mirror of https://github.com/strongdm/comply synced 2024-07-08 17:31:47 +00:00

Merge pull request #108 from camposer/fix/infinite-build

Fix infinite build, pandoc always pulling and building files with strikethrough
This commit is contained in:
Rodolfo Campos 2021-11-03 15:37:39 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9bcac77e52
No known key found for this signature in database
29 changed files with 2201 additions and 555 deletions

.env.example Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ dist
.envrc .envrc
bindata.go bindata.go
.idea/ .idea/

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM strongdm/pandoc:latest FROM strongdm/pandoc:edge
# based on implementation by James Gregory <james@jagregory.com> # based on implementation by James Gregory <james@jagregory.com>
MAINTAINER Comply <comply@strongdm.com> MAINTAINER Comply <comply@strongdm.com>

View File

@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ else
endif endif
docker: docker:
cd build && docker build -t strongdm/pandoc . cd build && docker build -t strongdm/pandoc:edge .
docker push strongdm/pandoc docker push strongdm/pandoc:edge
cleanse: cleanse:
git checkout --orphan newbranch git checkout --orphan newbranch

View File

@ -1,29 +1,10 @@
FROM haskell:latest FROM pandoc/ubuntu
# based on implementation by James Gregory <james@jagregory.com>
MAINTAINER Comply <comply@strongdm.com>
# install latex packages
RUN apt-get update -y \ RUN apt-get update -y \
&& apt-get install -y -o Acquire::Retries=10 --no-install-recommends \ && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Acquire::Retries=10 --no-install-recommends \
texlive-latex-base \ texlive-latex-base \
texlive-xetex \
texlive-fonts-recommended \
latex-xcolor \
texlive-latex-extra \ texlive-latex-extra \
fontconfig \ texlive-plain-generic \
unzip \
lmodern lmodern
# will ease up the update process
# updating this env variable will trigger the automatic build of the Docker image
# install pandoc
RUN cabal update && cabal install pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}
WORKDIR /source WORKDIR /source
ENTRYPOINT ["/root/.cabal/bin/pandoc"]
CMD ["--help"]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
package main package main
import "github.com/strongdm/comply/internal/cli" import (
func main() { func main() {
_, b, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
basepath := filepath.Dir(b)
godotenv.Load(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.env", basepath))
cli.Main() cli.Main()
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,95 @@
\documentclass[$if(fontsize)$$fontsize$,$endif$$if(lang)$$babel-lang$,$endif$$if(papersize)$$papersize$paper,$endif$$for(classoption)$$classoption$$sep$,$endfor$]{$documentclass$} % Options for packages loaded elsewhere
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% Prevent ligatures and adjust kerning, but still support hyphenating.
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%% End of ZWNJ support
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@ -125,12 +273,30 @@ $if(highlighting-macros)$
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% Make caption package work with longtable
% Correct order of tables after \paragraph or \subparagraph
% Allow footnotes in longtable head/foot
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$-- also used for underline
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@ -178,16 +341,65 @@ $else$
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@ -195,38 +407,60 @@ $if(dir)$
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View File

@ -53,5 +53,3 @@ a. *When an employee changes roles within the organization:*
a. *Review of accounts and permissions:* a. *Review of accounts and permissions:*
i. Each month, IT and HR will review accounts and permission levels for accuracy. i. Each month, IT and HR will review accounts and permission levels for accuracy.

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ require (
github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp v0.5.2 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp v0.5.2 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/go-retryablehttp v0.7.0 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/go-retryablehttp v0.7.0 // indirect
github.com/jcelliott/lumber v0.0.0-20160324203708-dd349441af25 // indirect github.com/jcelliott/lumber v0.0.0-20160324203708-dd349441af25 // indirect
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.4.0
github.com/juju/ansiterm v0.0.0-20210929141451-8b71cc96ebdc // indirect github.com/juju/ansiterm v0.0.0-20210929141451-8b71cc96ebdc // indirect
github.com/kevinburke/rest v0.0.0-20210506044642-5611499aa33c // indirect github.com/kevinburke/rest v0.0.0-20210506044642-5611499aa33c // indirect
github.com/manifoldco/promptui v0.8.0 github.com/manifoldco/promptui v0.8.0

View File

@ -598,6 +598,8 @@ github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.3.0/go.mod h1:9QtRXoHjLGCJ5IBSaohpXITPlowMeeY
github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.4.0/go.mod h1:T8mJZnbsbmF+m6zOOFylbeCJqk5+pHWvzYPziyZiYoo= github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.4.0/go.mod h1:T8mJZnbsbmF+m6zOOFylbeCJqk5+pHWvzYPziyZiYoo=
github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath/internal/testify v1.5.1/go.mod h1:L3OGu8Wl2/fWfCI6z80xFu9LTZmf1ZRjMHUOPmWr69U= github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath/internal/testify v1.5.1/go.mod h1:L3OGu8Wl2/fWfCI6z80xFu9LTZmf1ZRjMHUOPmWr69U=
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0/go.mod h1:7hK45KPybAkOC6peb+G5yklZfMxEjkZhHbwpqxOKXbg= github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0/go.mod h1:7hK45KPybAkOC6peb+G5yklZfMxEjkZhHbwpqxOKXbg=
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.4.0 h1:3l4+N6zfMWnkbPEXKng2o2/MR5mSwTrBih4ZEkkz1lg=
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.4.0/go.mod h1:f4LDr5Voq0i2e/R5DDNOoa2zzDfwtkZa6DnEwAbqwq4=
github.com/jonboulle/clockwork v0.1.0/go.mod h1:Ii8DK3G1RaLaWxj9trq07+26W01tbo22gdxWY5EU2bo= github.com/jonboulle/clockwork v0.1.0/go.mod h1:Ii8DK3G1RaLaWxj9trq07+26W01tbo22gdxWY5EU2bo=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.6/go.mod h1:+SdeFBvtyEkXs7REEP0seUULqWtbJapLOCVDaaPEHmU= github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.6/go.mod h1:+SdeFBvtyEkXs7REEP0seUULqWtbJapLOCVDaaPEHmU=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.7/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/uOdHXbAo4= github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.7/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/uOdHXbAo4=

