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synced 2025-03-11 05:06:28 +00:00
Setting Up for Flutter Development
1. I Am Rich App
- Material Design
- Scaffold Documentation
- AppBar Documentation
- Material Design Colour System
- Image Widget Documentation
- Make Flowcharts with Draw.io
- Learn More About the Pubspec File
- Adding Assets
- Generating App Icons with AppIcon.co
2. I Am Poor App
3. MiCard App
- MiCard Stub Project
- Widgets Catalogue
- Container Documentation
- Column Documentation
- Row Documentation
- Tomek's Flutter Layout Cheat Sheet
- Download fancy fonts from fonts.google.com
- How to add fonts to the pubspec.yaml file
- The Icons Class
- Material Design Icons
- Icons on materialpalette.com
- Card Class Documentation
- The Padding Class
- The ListTile Class
- Flutter's Horizontal Rule - The Divider
4. Dicee App
- Dicee Stub Project
- Expanded Class
- Image Widget Documentation
- FlatButton Documentation
- Run code snippets on DartPad
- Dart Math Library
- Random Class
5. Magic 8 Ball Challenge
6. Xylophone App
- XyloPhone Stub Project
- Flutter Packages
- Guide to Using Flutter Packages
- Luan Nico's Audioplayers Package
- AudioCache Documentation
- DartPad Functions Exercise
7. Quizzler App
- Quizzler Stub Project
- List Gist for DartPad List Practice
- Dart List Language Tour
- RFlutter Alert Package
- Dart Constructors
- Quizzler Starting File for Challenge
8. Destini Challenge
9. BMI App
- BMI Stub Project
- Dribbble: Find Designers and Design inspiration
- Ruben Vaalt's beautiful BMI Calculator Design
- Using Themes
- The Flutter Cookbook
- ThemeData Class
- Find Color HEX codes easily with the Colorzilla plugin
- The Color Class
- How do HEX codes for with colours?
- The Key Class
- When to Use Keys - Flutter Widgets 101 Ep. 4
- Dart Language Tour: Final and Const
- Font Awesome Flutter Package
- The GestureDetector Class
- Slider Class
- FloatingActionButton Class
- ShapeBorder Class
- RawMaterialButton Class
- Navigating between Screens on Flutter
- LAB Navigation Demo
- Navigate with Named Routes
- Definition of the Body Mass Index (BMI)
10. Clima App
- Clima Stub Project
- Get the Location using the Geolocator Package
- Android X Compatilibity
- Starter Code Snippet for Async Await Demo
- Illustrating Lifecycles with the LAB Navigation Demo
- Location Refactoring Challenge Instructions
- OpenWeatherMap APIs
- Fetching Data from the Internet
- The Dart http package
- OpenWeatherMap Current Weather Documentation
- HTTP Package API Reference
- HTTP Response Class Documentation
- List of HTTP Status Codes
- Chrome Plugin for Formatting and Viewing JSON
- JSON Mate: Formatting and Viewing JSON without a plugin
- Loading Indicators from the Flutter Spinkit
- The State Class
- OpenWeatherMap Weather Conditions
- Create and Style a TextField
- The TextField Class
11. Am I Rich? (a.k.a. Bitcoin Ticker)
- Bitcoin Ticker Stub Project
- Flutter DropdownButton
- Dropdown Menu Design
- 99 Bottles of Beer Programming Language Collection
- DartPad For in Loop Mini Challenge
- Cupertino (iOS) Style Widgets
- CupertinoPicker Class Documentation
- Bitcoin Average API Docs on Ticker Data
- Bronze Challenge Start Code
- Silver Challenge Starter Code
- Gold Challenge Starter Code
12. Flash Chat
- Flash Chat Stub Project
- Dart Language Keywords
- Hero Animations
- Curves Class Documentation
- CurvedAnimation Class Documentation
- Tween Animation Class
- Dart Language Tour: Mixins
- Pre-packaged Animations: Flutter Sequence Animation
- Pre-packaged Animations: Rubber
- Pre-packaged Animations: Sprung
- Pre-packaged Animations: Animated Text Kit
- Refactoring Challenge Instructions
- Create your Firebase Account Here
- Firebase Core Package for Flutter
- Firebase Auth Package for Flutter
- Cloud Firestore Package for Flutter
- Troubleshooting Firebase & Flutter: Common Errors
- Showing a Spinner: The Modal Progress HUD
- Firebase Documentation
- Kitsune-kun visualising Dart Streams and Nagashi Sōmen
- StreamBuilder Class Documentation
Learn to Code While Building Apps - The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp