name: Organizational Narrative acronym: ON satisfies: TSC: - CC1.2 - CC1.3 - CC1.4 - CC1.5 - CC3.1 - CC3.2 - CC3.3 majorRevisions: - date: Jun 1 2018 comment: Initial document --- # Organizational Narrative The following provides a description of the corporate a management structure of {{.Name}}. The intent of this description is to establish both the legal jurisdiction and corporate cultural norms that serve as the foundation for {{.Name}}'s compliance program. # Entity Type {{.Name}} is a Delaware C-Corporation headquartered in San Francisco, California. {{.Name}} was established in 1970. # Integrity and Ethics The Directors and Executives of {{.Name}} aspire to and demonstrate standards of ethics and integrity consistent with professional norms in American corporate environments. Chief among these standards is a commitment to honesty in interactions with and among managers, directors, employees, contractors, customers, and other stakeholders. # Board Independence The Board of Directors appoints and oversees the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). # Organizational Structure {{.Name}} is composed of 7 primary divisions: * Sales * Marketing * Manufacturing * Research & Development * Information Technology * Human Resources * Finance Each division is led by a Vice President, who in turn reports to the CEO. A complete Organization Chart is maintained and distributed by Human Resources. # Management Objectives Work is distributed to each division via Objectives set by the respective division Vice President, in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer. # Risk to Objectives {{.Name}} seeks to manage risk to Objectives through professional management strategies and tactics, including: * Rigorous hiring practices * Employee performance reviews * Aligning compensation with objectives * Regular communication of objectives by executive management # Fraud Risk to Objectives {{.Name}} acknowledges the possibility that fraud may imperil corporate objectives. {{.Name}} undertakes various activities to manage fraud risk, including: * Conducting regular financial audits * Adhering to financial control principles * Investigating suspicious transactions * Performing criminal background checks on all employees * Maximizing the use of information technology in fraud detection