NUM}s/.*/auth-user-pass credentials.conf\n/" ${VPN_CONFIG} else sed -i "1s/.*/auth-user-pass credentials.conf\n/" ${VPN_CONFIG} fi fi # convert CRLF (windows) to LF (unix) for ovpn /usr/bin/dos2unix "${VPN_CONFIG}" 1> /dev/null # parse values from ovpn file export vpn_remote_line=$(cat "${VPN_CONFIG}" | grep -P -o -m 1 '(?<=^remote\s)[^\n\r]+' | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${vpn_remote_line}" ]]; then echo "[info] VPN remote line defined as '${vpn_remote_line}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[crit] VPN configuration file ${VPN_CONFIG} does not contain 'remote' line, showing contents of file before exit..." | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' cat "${VPN_CONFIG}" && exit 1 fi export VPN_REMOTE=$(echo "${vpn_remote_line}" | grep -P -o -m 1 '^[^\s\r\n]+' | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${VPN_REMOTE}" ]]; then echo "[info] VPN_REMOTE defined as '${VPN_REMOTE}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[crit] VPN_REMOTE not found in ${VPN_CONFIG}, exiting..." | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' && exit 1 fi export VPN_PORT=$(echo "${vpn_remote_line}" | grep -P -o -m 1 '(?<=\s)\d{2,5}(?=\s)?+' | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${VPN_PORT}" ]]; then echo "[info] VPN_PORT defined as '${VPN_PORT}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[crit] VPN_PORT not found in ${VPN_CONFIG}, exiting..." | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' && exit 1 fi export VPN_PROTOCOL=$(cat "${VPN_CONFIG}" | grep -P -o -m 1 '(?<=^proto\s)[^\r\n]+' | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${VPN_PROTOCOL}" ]]; then echo "[info] VPN_PROTOCOL defined as '${VPN_PROTOCOL}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else export VPN_PROTOCOL=$(echo "${vpn_remote_line}" | grep -P -o -m 1 'udp|tcp-client|tcp$' | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${VPN_PROTOCOL}" ]]; then echo "[info] VPN_PROTOCOL defined as '${VPN_PROTOCOL}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[warn] VPN_PROTOCOL not found in ${VPN_CONFIG}, assuming udp" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' export VPN_PROTOCOL="udp" fi fi # required for use in iptables if [[ "${VPN_PROTOCOL}" == "tcp-client" ]]; then export VPN_PROTOCOL="tcp" fi VPN_DEVICE_TYPE=$(cat "${VPN_CONFIG}" | grep -P -o -m 1 '(?<=^dev\s)[^\r\n\d]+' | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${VPN_DEVICE_TYPE}" ]]; then export VPN_DEVICE_TYPE="${VPN_DEVICE_TYPE}0" echo "[info] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE defined as '${VPN_DEVICE_TYPE}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[crit] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE not found in ${VPN_CONFIG}, exiting..." | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' && exit 1 fi # get values from env vars as defined by user export LAN_NETWORK=$(echo "${LAN_NETWORK}" | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${LAN_NETWORK}" ]]; then echo "[info] LAN_NETWORK defined as '${LAN_NETWORK}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[crit] LAN_NETWORK not defined (via -e LAN_NETWORK), exiting..." | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' && exit 1 fi export NAME_SERVERS=$(echo "${NAME_SERVERS}" | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${NAME_SERVERS}" ]]; then echo "[info] NAME_SERVERS defined as '${NAME_SERVERS}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[warn] NAME_SERVERS not defined (via -e NAME_SERVERS), defaulting to Google and FreeDNS name servers" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' export NAME_SERVERS=",,," fi export VPN_OPTIONS=$(echo "${VPN_OPTIONS}" | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') if [[ ! -z "${VPN_OPTIONS}" ]]; then echo "[info] VPN_OPTIONS defined as '${VPN_OPTIONS}'" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' else echo "[info] VPN_OPTIONS not defined (via -e VPN_OPTIONS)" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' export VPN_OPTIONS="" fi elif [[ $VPN_ENABLED == "no" ]]; then echo "[warn] !!IMPORTANT!! You have set the VPN to disabled, you will NOT be secure!" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' fi # split comma seperated string into list from NAME_SERVERS env variable IFS=',' read -ra name_server_list <<< "${NAME_SERVERS}" # process name servers in the list for name_server_item in "${name_server_list[@]}"; do # strip whitespace from start and end of lan_network_item name_server_item=$(echo "${name_server_item}" | sed -e 's~^[ \t]*~~;s~[ \t]*$~~') # check if name server is already defined existing_name_servers=$(awk "/^nameserver ${name_server_item}$/" /etc/resolv.conf | wc -l) if [ "$existing_name_servers" -eq 0 ]; then echo "[info] Adding ${name_server_item} to resolv.conf" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' echo "nameserver ${name_server_item}" >> /etc/resolv.conf fi done if [[ -z "${PUID}" ]]; then echo "[info] PUID not defined. Defaulting to root user" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' export PUID="root" fi if [[ -z "${PGID}" ]]; then echo "[info] PGID not defined. Defaulting to root group" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' export PGID="root" fi if [[ $VPN_ENABLED == "yes" ]]; then echo "[info] Starting OpenVPN..." | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S' cd /config/openvpn exec openvpn --config ${VPN_CONFIG} & # give openvpn some time to connect sleep 5 #exec /bin/bash /etc/openvpn/openvpn.init start & exec /bin/bash /etc/qbittorrent/iptables.sh else exec /bin/bash /etc/qbittorrent/start.sh fi