# This is the default Clever Golang Makefile. # It is stored in the dev-handbook repo, github.com/Clever/dev-handbook # Please do not alter this file directly. GOLANG_MK_VERSION := 1.0.0 SHELL := /bin/bash SYSTEM := $(shell uname -a | cut -d" " -f1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') .PHONY: golang-test-deps golang-ensure-curl-installed # set timezone to UTC for golang to match circle and deploys export TZ=UTC # go build flags for use across all commands which accept them GO_BUILD_FLAGS := "-mod=vendor" # if the gopath includes several directories, use only the first GOPATH=$(shell echo $$GOPATH | cut -d: -f1) # This block checks and confirms that the proper Go toolchain version is installed. # It uses ^ matching in the semver sense -- you can be ahead by a minor # version, but not a major version (patch is ignored). # arg1: golang version define golang-version-check _ := $(if \ $(shell \ expr >/dev/null \ `go version | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -c3- | cut -d. -f2 | sed -E 's/beta[0-9]+//'` \ \>= `echo $(1) | cut -d. -f2` \ \& \ `go version | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -c3- | cut -d. -f1` \ = `echo $(1) | cut -d. -f1` \ && echo 1), \ @echo "", \ $(error must be running Go version ^$(1) - you are running $(shell go version | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -c3-))) endef # FGT is a utility that exits with 1 whenever any stderr/stdout output is recieved. # We pin its version since its a simple tool that does its job as-is; # so we're defended against it breaking or changing in the future. FGT := $(GOPATH)/bin/fgt $(FGT): go get github.com/GeertJohan/fgt@262f7b11eec07dc7b147c44641236f3212fee89d golang-ensure-curl-installed: @command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "curl not installed. Please install curl."; exit 1; } # Golint is a tool for linting Golang code for common errors. # We pin its version because an update could add a new lint check which would make # previously passing tests start failing without changing our code. GOLINT := $(GOPATH)/bin/golint $(GOLINT): go get golang.org/x/lint/golint@738671d3881b9731cc63024d5d88cf28db875626 # golang-fmt-deps requires the FGT tool for checking output golang-fmt-deps: $(FGT) # golang-fmt checks that all golang files in the pkg are formatted correctly. # arg1: pkg path define golang-fmt @echo "FORMATTING $(1)..." @PKG_PATH=$$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' $(1)); $(FGT) gofmt -l=true $${PKG_PATH}/*.go endef # golang-lint-deps requires the golint tool for golang linting. golang-lint-deps: $(GOLINT) # golang-lint calls golint on all golang files in the pkg. # arg1: pkg path define golang-lint @echo "LINTING $(1)..." @PKG_PATH=$$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' $(1)); find $${PKG_PATH}/*.go -type f | grep -v gen_ | xargs $(GOLINT) endef # golang-lint-deps-strict requires the golint tool for golang linting. golang-lint-deps-strict: $(GOLINT) $(FGT) # golang-lint-strict calls golint on all golang files in the pkg and fails if any lint # errors are found. # arg1: pkg path define golang-lint-strict @echo "LINTING $(1)..." @PKG_PATH=$$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' $(1)); find $${PKG_PATH}/*.go -type f | grep -v gen_ | xargs $(FGT) $(GOLINT) endef # golang-test-deps is here for consistency golang-test-deps: # golang-test uses the Go toolchain to run all tests in the pkg. # arg1: pkg path define golang-test @echo "TESTING $(1)..." @go test $(GO_BUILD_FLAGS) -v $(1) endef # golang-test-strict-deps is here for consistency golang-test-strict-deps: # golang-test-strict uses the Go toolchain to run all tests in the pkg with the race flag # arg1: pkg path define golang-test-strict @echo "TESTING $(1)..." @go test -v $(GO_BUILD_FLAGS) -race $(1) endef # golang-vet-deps is here for consistency golang-vet-deps: # golang-vet uses the Go toolchain to vet all the pkg for common mistakes. # arg1: pkg path define golang-vet @echo "VETTING $(1)..." @go vet $(GO_BUILD_FLAGS) $(1) endef # golang-test-all-deps installs all dependencies needed for different test cases. golang-test-all-deps: golang-fmt-deps golang-lint-deps golang-test-deps golang-vet-deps # golang-test-all calls fmt, lint, vet and test on the specified pkg. # arg1: pkg path define golang-test-all $(call golang-fmt,$(1)) $(call golang-lint,$(1)) $(call golang-vet,$(1)) $(call golang-test,$(1)) endef # golang-test-all-strict-deps: installs all dependencies needed for different test cases. golang-test-all-strict-deps: golang-fmt-deps golang-lint-deps-strict golang-test-strict-deps golang-vet-deps # golang-test-all-strict calls fmt, lint, vet and test on the specified pkg with strict # requirements that no errors are thrown while linting. # arg1: pkg path define golang-test-all-strict $(call golang-fmt,$(1)) $(call golang-lint-strict,$(1)) $(call golang-vet,$(1)) $(call golang-test-strict,$(1)) endef # golang-build: builds a golang binary. ensures CGO build is done during CI. This is needed to make a binary that works with a Docker alpine image. # arg1: pkg path # arg2: executable name define golang-build @echo "BUILDING..." @if [ -z "$$CI" ]; then \ go build $(GO_BUILD_FLAGS) -o bin/$(2) $(1); \ else \ echo "-> Building CGO binary"; \ CGO_ENABLED=0 go build $(GO_BUILD_FLAGS) -installsuffix cgo -o bin/$(2) $(1); \ fi; endef # golang-update-makefile downloads latest version of golang.mk golang-update-makefile: @wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Clever/dev-handbook/master/make/golang-v1.mk -O /tmp/golang.mk 2>/dev/null @if ! grep -q $(GOLANG_MK_VERSION) /tmp/golang.mk; then cp /tmp/golang.mk golang.mk && echo "golang.mk updated"; else echo "golang.mk is up-to-date"; fi