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2019-07-14 16:51:10 +00:00
package goptions
import (
// HelpFunc is the signature of a function responsible for printing the help.
type HelpFunc func(w io.Writer, fs *FlagSet)
// Generates a new HelpFunc taking a `text/template.Template`-formatted
// string as an argument. The resulting template will be executed with the FlagSet
// as its data.
func NewTemplatedHelpFunc(tpl string) HelpFunc {
var once sync.Once
var t *template.Template
return func(w io.Writer, fs *FlagSet) {
once.Do(func() {
t = template.Must(template.New("helpTemplate").Parse(tpl))
err := t.Execute(w, fs)
if err != nil {
const (
_DEFAULT_HELP = "\xffUsage: {{.Name}} [global options] {{with .Verbs}}<verb> [verb options]{{end}}\n" +
"\n" +
"Global options:\xff" +
"{{range .Flags}}" +
"\n\t" +
"\t{{with .Short}}" + "-{{.}}," + "{{end}}" +
"\t{{with .Long}}" + "--{{.}}" + "{{end}}" +
"\t{{.Description}}" +
"{{with .DefaultValue}}" +
" (default: {{.}})" +
"{{end}}" +
"{{if .Obligatory}}" +
" (*)" +
"{{end}}" +
"{{end}}" +
"\xff\n\n{{with .Verbs}}Verbs:\xff" +
"{{range .}}" +
"\xff\n {{.Name}}:\xff" +
"{{range .Flags}}" +
"\n\t" +
"\t{{with .Short}}" + "-{{.}}," + "{{end}}" +
"\t{{with .Long}}" + "--{{.}}" + "{{end}}" +
"\t{{.Description}}" +
"{{with .DefaultValue}}" +
" (default: {{.}})" +
"{{end}}" +
"{{if .Obligatory}}" +
" (*)" +
"{{end}}" +
"{{end}}" +
"{{end}}" +
"{{end}}" +
// DefaultHelpFunc is a HelpFunc which renders the default help template and pipes
// the output through a text/tabwriter.Writer before flushing it to the output.
func DefaultHelpFunc(w io.Writer, fs *FlagSet) {
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(w, 4, 4, 1, ' ', tabwriter.StripEscape|tabwriter.DiscardEmptyColumns)
NewTemplatedHelpFunc(_DEFAULT_HELP)(tw, fs)