package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" ) const GH_URL = "" type Options struct { Help goptions.Help `goptions:"-h, --help, description='Show this help'"` Verbosity []bool `goptions:"-v, --verbose, description='Be verbose'"` Quiet bool `goptions:"-q, --quiet, description='Do not print anything, even errors (except if --verbose is specified)'"` Version bool `goptions:"--version, description='Print version'"` goptions.Verbs Download struct { Token string `goptions:"-s, --security-token, description='Github token ($GITHUB_TOKEN if set). required if repo is private.'"` User string `goptions:"-u, --user, description='Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)'"` AuthUser string `goptions:"-a, --auth-user, description='Username for authenticating to the API (falls back to $GITHUB_AUTH_USER or $GITHUB_USER)'"` Repo string `goptions:"-r, --repo, description='Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)'"` Latest bool `goptions:"-l, --latest, description='Download latest release (required if tag is not specified)',mutexgroup='input'"` Tag string `goptions:"-t, --tag, description='Git tag to download from (required if latest is not specified)', mutexgroup='input',obligatory"` Name string `goptions:"-n, --name, description='Name of the file', obligatory"` } `goptions:"download"` Upload struct { Token string `goptions:"-s, --security-token, description='Github token (required if $GITHUB_TOKEN not set)'"` User string `goptions:"-u, --user, description='Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)'"` AuthUser string `goptions:"-a, --auth-user, description='Username for authenticating to the API (falls back to $GITHUB_AUTH_USER or $GITHUB_USER)'"` Repo string `goptions:"-r, --repo, description='Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)'"` Tag string `goptions:"-t, --tag, description='Git tag to upload to', obligatory"` Name string `goptions:"-n, --name, description='Name of the file', obligatory"` Label string `goptions:"-l, --label, description='Label (description) of the file'"` File *os.File `goptions:"-f, --file, description='File to upload (use - for stdin)', rdonly, obligatory"` Replace bool `goptions:"-R, --replace, description='Replace asset with same name if it already exists (WARNING: not atomic, failure to upload will remove the original asset too)'"` } `goptions:"upload"` Release struct { Token string `goptions:"-s, --security-token, description='Github token (required if $GITHUB_TOKEN not set)'"` User string `goptions:"-u, --user, description='Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)'"` Repo string `goptions:"-r, --repo, description='Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)'"` Tag string `goptions:"-t, --tag, obligatory, description='Git tag to create a release from'"` Name string `goptions:"-n, --name, description='Name of the release (defaults to tag)'"` Desc string `goptions:"-d, --description, description='Release description, use - for reading a description from stdin (defaults to tag)'"` Target string `goptions:"-c, --target, description='Commit SHA or branch to create release of (defaults to the repository default branch)'"` Draft bool `goptions:"--draft, description='The release is a draft'"` Prerelease bool `goptions:"-p, --pre-release, description='The release is a pre-release'"` } `goptions:"release"` Edit struct { Token string `goptions:"-s, --security-token, description='Github token (required if $GITHUB_TOKEN not set)'"` User string `goptions:"-u, --user, description='Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)'"` AuthUser string `goptions:"-a, --auth-user, description='Username for authenticating to the API (falls back to $GITHUB_AUTH_USER or $GITHUB_USER)'"` Repo string `goptions:"-r, --repo, description='Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)'"` Tag string `goptions:"-t, --tag, obligatory, description='Git tag to edit the release of'"` Name string `goptions:"-n, --name, description='New name of the release (defaults to tag)'"` Desc string `goptions:"-d, --description, description='New release description, use - for reading a description from stdin (defaults to tag)'"` Draft bool `goptions:"--draft, description='The release is a draft'"` Prerelease bool `goptions:"-p, --pre-release, description='The release is a pre-release'"` } `goptions:"edit"` Delete struct { Token string `goptions:"-s, --security-token, description='Github token (required if $GITHUB_TOKEN not set)'"` User string `goptions:"-u, --user, description='Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)'"` AuthUser string `goptions:"-a, --auth-user, description='Username for authenticating to the API (falls back to $GITHUB_AUTH_USER or $GITHUB_USER)'"` Repo string `goptions:"-r, --repo, description='Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)'"` Tag string `goptions:"-t, --tag, obligatory, description='Git tag of release to delete'"` } `goptions:"delete"` Info struct { Token string `goptions:"-s, --security-token, description='Github token ($GITHUB_TOKEN if set). required if repo is private.'"` User string `goptions:"-u, --user, description='Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)'"` AuthUser string `goptions:"-a, --auth-user, description='Username for authenticating to the API (falls back to $GITHUB_AUTH_USER or $GITHUB_USER)'"` Repo string `goptions:"-r, --repo, description='Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)'"` Tag string `goptions:"-t, --tag, description='Git tag to query (optional)'"` JSON bool `goptions:"-j, --json, description='Emit info as JSON instead of text'"` } `goptions:"info"` } type Command func(Options) error var commands = map[goptions.Verbs]Command{ "download": downloadcmd, "upload": uploadcmd, "release": releasecmd, "edit": editcmd, "delete": deletecmd, "info": infocmd, } var ( VERBOSITY = 0 ) var ( // The user whose token is being used to authenticate to the API. If unset, // EnvUser is used. EnvAuthUser string EnvToken string EnvUser string EnvRepo string EnvApiEndpoint string ) func init() { EnvToken = os.Getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") EnvUser = os.Getenv("GITHUB_USER") EnvAuthUser = os.Getenv("GITHUB_AUTH_USER") EnvRepo = os.Getenv("GITHUB_REPO") EnvApiEndpoint = os.Getenv("GITHUB_API") if EnvAuthUser == "" { EnvAuthUser = EnvUser } } func main() { options := Options{} goptions.ParseAndFail(&options) if options.Version { fmt.Printf("github-release v%s\n", github.VERSION) return } if len(options.Verbs) == 0 { goptions.PrintHelp() return } VERBOSITY = len(options.Verbosity) github.VERBOSITY = VERBOSITY if cmd, found := commands[options.Verbs]; found { err := cmd(options) if err != nil { if !options.Quiet { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error:", err) } os.Exit(1) } } }