View File

@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ func notifyVersion(c *cli.Context) error {
func pandocMustExist(c *cli.Context) error { func pandocMustExist(c *cli.Context) error {
eitherMustExistErr := fmt.Errorf("\n\nPlease install either Docker or the pandoc package and re-run `%s`. Find OS-specific pandoc installation instructions at: https://pandoc.org/installing.html", c.Command.Name) eitherMustExistErr := fmt.Errorf("\n\nPlease install either Docker or the pandoc package and re-run `%s`. Find OS-specific pandoc installation instructions at: https://pandoc.org/installing.html", c.Command.Name)
pandocExistErr, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex := pandocBinaryMustExist(c) pandocBinaryExistErr, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex := pandocBinaryMustExist(c)
dockerExistErr, inPath, isRunning := dockerMustExist(c) dockerExistErr, inPath, isRunning := dockerMustExist(c)
config.SetPandoc(pandocExistErr == nil, dockerExistErr == nil) config.SetPandoc(pandocBinaryExistErr == nil, dockerExistErr == nil)
check := func(b bool) string { check := func(b bool) string {
if b { if b {
return "✔" return "✔"
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ func pandocMustExist(c *cli.Context) error {
} }
if pandocExistErr != nil && dockerExistErr != nil { if pandocBinaryExistErr != nil && dockerExistErr != nil {
fmt.Printf(` fmt.Printf(`
[%s] pandoc binary installed and in PATH [%s] pandoc binary installed and in PATH
@ -165,14 +165,20 @@ func pandocMustExist(c *cli.Context) error {
} }
// if we don't have pandoc, but we do have docker, execute a pull // if we don't have pandoc, but we do have docker, execute a pull
if (pandocExistErr != nil && dockerExistErr == nil) || config.WhichPandoc() == config.UseDocker { if !pandocImageExists(context.Background()) && ((pandocBinaryExistErr != nil && dockerExistErr == nil) || config.WhichPandoc() == config.UseDocker) {
canPullPandoc := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(os.Getenv("COMPLY_USE_LOCAL_PANDOC"))) != "true"
if canPullPandoc {
fmt.Println("Pulling docker image")
dockerPull(c) dockerPull(c)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Local Pandoc not found. Please set COMPLY_USE_LOCAL_PANDOC to false")
} }
return nil return nil
} }
func pandocBinaryMustExist(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex bool) { var pandocBinaryMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex bool) {
cmd := exec.Command("pandoc", "-v") cmd := exec.Command("pandoc", "-v")
outputRaw, err := cmd.Output() outputRaw, err := cmd.Output()
@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ func pandocBinaryMustExist(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLate
return e, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex return e, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex
} }
func dockerMustExist(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath, isRunning bool) { var dockerMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath, isRunning bool) {
dockerErr := fmt.Errorf("Docker must be available in order to run `%s`", c.Command.Name) dockerErr := fmt.Errorf("Docker must be available in order to run `%s`", c.Command.Name)
inPath = true inPath = true
@ -257,7 +263,26 @@ func dockerMustExist(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath, isRunning bool) {
return nil, inPath, isRunning return nil, inPath, isRunning
} }
func dockerPull(c *cli.Context) error { var pandocImageExists = func(ctx context.Context) bool {
cli, err := client.NewEnvClient()
if err != nil {
return false
options := types.ImageListOptions{All: true}
imageList, err := cli.ImageList(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
return false
for _, image := range imageList {
if len(image.RepoTags) > 0 && strings.Contains(image.RepoTags[0], "strongdm/pandoc:edge") {
return true
return false
var dockerPull = func(c *cli.Context) error {
dockerErr := fmt.Errorf("Docker must be available in order to run `%s`", c.Command.Name) dockerErr := fmt.Errorf("Docker must be available in order to run `%s`", c.Command.Name)
ctx := context.Background() ctx := context.Background()
@ -275,7 +300,7 @@ func dockerPull(c *cli.Context) error {
select { select {
case <-longishPull: case <-longishPull:
fmt.Print("Pulling strongdm/pandoc:latest Docker image (this will take some time) ") fmt.Print("Pulling strongdm/pandoc:edge Docker image (this will take some time) ")
go func() { go func() {
for { for {
@ -294,7 +319,7 @@ func dockerPull(c *cli.Context) error {
} }
}() }()
r, err := cli.ImagePull(ctx, "strongdm/pandoc:latest", types.ImagePullOptions{}) r, err := cli.ImagePull(ctx, "strongdm/pandoc:edge", types.ImagePullOptions{})
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return dockerErr return dockerErr
} }
@ -327,7 +352,7 @@ func cleanContainers(c *cli.Context) error {
for _, c := range containers { for _, c := range containers {
// assume this container was leftover from previous aborted run // assume this container was leftover from previous aborted run
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Image, "strongdm/pandoc") { if strings.HasPrefix(c.Image, "strongdm/pandoc:edge") {
d := time.Second * 2 d := time.Second * 2
err = cli.ContainerStop(ctx, c.ID, &d) err = cli.ContainerStop(ctx, c.ID, &d)
if err != nil { if err != nil {

