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504 lines
11 KiB

package promptui
import (
// SelectedAdd is returned from SelectWithAdd when add is selected.
const SelectedAdd = -1
// Select represents a list for selecting a single item
type Select struct {
// Label is the value displayed on the command line prompt. It can be any
// value one would pass to a text/template Execute(), including just a string.
Label interface{}
// Items are the items to use in the list. It can be any slice type one would
// pass to a text/template execute, including a string slice.
Items interface{}
// Size is the number of items that should appear on the select before
// scrolling. If it is 0, defaults to 5.
Size int
// IsVimMode sets whether readline is using Vim mode.
IsVimMode bool
// Templates can be used to customize the select output. If nil is passed, the
// default templates are used.
Templates *SelectTemplates
// Keys can be used to change movement and search keys.
Keys *SelectKeys
// Searcher can be implemented to teach the select how to search for items.
Searcher list.Searcher
// Starts the prompt in search mode.
StartInSearchMode bool
label string
list *list.List
// SelectKeys defines which keys can be used for movement and search.
type SelectKeys struct {
Next Key // Next defaults to down arrow key
Prev Key // Prev defaults to up arrow key
PageUp Key // PageUp defaults to left arrow key
PageDown Key // PageDown defaults to right arrow key
Search Key // Search defaults to '/' key
// Key defines a keyboard code and a display representation for the help
// Check https://github.com/chzyer/readline for a list of codes
type Key struct {
Code rune
Display string
// SelectTemplates allow a select prompt to be customized following stdlib
// text/template syntax. If any field is blank a default template is used.
type SelectTemplates struct {
// Active is a text/template for the label.
Label string
// Active is a text/template for when an item is current active.
Active string
// Inactive is a text/template for when an item is not current active.
Inactive string
// Selected is a text/template for when an item was successfully selected.
Selected string
// Details is a text/template for when an item current active to show
// additional information. It can have multiple lines.
Details string
// Help is a text/template for displaying instructions at the top. By default
// it shows keys for movement and search.
Help string
// FuncMap is a map of helpers for the templates. If nil, the default helpers
// are used.
FuncMap template.FuncMap
label *template.Template
active *template.Template
inactive *template.Template
selected *template.Template
details *template.Template
help *template.Template
// Run runs the Select list. It returns the index of the selected element,
// and its value.
func (s *Select) Run() (int, string, error) {
if s.Size == 0 {
s.Size = 5
l, err := list.New(s.Items, s.Size)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
l.Searcher = s.Searcher
s.list = l
err = s.prepareTemplates()
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
return s.innerRun(0, ' ')
func (s *Select) innerRun(starting int, top rune) (int, string, error) {
stdin := readline.NewCancelableStdin(os.Stdin)
c := &readline.Config{}
err := c.Init()
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
c.Stdin = stdin
if s.IsVimMode {
c.VimMode = true
c.HistoryLimit = -1
c.UniqueEditLine = true
rl, err := readline.NewEx(c)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
sb := screenbuf.New(rl)
var searchInput []rune
canSearch := s.Searcher != nil
searchMode := s.StartInSearchMode
c.SetListener(func(line []rune, pos int, key rune) ([]rune, int, bool) {
switch {
case key == KeyEnter:
return nil, 0, true
case key == s.Keys.Next.Code || (key == 'j' && !searchMode):
case key == s.Keys.Prev.Code || (key == 'k' && !searchMode):
case key == s.Keys.Search.Code:
if !canSearch {
if searchMode {
searchMode = false
searchInput = nil
} else {
searchMode = true
case key == KeyBackspace:
if !canSearch || !searchMode {
if len(searchInput) > 1 {
searchInput = searchInput[:len(searchInput)-1]
} else {
searchInput = nil
case key == s.Keys.PageUp.Code || (key == 'h' && !searchMode):
case key == s.Keys.PageDown.Code || (key == 'l' && !searchMode):
if canSearch && searchMode {
searchInput = append(searchInput, line...)
if searchMode {
header := fmt.Sprintf("Search: %s%s", string(searchInput), cursor)
} else {
help := s.renderHelp(canSearch)
label := render(s.Templates.label, s.Label)
items, idx := s.list.Items()
last := len(items) - 1
for i, item := range items {
page := " "
switch i {
case 0:
if s.list.CanPageUp() {
page = "↑"
} else {
page = string(top)
case last:
if s.list.CanPageDown() {
page = "↓"
output := []byte(page + " ")
if i == idx {
output = append(output, render(s.Templates.active, item)...)
