package ace import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "path/filepath" "strings" ) // Special characters const ( cr = "\r" lf = "\n" crlf = "\r\n" space = " " equal = "=" pipe = "|" doublePipe = pipe + pipe slash = "/" sharp = "#" dot = "." doubleDot = dot + dot colon = ":" doubleColon = colon + colon doubleQuote = `"` lt = "<" gt = ">" exclamation = "!" hyphen = "-" bracketOpen = "[" bracketClose = "]" ) // readFiles reads files and returns source for the parsing process. func readFiles(basePath, innerPath string, opts *Options) (*source, error) { // Read the base file. base, err := readFile(basePath, opts) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Read the inner file. inner, err := readFile(innerPath, opts) if err != nil { return nil, err } var includes []*File // Find include files from the base file. if err := findIncludes(, opts, &includes, base); err != nil { return nil, err } // Find include files from the inner file. if err := findIncludes(, opts, &includes, inner); err != nil { return nil, err } return NewSource(base, inner, includes), nil } // readFile reads a file and returns a file struct. func readFile(path string, opts *Options) (*File, error) { var data []byte var err error if path != "" { name := filepath.Join(opts.BaseDir, path+dot+opts.Extension) if opts.Asset != nil { data, err = opts.Asset(name) } else { data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(name) } if err != nil { return nil, err } } return NewFile(path, data), nil } // findIncludes finds and adds include files. func findIncludes(data []byte, opts *Options, includes *[]*File, targetFile *File) error { includePaths, err := findIncludePaths(data, opts, targetFile) if err != nil { return err } for _, includePath := range includePaths { if !hasFile(*includes, includePath) { f, err := readFile(includePath, opts) if err != nil { return err } *includes = append(*includes, f) if err := findIncludes(, opts, includes, f); err != nil { return err } } } return nil } // findIncludePaths finds and returns include paths. func findIncludePaths(data []byte, opts *Options, f *File) ([]string, error) { var includePaths []string for i, str := range strings.Split(formatLF(string(data)), lf) { ln := newLine(i+1, str, opts, f) if ln.isHelperMethodOf(helperMethodNameInclude) { if len(ln.tokens) < 3 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no template name is specified [file: %s][line: %d]", ln.fileName(), } includePaths = append(includePaths, ln.tokens[2]) } } return includePaths, nil } // formatLF replaces the line feed codes with LF and returns the result. func formatLF(s string) string { return strings.Replace(strings.Replace(s, crlf, lf, -1), cr, lf, -1) } // hasFile return if files has a file which has the path specified by the parameter. func hasFile(files []*File, path string) bool { for _, f := range files { if f.path == path { return true } } return false }