internal/cli/app_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
package cli
import (
type PandocMustExist struct{}
func TestPandocMustExist(t *testing.T) {
util.ExecuteTests(t, reflect.TypeOf(PandocMustExist{}), beforeEach, nil)
func beforeEach() {
func (tg PandocMustExist) WhenBinaryExists(t *testing.T) {
dockerPullCalled := false
pandocBinaryMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex bool) {
return nil, true, true, true
dockerMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath bool, isRunning bool) {
return errors.New("docker doesn't exist"), false, false
pandocImageExists = func(ctx context.Context) bool {
return false
dockerPull = func(c *cli.Context) error {
dockerPullCalled = true
return nil
if dockerPullCalled != false {
t.Fatal("Docker was pulled")
func (tg PandocMustExist) WhenImageExists(t *testing.T) {
dockerPullCalled := false
pandocBinaryMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex bool) {
return errors.New("binary doesn't exist"), false, true, true
dockerMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath bool, isRunning bool) {
return errors.New("docker doesn't exist"), false, false
pandocImageExists = func(ctx context.Context) bool {
return true
dockerPull = func(c *cli.Context) error {
dockerPullCalled = true
return nil
if dockerPullCalled != false {
t.Fatal("Docker was pulled")
func (tg PandocMustExist) WhenBinaryAndImageDontExists(t *testing.T) {
dockerPullCalled := false
pandocBinaryMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex bool) {
return errors.New("binary doesn't exist"), false, false, false
dockerMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath bool, isRunning bool) {
return nil, true, false
pandocImageExists = func(ctx context.Context) bool {
return false
dockerPull = func(c *cli.Context) error {
dockerPullCalled = true
return nil
if dockerPullCalled != true {
t.Fatal("Docker wasn't pulled")
func (tg PandocMustExist) WhenCannotPullPandoc(t *testing.T) {
dockerPullCalled := false
pandocBinaryMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex bool) {
return errors.New("binary doesn't exist"), false, false, false
dockerMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath bool, isRunning bool) {
return errors.New("docker doesn't exist"), false, false
pandocImageExists = func(ctx context.Context) bool {
return false
dockerPull = func(c *cli.Context) error {
dockerPullCalled = true
return nil
if dockerPullCalled != false {
t.Fatal("Docker was pulled")
func (tg PandocMustExist) WhenMustUseLocalPandoc(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv("COMPLY_USE_LOCAL_PANDOC", "true")
dockerPullCalled := false
pandocBinaryMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex bool) {
return errors.New("binary doesn't exist"), false, false, false
dockerMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath bool, isRunning bool) {
return errors.New("docker doesn't exist"), false, false
pandocImageExists = func(ctx context.Context) bool {
return true
dockerPull = func(c *cli.Context) error {
dockerPullCalled = true
return nil
if dockerPullCalled != false {
t.Fatal("Docker was pulled")
func (tg PandocMustExist) WhenPandocDontExistsAndCannotPull(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv("COMPLY_USE_LOCAL_PANDOC", "true")
dockerPullCalled := false
pandocBinaryMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, found, goodVersion, pdfLatex bool) {
return errors.New("binary doesn't exist"), false, false, false
dockerMustExist = func(c *cli.Context) (e error, inPath bool, isRunning bool) {
return nil, true, false
pandocImageExists = func(ctx context.Context) bool {
return false
dockerPull = func(c *cli.Context) error {
dockerPullCalled = true
return nil
if dockerPullCalled != false {
t.Fatal("Docker was pulled")

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ func loadMDMD(path string) (*metadataMarkdown, error) {
if err != nil { if err != nil {
panic(err) panic(err)
} }
content := string(bytes) content := string(bytes)
components := strings.Split(content, "---") components := strings.Split(content, "---")
if components[0] == "" && (len(components) > 1) { if components[0] == "" && (len(components) > 1) {

View File

@ -2,21 +2,27 @@ package model
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"os" "os"
"path/filepath" "reflect"
"testing" "testing"
"github.com/strongdm/comply/internal/path" "github.com/strongdm/comply/internal/path"
"gopkg.in/yaml.v2" "github.com/strongdm/comply/internal/util"
) )
type ReadFiles struct{}
func beforeEach() {
func TestReadFiles(t *testing.T) {
util.ExecuteTests(t, reflect.TypeOf(ReadFiles{}), beforeEach, nil)
// TestReadNarratives calls model.ReadNarratives checking for a valid return value. // TestReadNarratives calls model.ReadNarratives checking for a valid return value.
func TestReadNarratives(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadNarratives(t *testing.T) {
mockConfig() filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/narratives/control.md", util.GetRootPath())
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/narratives/control.md", getRootPath())
fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath) fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath)
path.Narratives = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Narratives = func() ([]path.File, error) {
return []path.File{ return []path.File{
@ -38,8 +44,7 @@ func TestReadNarratives(t *testing.T) {
// TestReadNarrativesWhenThereAreNoNarratives calls model.ReadNarratives checking for a valid return when // TestReadNarrativesWhenThereAreNoNarratives calls model.ReadNarratives checking for a valid return when
// there are no narratives to process // there are no narratives to process
func TestReadNarrativesWhenThereAreNoNarratives(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadNarrativesWhenThereAreNoNarratives(t *testing.T) {
path.Narratives = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Narratives = func() ([]path.File, error) {
return []path.File{}, nil return []path.File{}, nil
} }
@ -55,10 +60,9 @@ func TestReadNarrativesWhenThereAreNoNarratives(t *testing.T) {
// TestReadNarrativesFailsWhenInvalidNarrative calls model.ReadNarratives checking for an error return when // TestReadNarrativesFailsWhenInvalidNarrative calls model.ReadNarratives checking for an error return when
// there is an invalid narrative // there is an invalid narrative
func TestReadNarrativesFailsWhenInvalidNarrative(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadNarrativesFailsWhenInvalidNarrative(t *testing.T) {
path.Narratives = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Narratives = func() ([]path.File, error) {
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../fixtures/narratives/invalid-control.md", getRootPath()) filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../fixtures/narratives/invalid-control.md", util.GetRootPath())
fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath) fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath)
return []path.File{ return []path.File{
{FullPath: filePath, Info: fileInfo}, {FullPath: filePath, Info: fileInfo},
@ -72,9 +76,8 @@ func TestReadNarrativesFailsWhenInvalidNarrative(t *testing.T) {
} }
// TestReadProcedures calls model.ReadProcedures checking for a valid return value. // TestReadProcedures calls model.ReadProcedures checking for a valid return value.
func TestReadProcedures(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadProcedures(t *testing.T) {
mockConfig() filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/procedures/workstation.md", util.GetRootPath())
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/procedures/workstation.md", getRootPath())
fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath) fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath)
path.Procedures = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Procedures = func() ([]path.File, error) {
return []path.File{ return []path.File{
@ -96,8 +99,7 @@ func TestReadProcedures(t *testing.T) {
// TestReadProceduresWhenThereAreNoProcedures calls model.ReadProcedures checking for a valid return when // TestReadProceduresWhenThereAreNoProcedures calls model.ReadProcedures checking for a valid return when
// there are no procedures to process // there are no procedures to process
func TestReadProceduresWhenThereAreNoProcedures(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadProceduresWhenThereAreNoProcedures(t *testing.T) {
path.Procedures = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Procedures = func() ([]path.File, error) {
return []path.File{}, nil return []path.File{}, nil
} }
@ -113,10 +115,9 @@ func TestReadProceduresWhenThereAreNoProcedures(t *testing.T) {
// TestReadProceduresFailsWhenInvalidProcedure calls model.ReadProcedures checking for an error return when // TestReadProceduresFailsWhenInvalidProcedure calls model.ReadProcedures checking for an error return when
// there is an invalid procedure // there is an invalid procedure
func TestReadProceduresFailsWhenInvalidProcedure(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadProceduresFailsWhenInvalidProcedure(t *testing.T) {
path.Procedures = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Procedures = func() ([]path.File, error) {
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../fixtures/procedures/invalid-workstation.md", getRootPath()) filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../fixtures/procedures/invalid-workstation.md", util.GetRootPath())
fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath) fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath)
return []path.File{ return []path.File{
{FullPath: filePath, Info: fileInfo}, {FullPath: filePath, Info: fileInfo},
@ -130,9 +131,8 @@ func TestReadProceduresFailsWhenInvalidProcedure(t *testing.T) {
} }
// TestReadPolicies calls model.ReadPolicies checking for a valid return value. // TestReadPolicies calls model.ReadPolicies checking for a valid return value.
func TestReadPolicies(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadPolicies(t *testing.T) {
mockConfig() filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/policies/access.md", util.GetRootPath())
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/policies/access.md", getRootPath())
fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath) fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath)
path.Policies = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Policies = func() ([]path.File, error) {
return []path.File{ return []path.File{
@ -154,8 +154,7 @@ func TestReadPolicies(t *testing.T) {
// TestReadPoliciesWhenThereAreNoPolicies calls model.ReadPolicies checking for a valid return when // TestReadPoliciesWhenThereAreNoPolicies calls model.ReadPolicies checking for a valid return when
// there are no policies to process // there are no policies to process
func TestReadPoliciesWhenThereAreNoPolicies(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadPoliciesWhenThereAreNoPolicies(t *testing.T) {
path.Policies = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Policies = func() ([]path.File, error) {
return []path.File{}, nil return []path.File{}, nil
} }
@ -171,10 +170,9 @@ func TestReadPoliciesWhenThereAreNoPolicies(t *testing.T) {
// TestReadPoliciesFailsWhenInvalidPolicy calls model.ReadPolicies checking for an error return when // TestReadPoliciesFailsWhenInvalidPolicy calls model.ReadPolicies checking for an error return when
// there is an invalid policy // there is an invalid policy
func TestReadPoliciesFailsWhenInvalidPolicy(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadPoliciesFailsWhenInvalidPolicy(t *testing.T) {
path.Policies = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Policies = func() ([]path.File, error) {
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../fixtures/policies/invalid-access.md", getRootPath()) filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../fixtures/policies/invalid-access.md", util.GetRootPath())
fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath) fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath)
return []path.File{ return []path.File{
{FullPath: filePath, Info: fileInfo}, {FullPath: filePath, Info: fileInfo},
@ -188,9 +186,8 @@ func TestReadPoliciesFailsWhenInvalidPolicy(t *testing.T) {
} }
// TestReadStandards calls model.ReadStandards checking for a valid return value. // TestReadStandards calls model.ReadStandards checking for a valid return value.
func TestReadStandards(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadStandards(t *testing.T) {
mockConfig() filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/standards/TSC-2017.yml", util.GetRootPath())
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/standards/TSC-2017.yml", getRootPath())
fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath) fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath)
path.Standards = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Standards = func() ([]path.File, error) {
return []path.File{ return []path.File{
@ -209,8 +206,7 @@ func TestReadStandards(t *testing.T) {
// TestReadStandardsWhenThereAreNoStandards calls model.ReadStandards checking for a valid return when // TestReadStandardsWhenThereAreNoStandards calls model.ReadStandards checking for a valid return when
// there are no standards to process // there are no standards to process
func TestReadStandardsWhenThereAreNoStandards(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadStandardsWhenThereAreNoStandards(t *testing.T) {
path.Standards = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Standards = func() ([]path.File, error) {
return []path.File{}, nil return []path.File{}, nil
} }
@ -226,10 +222,9 @@ func TestReadStandardsWhenThereAreNoStandards(t *testing.T) {
// TestReadStandardsFailsWhenInvalidStandard calls model.ReadStandards checking for an error return when // TestReadStandardsFailsWhenInvalidStandard calls model.ReadStandards checking for an error return when
// there is an invalid standard // there is an invalid standard
func TestReadStandardsFailsWhenInvalidStandard(t *testing.T) { func (tg ReadFiles) TestReadStandardsFailsWhenInvalidStandard(t *testing.T) {
path.Standards = func() ([]path.File, error) { path.Standards = func() ([]path.File, error) {
filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../fixtures/standards/invalid-standard.yml", getRootPath()) filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../fixtures/standards/invalid-standard.yml", util.GetRootPath())
fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath) fileInfo, _ := os.Lstat(filePath)
return []path.File{ return []path.File{
{FullPath: filePath, Info: fileInfo}, {FullPath: filePath, Info: fileInfo},
@ -241,18 +236,3 @@ func TestReadStandardsFailsWhenInvalidStandard(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal(`ReadStandards() was expected to fail`, err) t.Fatal(`ReadStandards() was expected to fail`, err)
} }
} }
func mockConfig() {
config.Config = func() *config.Project {
p := config.Project{}
cfgBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(getRootPath(), "comply.yml.example"))
yaml.Unmarshal(cfgBytes, &p)
return &p
func getRootPath() string {
_, fileName, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
fileDir := filepath.Dir(fileName)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/../../example", fileDir)