} else {
output = append(output, render(s.Templates.inactive, item)...)
if idx == list.NotFound {
sb.WriteString("No results")
} else {
active := items[idx]
details := s.renderDetails(active)
for _, d := range details {
return nil, 0, true
for {
_, err = rl.Readline()
if err != nil {
switch {
case err == readline.ErrInterrupt, err.Error() == "Interrupt":
err = ErrInterrupt
case err == io.EOF:
err = ErrEOF
_, idx := s.list.Items()
if idx != list.NotFound {
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "Interrupt" {
err = ErrInterrupt
return 0, "", err
items, idx := s.list.Items()
item := items[idx]
output := render(s.Templates.selected, item)
return s.list.Index(), fmt.Sprintf("%v", item), err
func (s *Select) prepareTemplates() error {
tpls := s.Templates
if tpls == nil {
tpls = &SelectTemplates{}
if tpls.FuncMap == nil {
tpls.FuncMap = FuncMap
if tpls.Label == "" {
tpls.Label = fmt.Sprintf("%s {{.}}: ", IconInitial)
tpl, err := template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Label)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.label = tpl
if tpls.Active == "" {
tpls.Active = fmt.Sprintf("%s {{ . | underline }}", IconSelect)
tpl, err = template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Active)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.active = tpl
if tpls.Inactive == "" {
tpls.Inactive = " {{.}}"
tpl, err = template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Inactive)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.inactive = tpl
if tpls.Selected == "" {
tpls.Selected = fmt.Sprintf(`{{ "%s" | green }} {{ . | faint }}`, IconGood)
tpl, err = template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Selected)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.selected = tpl
if tpls.Details != "" {
tpl, err = template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Details)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.details = tpl
if tpls.Help == "" {
tpls.Help = fmt.Sprintf(`{{ "Use the arrow keys to navigate:" | faint }} {{ .NextKey | faint }} ` +
`{{ .PrevKey | faint }} {{ .PageDownKey | faint }} {{ .PageUpKey | faint }} ` +
`{{ if .Search }} {{ "and" | faint }} {{ .SearchKey | faint }} {{ "toggles search" | faint }}{{ end }}`)
tpl, err = template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Help)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.help = tpl
s.Templates = tpls
return nil
// SelectWithAdd represents a list for selecting a single item, or selecting
// a newly created item.
type SelectWithAdd struct {
Label string // Label is the value displayed on the command line prompt.
Items []string // Items are the items to use in the list.
AddLabel string // The label used in the item list for creating a new item.
// Validate is optional. If set, this function is used to validate the input
// after each character entry.
Validate ValidateFunc
IsVimMode bool // Whether readline is using Vim mode.
// Run runs the Select list. It returns the index of the selected element,
// and its value. If a new element is created, -1 is returned as the index.
func (sa *SelectWithAdd) Run() (int, string, error) {
if len(sa.Items) > 0 {
newItems := append([]string{sa.AddLabel}, sa.Items...)
list, err := list.New(newItems, 5)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
s := Select{
Label: sa.Label,
Items: newItems,
IsVimMode: sa.IsVimMode,
Size: 5,
list: list,
err = s.prepareTemplates()
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
selected, value, err := s.innerRun(1, '+')
if err != nil || selected != 0 {
return selected - 1, value, err
// XXX run through terminal for windows
os.Stdout.Write([]byte(upLine(1) + "\r" + clearLine))
p := Prompt{
Label: sa.AddLabel,
Validate: sa.Validate,
IsVimMode: sa.IsVimMode,
value, err := p.Run()
return SelectedAdd, value, err
func (s *Select) setKeys() {
if s.Keys != nil {
s.Keys = &SelectKeys{
Prev: Key{Code: KeyPrev, Display: "↑"},
Next: Key{Code: KeyNext, Display: "↓"},
PageUp: Key{Code: KeyBackward, Display: "←"},
PageDown: Key{Code: KeyForward, Display: "→"},
Search: Key{Code: '/', Display: "/"},
func (s *Select) renderDetails(item interface{}) [][]byte {
if s.Templates.details == nil {
return nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
w := ansiterm.NewTabWriter(&buf, 0, 0, 8, ' ', 0)
err := s.Templates.details.Execute(w, item)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", item)
output := buf.Bytes()
return bytes.Split(output, []byte("\n"))
func (s *Select) renderHelp(b bool) []byte {
keys := struct {
NextKey string
PrevKey string
PageDownKey string
PageUpKey string
Search bool
SearchKey string
NextKey: s.Keys.Next.Display,
PrevKey: s.Keys.Prev.Display,
PageDownKey: s.Keys.PageDown.Display,
PageUpKey: s.Keys.PageUp.Display,
SearchKey: s.Keys.Search.Display,
Search: b,
return render(s.Templates.help, keys)
func render(tpl *template.Template, data interface{}) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := tpl.Execute(&buf, data)
if err != nil {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", data))
return buf.Bytes()