lumber ====== A simple logger for Go. Provides console and file loggers that support 6 log levels. The file logger supports log backup and rotation. ### Usage: ### Log to the default (console) logger ```go lumber.Error("An error message") ``` Create a new console logger that only logs messages of level WARN or higher ```go log := lumber.NewConsoleLogger(lumber.WARN) ``` Change the log level for a logger ```go log.Level(lumber.INFO) ``` Create a new file logger that rotates at 5000 lines (up to 9 backups) with a 100 message buffer ```go log := lumber.NewFileLogger("filename.log", lumber.INFO, lumber.ROTATE, 5000, 9, 100) // or log := lumber.NewRotateLogger("filename.log", 5000, 9) ``` Send messages to the log ```go // the log methods use fmt.Printf() syntax log.Trace("the %s log level", "lowest") log.Debug("") log.Info("the default log level") log.Warn("") log.Error("") log.Fatal("the %s log level", "highest") ``` Add a prefix to label different logs ```go log.Prefix("MYAPP") ``` Use a MultiLogger ```go mlog := NewMultiLogger() mlog.AddLoggers(log1, log2) mlog.Warn("This message goes to multiple loggers") mlog.Close() // closes all loggers ``` ### Modes: ### APPEND: Append if the file exists, otherwise create a new file TRUNC: Open and truncate the file, regardless of whether it already exists BACKUP: Rotate the log every time a new logger is created ROTATE: Append if the file exists, when the log reaches maxLines rotate files