View File

@ -29,11 +29,8 @@ func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
}, },
}, },
} }
m, _ := json.Marshal(d) m, _ := json.Marshal(d)
encoded := string(m) encoded := string(m)
if !strings.Contains(encoded, "t1") || if !strings.Contains(encoded, "t1") ||
!strings.Contains(encoded, "a1") || !strings.Contains(encoded, "a1") ||
!strings.Contains(encoded, "pro1") || !strings.Contains(encoded, "pro1") ||

View File

@ -135,9 +135,12 @@ func preprocessDoc(data *renderData, pol *model.Document, fullPath string) error
%% %s %% %s
--- ---
header-includes: yes header-includes: |
head-content: "%s" \usepackage{fancyhdr}
foot-content: "%s confidential %d" \pagestyle{fancy}
\fancyfoot[LO,LE]{%s confidential %d}
--- ---
%s %s

View File

@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ var pandocArgs = []string{"-f", "markdown+smart", "--toc", "-N", "--template", "
func pandoc(outputFilename string, errOutputCh chan error) { func pandoc(outputFilename string, errOutputCh chan error) {
if config.WhichPandoc() == config.UsePandoc { if config.WhichPandoc() == config.UsePandoc {
err := pandocPandoc(outputFilename) pandocPandoc(outputFilename, errOutputCh)
if err != nil {
errOutputCh <- err
} else { } else {
dockerPandoc(outputFilename, errOutputCh) dockerPandoc(outputFilename, errOutputCh)
} }
@ -47,7 +44,7 @@ func dockerPandoc(outputFilename string, errOutputCh chan error) {
} }
resp, err := cli.ContainerCreate(ctx, &container.Config{ resp, err := cli.ContainerCreate(ctx, &container.Config{
Image: "strongdm/pandoc", Image: "strongdm/pandoc:edge",
Cmd: pandocCmd}, Cmd: pandocCmd},
hc, nil, nil, "") hc, nil, nil, "")
@ -64,9 +61,11 @@ func dockerPandoc(outputFilename string, errOutputCh chan error) {
errOutputCh <- errors.Wrap(err, "unable to remove container") errOutputCh <- errors.Wrap(err, "unable to remove container")
return return
} }
errOutputCh <- nil
}() }()
if err := cli.ContainerStart(ctx, resp.ID, types.ContainerStartOptions{}); err != nil { err = cli.ContainerStart(ctx, resp.ID, types.ContainerStartOptions{})
if err != nil {
errOutputCh <- errors.Wrap(err, "unable to start Docker container") errOutputCh <- errors.Wrap(err, "unable to start Docker container")
return return
} }
@ -93,12 +92,14 @@ func dockerPandoc(outputFilename string, errOutputCh chan error) {
} }
// 🐼 // 🐼
func pandocPandoc(outputFilename string) error { func pandocPandoc(outputFilename string, errOutputCh chan error) error {
cmd := exec.Command("pandoc", append(pandocArgs, fmt.Sprintf("output/%s", outputFilename), fmt.Sprintf("output/%s.md", outputFilename))...) cmd := exec.Command("pandoc", append(pandocArgs, fmt.Sprintf("output/%s", outputFilename), fmt.Sprintf("output/%s.md", outputFilename))...)
outputRaw, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() outputRaw, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
fmt.Println(string(outputRaw)) fmt.Println(string(outputRaw))
return errors.Wrap(err, "error calling pandoc") errOutputCh <- errors.Wrap(err, "error calling pandoc")
} else {
errOutputCh <- nil
} }
return nil return nil
} }

View File

@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ func pdf(output string, live bool, errCh chan error, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
} }
for _, policy := range policies { for _, policy := range policies {
renderToFilesystem(&pdfWG, errOutputCh, data, policy, live) renderToFilesystem(&pdfWG, errOutputCh, data, policy, live)
err = <-errOutputCh
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
} }
narratives, err := model.ReadNarratives() narratives, err := model.ReadNarratives()
@ -36,6 +42,12 @@ func pdf(output string, live bool, errCh chan error, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
for _, narrative := range narratives { for _, narrative := range narratives {
renderToFilesystem(&pdfWG, errOutputCh, data, narrative, live) renderToFilesystem(&pdfWG, errOutputCh, data, narrative, live)
err = <-errOutputCh
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
} }
pdfWG.Wait() pdfWG.Wait()

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package util
import (
type TestFixture func()
func ExecuteTests(t *testing.T, testGroupType reflect.Type, beforeEach TestFixture, afterEach TestFixture) {
testGroup := reflect.New(testGroupType).Elem().Interface()
for i := 0; i < testGroupType.NumMethod(); i++ {
m := testGroupType.Method(i)
t.Run(m.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
if beforeEach != nil {
in := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(testGroup), reflect.ValueOf(t)}
if afterEach != nil {
func MockConfig() {
config.Config = func() *config.Project {
p := config.Project{}
cfgBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(GetRootPath(), "comply.yml.example"))
err := yaml.Unmarshal(cfgBytes, &p)
if err != nil {
return nil
return &p
func GetRootPath() string {
_, fileName, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
fileDir := filepath.Dir(fileName)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/../../example", fileDir)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,95 @@
\documentclass[$if(fontsize)$$fontsize$,$endif$$if(lang)$$babel-lang$,$endif$$if(papersize)$$papersize$paper,$endif$$for(classoption)$$classoption$$sep$,$endfor$]{$documentclass$} % Options for packages loaded elsewhere
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@ -9,30 +97,24 @@ $else$
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@ -40,31 +122,104 @@ $if(sansfont)$
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%% Support for zero-width non-joiner characters.
% Prevent ligatures and adjust kerning, but still support hyphenating.
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%% End of ZWNJ support
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@ -125,12 +273,30 @@ $if(highlighting-macros)$
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% Make caption package work with longtable
% Correct order of tables after \paragraph or \subparagraph
% Allow footnotes in longtable head/foot
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$-- also used for underline
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@ -178,16 +341,65 @@ $else$
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{% don't indent paragraphs
% turn on hanging indent if param 1 is 1
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% set entry spacing
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% Load polyglossia as late as possible: uses bidi with RTL langages (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic)
% get rid of language-specific shorthands (see #6817):
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% Load bidi as late as possible as it modifies e.g. graphicx
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@ -195,38 +407,60 @@ $if(dir)$
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@ -234,43 +468,79 @@ $if(abstract)$
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View File

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% use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments $if(zero-width-non-joiner)$
%% Support for zero-width non-joiner characters.
% Prevent ligatures and adjust kerning, but still support hyphenating.
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%% End of ZWNJ support
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@ -125,12 +273,30 @@ $if(highlighting-macros)$
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% Fix footnotes in tables (requires footnote package) $if(multirow)$
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% Make caption package work with longtable
% Correct order of tables after \paragraph or \subparagraph
% Allow footnotes in longtable head/foot
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$-- also used for underline
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@ -178,16 +341,65 @@ $else$
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{% don't indent paragraphs
% turn on hanging indent if param 1 is 1
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% set entry spacing
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% Load polyglossia as late as possible: uses bidi with RTL langages (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic)
% get rid of language-specific shorthands (see #6817):
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% Load bidi as late as possible as it modifies e.g. graphicx
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Copyright (c) 2013 John Barton
MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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# GoDotEnv ![CI](https://github.com/joho/godotenv/workflows/CI/badge.svg) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/joho/godotenv)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/joho/godotenv)
A Go (golang) port of the Ruby dotenv project (which loads env vars from a .env file)
From the original Library:
> Storing configuration in the environment is one of the tenets of a twelve-factor app. Anything that is likely to change between deployment environmentssuch as resource handles for databases or credentials for external servicesshould be extracted from the code into environment variables.
> But it is not always practical to set environment variables on development machines or continuous integration servers where multiple projects are run. Dotenv load variables from a .env file into ENV when the environment is bootstrapped.
It can be used as a library (for loading in env for your own daemons etc) or as a bin command.
There is test coverage and CI for both linuxish and windows environments, but I make no guarantees about the bin version working on windows.
## Installation
As a library
go get github.com/joho/godotenv
or if you want to use it as a bin command
go get github.com/joho/godotenv/cmd/godotenv
## Usage
Add your application configuration to your `.env` file in the root of your project:
Then in your Go app you can do something like
package main
import (
func main() {
err := godotenv.Load()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")
s3Bucket := os.Getenv("S3_BUCKET")
secretKey := os.Getenv("SECRET_KEY")
// now do something with s3 or whatever
If you're even lazier than that, you can just take advantage of the autoload package which will read in `.env` on import
import _ "github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload"
While `.env` in the project root is the default, you don't have to be constrained, both examples below are 100% legit
_ = godotenv.Load("somerandomfile")
_ = godotenv.Load("filenumberone.env", "filenumbertwo.env")
If you want to be really fancy with your env file you can do comments and exports (below is a valid env file)
# I am a comment and that is OK
FOO=BAR # comments at line end are OK too
export BAR=BAZ
Or finally you can do YAML(ish) style
FOO: bar
BAR: baz
as a final aside, if you don't want godotenv munging your env you can just get a map back instead
var myEnv map[string]string
myEnv, err := godotenv.Read()
s3Bucket := myEnv["S3_BUCKET"]
... or from an `io.Reader` instead of a local file
reader := getRemoteFile()
myEnv, err := godotenv.Parse(reader)
... or from a `string` if you so desire
content := getRemoteFileContent()
myEnv, err := godotenv.Unmarshal(content)
### Precedence & Conventions
Existing envs take precedence of envs that are loaded later.
The [convention](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv#what-other-env-files-can-i-use)
for managing multiple environments (i.e. development, test, production)
is to create an env named `{YOURAPP}_ENV` and load envs in this order:
env := os.Getenv("FOO_ENV")
if "" == env {
env = "development"
godotenv.Load(".env." + env + ".local")
if "test" != env {
godotenv.Load(".env." + env)
godotenv.Load() // The Original .env
If you need to, you can also use `godotenv.Overload()` to defy this convention
and overwrite existing envs instead of only supplanting them. Use with caution.
### Command Mode
Assuming you've installed the command as above and you've got `$GOPATH/bin` in your `$PATH`
godotenv -f /some/path/to/.env some_command with some args
If you don't specify `-f` it will fall back on the default of loading `.env` in `PWD`
### Writing Env Files
Godotenv can also write a map representing the environment to a correctly-formatted and escaped file
env, err := godotenv.Unmarshal("KEY=value")
err := godotenv.Write(env, "./.env")
... or to a string
env, err := godotenv.Unmarshal("KEY=value")
content, err := godotenv.Marshal(env)
## Contributing
Contributions are most welcome! The parser itself is pretty stupidly naive and I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks with edge cases.
*code changes without tests will not be accepted*
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request
## Releases
Releases should follow [Semver](http://semver.org/) though the first couple of releases are `v1` and `v1.1`.
Use [annotated tags for all releases](https://github.com/joho/godotenv/issues/30). Example `git tag -a v1.2.1`
## CI
Linux: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/joho/godotenv.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/joho/godotenv) Windows: [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/9v40vnfvvgde64u4)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/joho/godotenv)
## Who?
The original library [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv) was written by [Brandon Keepers](http://opensoul.org/), and this port was done by [John Barton](https://johnbarton.co/) based off the tests/fixtures in the original library.

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// Package godotenv is a go port of the ruby dotenv library (https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv)
// Examples/readme can be found on the github page at https://github.com/joho/godotenv
// The TL;DR is that you make a .env file that looks something like
// SOME_ENV_VAR=somevalue
// and then in your go code you can call
// godotenv.Load()
// and all the env vars declared in .env will be available through os.Getenv("SOME_ENV_VAR")
package godotenv
import (
const doubleQuoteSpecialChars = "\\\n\r\"!$`"
// Load will read your env file(s) and load them into ENV for this process.
// Call this function as close as possible to the start of your program (ideally in main)
// If you call Load without any args it will default to loading .env in the current path
// You can otherwise tell it which files to load (there can be more than one) like
// godotenv.Load("fileone", "filetwo")
// It's important to note that it WILL NOT OVERRIDE an env variable that already exists - consider the .env file to set dev vars or sensible defaults
func Load(filenames ...string) (err error) {
filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames)
for _, filename := range filenames {
err = loadFile(filename, false)
if err != nil {
return // return early on a spazout
// Overload will read your env file(s) and load them into ENV for this process.
// Call this function as close as possible to the start of your program (ideally in main)
// If you call Overload without any args it will default to loading .env in the current path
// You can otherwise tell it which files to load (there can be more than one) like
// godotenv.Overload("fileone", "filetwo")
// It's important to note this WILL OVERRIDE an env variable that already exists - consider the .env file to forcefilly set all vars.
func Overload(filenames ...string) (err error) {
filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames)
for _, filename := range filenames {
err = loadFile(filename, true)
if err != nil {
return // return early on a spazout
// Read all env (with same file loading semantics as Load) but return values as
// a map rather than automatically writing values into env
func Read(filenames ...string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) {
filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames)
envMap = make(map[string]string)
for _, filename := range filenames {
individualEnvMap, individualErr := readFile(filename)
if individualErr != nil {
err = individualErr
return // return early on a spazout
for key, value := range individualEnvMap {
envMap[key] = value
// Parse reads an env file from io.Reader, returning a map of keys and values.
func Parse(r io.Reader) (envMap map[string]string, err error) {
envMap = make(map[string]string)
var lines []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for scanner.Scan() {
lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())
if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil {
for _, fullLine := range lines {
if !isIgnoredLine(fullLine) {
var key, value string
key, value, err = parseLine(fullLine, envMap)
if err != nil {
envMap[key] = value
//Unmarshal reads an env file from a string, returning a map of keys and values.
func Unmarshal(str string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) {
return Parse(strings.NewReader(str))
// Exec loads env vars from the specified filenames (empty map falls back to default)
// then executes the cmd specified.
// Simply hooks up os.Stdin/err/out to the command and calls Run()
// If you want more fine grained control over your command it's recommended
// that you use `Load()` or `Read()` and the `os/exec` package yourself.
func Exec(filenames []string, cmd string, cmdArgs []string) error {
command := exec.Command(cmd, cmdArgs...)
command.Stdin = os.Stdin
command.Stdout = os.Stdout
command.Stderr = os.Stderr
return command.Run()
// Write serializes the given environment and writes it to a file
func Write(envMap map[string]string, filename string) error {
content, err := Marshal(envMap)
if err != nil {
return err
file, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
_, err = file.WriteString(content + "\n")
if err != nil {
return err
return err
// Marshal outputs the given environment as a dotenv-formatted environment file.
// Each line is in the format: KEY="VALUE" where VALUE is backslash-escaped.
func Marshal(envMap map[string]string) (string, error) {
lines := make([]string, 0, len(envMap))
for k, v := range envMap {
if d, err := strconv.Atoi(v); err == nil {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf(`%s=%d`, k, d))
} else {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf(`%s="%s"`, k, doubleQuoteEscape(v)))
return strings.Join(lines, "\n"), nil
func filenamesOrDefault(filenames []string) []string {
if len(filenames) == 0 {
return []string{".env"}
return filenames
func loadFile(filename string, overload bool) error {
envMap, err := readFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
currentEnv := map[string]bool{}
rawEnv := os.Environ()
for _, rawEnvLine := range rawEnv {
key := strings.Split(rawEnvLine, "=")[0]
currentEnv[key] = true
for key, value := range envMap {
if !currentEnv[key] || overload {
os.Setenv(key, value)
return nil
func readFile(filename string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) {
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
return Parse(file)
var exportRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*(?:export\s+)?(.*?)\s*$`)
func parseLine(line string, envMap map[string]string) (key string, value string, err error) {
if len(line) == 0 {
err = errors.New("zero length string")
// ditch the comments (but keep quoted hashes)
if strings.Contains(line, "#") {
segmentsBetweenHashes := strings.Split(line, "#")
quotesAreOpen := false
var segmentsToKeep []string
for _, segment := range segmentsBetweenHashes {
if strings.Count(segment, "\"") == 1 || strings.Count(segment, "'") == 1 {
if quotesAreOpen {
quotesAreOpen = false
segmentsToKeep = append(segmentsToKeep, segment)
} else {
quotesAreOpen = true
if len(segmentsToKeep) == 0 || quotesAreOpen {
segmentsToKeep = append(segmentsToKeep, segment)
line = strings.Join(segmentsToKeep, "#")
firstEquals := strings.Index(line, "=")
firstColon := strings.Index(line, ":")
splitString := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2)
if firstColon != -1 && (firstColon < firstEquals || firstEquals == -1) {
//this is a yaml-style line
splitString = strings.SplitN(line, ":", 2)
if len(splitString) != 2 {
err = errors.New("Can't separate key from value")
// Parse the key
key = splitString[0]
if strings.HasPrefix(key, "export") {
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, "export")
key = strings.TrimSpace(key)
key = exportRegex.ReplaceAllString(splitString[0], "$1")
// Parse the value
value = parseValue(splitString[1], envMap)
var (
singleQuotesRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\A'(.*)'\z`)
doubleQuotesRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\A"(.*)"\z`)
escapeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\\.`)
unescapeCharsRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\\([^$])`)
func parseValue(value string, envMap map[string]string) string {
// trim
value = strings.Trim(value, " ")
// check if we've got quoted values or possible escapes
if len(value) > 1 {
singleQuotes := singleQuotesRegex.FindStringSubmatch(value)
doubleQuotes := doubleQuotesRegex.FindStringSubmatch(value)
if singleQuotes != nil || doubleQuotes != nil {
// pull the quotes off the edges
value = value[1 : len(value)-1]
if doubleQuotes != nil {
// expand newlines
value = escapeRegex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(value, func(match string) string {
c := strings.TrimPrefix(match, `\`)
switch c {
case "n":
return "\n"
case "r":
return "\r"
return match
// unescape characters
value = unescapeCharsRegex.ReplaceAllString(value, "$1")
if singleQuotes == nil {
value = expandVariables(value, envMap)
return value
var expandVarRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(\\)?(\$)(\()?\{?([A-Z0-9_]+)?\}?`)
func expandVariables(v string, m map[string]string) string {
return expandVarRegex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(v, func(s string) string {
submatch := expandVarRegex.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if submatch == nil {
return s
if submatch[1] == "\\" || submatch[2] == "(" {
return submatch[0][1:]
} else if submatch[4] != "" {
return m[submatch[4]]
return s
func isIgnoredLine(line string) bool {
trimmedLine := strings.TrimSpace(line)
return len(trimmedLine) == 0 || strings.HasPrefix(trimmedLine, "#")
func doubleQuoteEscape(line string) string {
for _, c := range doubleQuoteSpecialChars {
toReplace := "\\" + string(c)
if c == '\n' {
toReplace = `\n`
if c == '\r' {
toReplace = `\r`
line = strings.Replace(line, string(c), toReplace, -1)
return line

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"extends": [

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## explicit; go 1.12
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